N017- Site Remediation World Market 1998 - 2002



                                                                                                                        Figure No.

Chapter I - Background and Summary

1997 World Remediation Market ($ millions) I-1
World Remediation Market Graph I-2
United States - Yearly % for Charcterization and Analysis I-3
United States - 1997 Remediation Overview I-4
United States - 1997 Charaterization and Analysis vs. Clean-Up ($ millions) I-5
United States - 1997 I-6
Other Americas - Yearly % for Characterization and Analysis I-7
Other Americas - 1997 Remediation Overview I-8
Other Americas - 1997 Characterization and Analysis vs. Clean-Up ($ millions) I-9
Other Americas - 1997 I-10
Europe - Yearly % for Characterization and Analysis I-11
Europe & Africa - 1997 Remediation Overview I-12
Europe & Africa - 1997 Characterization and Analysis vs. Clean-Up ($ millions) I-13
Europe - 1997 I-14
Asia - Yearly % for Characterization and Analysis I-15
Asia - 1997 Remediation Overview I-16
Asia -1997 Characterization and Analysis vs. Clean-Up ($ millions) I-17
Asia - 1997 I-18
Clean-Up Percentage Growth Rate I-19
United States Revenue Summary ($ millions) I-20
Other Americas Revenue Summary ($ millions) I-21
Europe & Africa Revenue Summary ($ millions) I-22
Asia Revenue Summary ($ millions) I-23
World Remediation Revenue Summary ($ millions) I-24
Soil Remediation Costs ($) I-25
Ground Water Remediation Costs ($) I-26
Total Site Remediation Systems by SIC Code I-27
Environmental Markets I-28
Separation-Extraction 600-699 I-29
Excavation & Removal 450-499 I-30
Components 800-899 I-31

Chapter II - World Overview

Source Control Technologies Selected for Superfund Sites Through Fiscal Year 1995 II-1
Groundwater Treatment Remedies at NPL Sites Through Fiscal Year 1995 II-2
Treatment Trains With Innovative Treatment Technologies Selected for Remedial Sites II-3
Applications of Innovative Treatment Technologies for Source Control at NPL Sites II-4
Representative Hazardous Chemicals by Contaminant Group II-5
Frequencies of Major Contaminant Subgroups at NPL Sites with RODs II-6
Frequencies of the Most Common Contaminants at NPL Sites with RODs II-7
Frequencies of Contaminated Matrices at NPL Sites with RODs II-8
Distribution of Quantities of Contaminated Soil, Sediment, and Sludge at NPL Sites with RODs II-9
Estimated Quantity of Contaminated Soil, Sediment, and Sludge for Major Contaminant Groups at Non-Federal NPL Sites with Planned Remedial Actions II-10
Frequencies of Contaminated Matrices at NPL Sites with RODs II-11
Frequencies of Major Contaminant Groups at NPL Sites with RODs II-12
Distribution of Total Quantities of Contaminated Soil, Sediment, and Sludge at Selected NPL Sites with RODs II-13
Major Processes for Managing Waste at RCRA Facilities II-14
Frequency of Most Common Contaminant Groups at a Sample of RCRA Corrective Action Sites II-15
Frequency of Contaminated Media at a Sample Corrective Action Sites II-16
Projected Extent of Baseline On-Site Groundwater Contamination at 2,600 RCRA Corrective Action Facilities II-17
Projected Extent of Baseline On-Site Soil Contamination at 2,600 RCRA Corrective Action Facilities II-18
Remedies Selected for Soil at 86 RCRA Corrective Action Facilities II-19
Number of Civilian Federal Facilities Potentially Requiring Cleanup II-20
Examples of Types of Contaminated Facilities at Civilian Federal Agencies II-21
Funding for Cleanup at Civilian Federal Agencies II-22
State Hazardous Waste Funds: 1993 and 1995 Expenditure/Obligations and Balances II-23
Number of Non-NPL State hazardous Waste Sites II-24
Remediation Technology Summary II-25
In Situ Technology Applications for Operable Units II-26
Ex Situ Technology Applications for Operable Units II-27
Estimated Remediation Cost by SIC Classification II-28
Estimated Remediation Costs for In Situ Technologies II-29
Estimated Remediation Costs for Ex Situ Technologies II-30
Ranked Remedial Technologies for Operable Units II-31
Comparison of International Drinking Water Quality Standards II-32
International Standard Soil Quality Comparison II-33
Estimated Non-Air Hazardous Waste Releases by Selected Industries in Mexico II-34
Estimated Top Five Non-Air Hazardous Waste Releases by Selected Industries in Mexico II-35
Comparison of Cleanup Standards and Guidelines - Groundwater (mg/L) II-36
Preferred Remedial Alternatives II-37
Cost Estimate - Apizaco (Site #3) II-38
Cost Estimate - Chihuahua-CHP (Site #8) II-39
Cost Estimate - Merida (Site #25) II-40
Cost Estimate - Saltillo (Site #40) II-41
Cost Estimate - Valle De Mexico (Site #52) II-42
Summary of Remedial Activity and Cost Estimate II-43
Typical Remediation Unit Costs Schedule II-44
Mogote Lagoon Reclamation Activities II-45
Mogote Lagoon Reclamation Activities II-46
Waste Disposal Project - Lagunillas Pits II-47
UVB Standard Circulation II-48
Biological-Physical In Situ Groundwater Remediation Using a Groundwater Circulation Well II-49
Coaxial Groundwater Circulation (CGC) II-50
Soil Air Circulation (BLK) II-51
Vadose Zone Capillary Fringe II-52
German UVB Closure Sites II-53
European BLK/CGC Sites, May 1996 II-54
Statistical Data for Environmental Equipment in Russia II-55
Revenues of Foreign-Owned Service Organizations (in U.S. $ millions) II-56
Revenues of Russian-Owned Service Organizations (in U.S. $ millions) II-57
Construction Cost Estimates, Csepel Industrial Zone II-58
Construction Cost Estimates for the Caves of Budafok II-59
Construction Cost Estimates for Galvanic Sludge Treatment II-60

Chapter III - World GDP Analyses

GDP Growth by Region III-1
1995 Population III-2
Growth Rates III-3
GDP - Percentage of the World III-4
GDP - Percentage of World by Country III-5
Population (millions) III-6
Population - Percentage of World III-7
GDP Percentage of the World - 2000 (500 mile increments from Singapore) III-8
GDP Percentage of the World - 2000 (500 mile increments from Hong Kong) III-9
GDP Percentage of the World - 2000 (500 mile increments from Japan) III-10
GDP Percentage of the World - 2000 (500 mile increments from Frankfurt) III-11
GDP Percentage of the World - 2000 (500 mile increments from San Jose) III-12

Chapter IV - Products, Services and Costs

Technology Comparison Matrix IV-1
A Combined Soil Vapor Extraction/Air Sparging System IV-2
Examples of Superfund Sites Uing Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE), Air Sparging (AS), or Dual Phase Extraction (DPE) IV-3
The Soil Washing Process IV-4
Examples of Superfund Sites Where Soil Washing Has Been Selected IV-5
The Solvent Extraction Process IV-6
Solvents Used in the Solvent Extraction Process IV-7
Examples of Superfund Sites Using Solvent Extraction IV-8
The Glycolate Dehalogenation Process IV-9
The Base-Catalyzed Decomposition Process IV-10
Examples of Superfund Sites Using Chemical Dehalogenation IV-11
The Thermal Desorption Process IV-12
Examples of Superfund Sites Using Thermal Desorption IV-13
The In Situ Soil Flushing Process (Using Vertical Wells) IV-14
Contaminants Considered for Treatment by In Situ Soil Flushing IV-15
Examples of Superfund Sites Using Soil Flushing IV-16
Examples of Superfund Sites Using Bioremediation Technologies IV-17
Uptake of Metals (Nickel) by Phytoextraction IV-18
Destruction of Organic Contaminants by Phytodegradation IV-19
Examples of Sites Testing Phytoremediation IV-20
Schematic Diagram of a Treatment Wall IV-21
Sorption, Precipitation, and Degradation Treatment Walls IV-22
Some Superfund Sites that Plan to Use Treatment Walls IV-23
Schematic Diagram of Aerobic Biodegration in Soil IV-24
Effect of Adaptive Pumping on Cleanup Time at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Superfund Site IV-25
The Pulsed Pumping Concept IV-26
Applicability of Treatment Technologies to Contaminated Ground Water (U.S. EPA, 1991) IV-27
Overall Process Schematic IV-28
Commercial Suppliers of Immunoassay Kits and Biosensors IV-29
VOCs in Air at 10ppb IV-30
Linear Analyte Response Using Carboxen/PDMS Fiber IV-31
Correlation Coefficients for VOCs IV-32
The Head Space Measurement Sample with Water and Carbon Dioxide Peaks Subtracted IV-33
The Reference Spectrum for Benzene IV-34
The Reference Spectrum for t-xylene IV-35
Estimated Cost of Gore-Sorber Screening Survey IV-36
Comparison of Costs to Implement at McClellan AFB IV-37
Isolation Flux Chamber IV-38
Soil Gas Profiler IV-39
Example Emission Rate Calculations from Remediation Activities Added to Baseline/Background Emisson Rates IV-40
Example Critical Emission Rates at the Different Stability Classes Based on 1 g/sec and the FLAAQS (g/day) IV-41
Risks Covered by Respondents IV-42
Summary of Coverage for Risks IV-43

Chapter V - Market Shares

Remediation Market Shares - Sorted Alphabetically V-1
Remediation Market Shares - Sorted by Total Actual Remediation Amounts V-2
Remediation Market Shares - Sorted by U.S. Actual Remediation V-3
Remediation Market Shares - Sorted by Non-U.S. Actual Remediation Amounts V-4
Top 200 Environmental Firms V-5





                                                                                                                    Figure No.
Chapter VI - Petroleum

Age of Federally Regulated Tanks as of Spring 1991 VI-1
Contents of Active and Closed Tanks Under Federal Regulation VI-2
SIC Code 5541 - Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks VI-3
SIC Code 4613 - Petroleum Distribution VI-4
SIC Code 2900 - Petroleum Refining VI-5
SIC Code 5172 - Petroleum Miscellaneous VI-6
Ten Leading World Carmarkers in 1994 VI-7
Production of Passenger Cars and Trucks VI-8
Markets for Motor Vehicles, 1995 and 2000 VI-9
Crude Refinery Capacity (1995 Barrels/Day) VI-10
United States Petroleum Industry - SVE & Thermal VI-11
United States Petroleum Industry - Incineration VI-12
United States Petroleum Industry - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization VI-13
United States Petroleum Industry - Natural Attenuation VI-14
United States Petroleum Industry - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation VI-15
United States Petroleum Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon VI-16
United States Petroleum Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping VI-17
United States Petroleum Industry - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater VI-18
United States Petroleum Industry - Petroleum Industry - Groundwater Bioremediation VI-19
United States Petroleum Industry - Soil Summary VI-20
United States Petroleum Industry - Groundwater Summary VI-21
Other Americas Petroleum Industry - SVE & Thermal VI-22
Other Americas Petroleum Industry - Incineration VI-23
Other Americas Petroleum Industry - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization VI-24
Other Americas Petroleum Industry - Natural Attenuation VI-25
Other Americas Petroleum Industry - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation VI-26
Other Americas Petroleum Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon VI-27
Other Americas Petroleum Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping VI-28
Other Americas Petroleum Industry - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater VI-29
Other Americas Petroleum Industry - Groundwater Bioremediation VI-30
Other Americas Petroleum Industry - Soil Summary VI-31
Other Americas Petroleum Industry - Groundwater Summary VI-32
Europe & Africa Petroleum Industry - SVE & Thermal VI-33
Europe & Africa Petroleum Industry - Incineration VI-34
Europe & Africa Petroleum Industry - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization VI-35
Europe & Africa Petroleum Industry - Natural Attenuation VI-36
Europe & Africa Petroleum Industry - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation VI-37
Europe & Africa Petroleum Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon VI-38
Europe & Africa Petroleum Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping VI-39
Europe & Africa Petroleum Industry - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater VI-40
Europe & Africa Petroleum Industry - Groundwater Bioremediation VI-41
Europe & Africa Petroleum Industry - Soil Summary VI-42
Europe & Africa Petroleum Industry - Groundwater Summary VI-43
Asia Petroleum Industry - SVE & Thermal VI-44
Asia Petroleum Industry - Incineration VI-45
Asia Petroleum Industry - Containment, Solidification Stabilization VI-46
Asia Petroleum Industry - Natural Attenuation VI-47
Asia Petroleum Industry - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation VI-48
Asia Petroleum Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon VI-49
Asia Petroleum Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping VI-50
Asia Petroleum Industry - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater VI-51
Asia Petroleum Industry - Groundwater Bioremediation VI-52
Asia Petroleum Industry - Soil Summary VI-53
Asia Petroleum Industry - Groundwater Summary VI-54

Chapter VII - Department of Energy

Estimated ROD Completion Dates for CERCLA Operable Units at DOE Installations and Other Locations VII-1
DOE Installations and Other Locations Where Waste Characterization and Assessment Are Ongoing VII-2
Percent of DOE Installations and Other Locations Containing Specific Contaminants VII-3
Life Cycle Cost Profile for DOE's Environmental Restoration Program VII-4
Power (MW - installed capacity) VII-5
SIC Code 4911 - Nuclear Power VII-6
SIC Code 4953 - Radioactive Waste VII-7
United States Power Industry - Soil Washing VII-8
United States Power Industry - SVE & Thermal VII-9
United States Power Industry - Incineration VII-10
United States Power Industry - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization VII-11
United States Power Industry - Natural Attenuation VII-12
United States Power Industry - Bioremediation & Phytoremediatoin VII-13
United States Power Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon VII-14
United States Power Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping VII-15
United States Power Industry - Power Industry - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater VII-16
United States Power Industry - Groundwater Bioremediation VII-17
United States Power Industry - Soil Summary VII-18
United States Power Industry - Groundwater Summary VII-19
Other Americas Power Industry - Soil Washing VII-20
Other Americas Power Industry - SVE & Thermal VII-21
Other Americas Power Industry - Incineration VII-22
Other Americas Power Industry - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization VII-23
Other Americas Power Industry - Natural Attenuation VII-24
Other Americas Power Industry - Bioremediation & Phytoremediatoin VII-25
Other Americas Power Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon VII-26
Other Americas - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping VII-27
Other Americas Power Industry - Power Industry - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater VII-28
Other Americas Power Industry - Groundwater Bioremediation VII-29
Other Americas Power Industry - Soil Summary VII-30
Other Americas Power Industry - Groundwater Summary VII-31
Europe & Africa Power Industry - Soil Washing VII-32
Europe & Africa Power Industry - SVE & Thermal VII-33
Europe & Africa Power Industry - Incineration VII-34
Europe & Africa Power Industry - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization VII-35
Europe & Africa Power Industry - Natural Attenuation VII-36
Europe & Africa Power Industry - Bioremediation & Phytoremediatoin VII-37
Europe & Africa Power Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon VII-38
Europe & Africa Power Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping VII-39
Europe & Africa Power Industry - Power Industry - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater VII-40
Europe & Africa Power Industry - Groundwater Bioremediation VII-41
Europe & Africa Power Industry - Soil Summary VII-42
Europe & Africa Power Industry - Groundwater Summary VII-43
Asia Power Industry - Soil Washing VII-44
Asia Power Industry - SVE & Thermal VII-45
Asia Power Industry - Incineration VII-46
Asia Power Industry - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization VII-47
Asia Power Industry - Natural Attenuation VII-48
Asia Power Industry - Bioremediation & Phytoremediatoin VII-49
Asia Power Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon VII-50
Asia Power Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping VII-51
Asia Power Industry - Power Industry - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater VII-52
Asia Power Industry - Groundwater Bioremediation VII-53
Asia Power Industry - Soil Summary VII-54
Asia Power Industry - Groundwater Summary VII-55

Chapter VIII - Military

Number of DOD Sites and Installations Needing Cleanup VIII-1
Most Common Types of DOD Sites Needing Cleanup VIII-2
Frequency of Contaminated Matrices at DOD Sites Needing Cleanup VIII-3
Frequency of Contaminated Matrices by Site Type at DOD Sites Needing Cleanup VIII-4
Major Contaminant Groups by Matrix at DOD Sites Needing Cleanup VIII-5
Frequency of Major Contaminat Groups by Component at DOD Sites Needing Cleanup VIII-6
Cost versus Cleanup Time VIII-7
Cost versus Facility Size VIII-8
SIC Code 3483 - Ammunition Plants VIII-9
SIC Code 9711 - Chemical Warfare Plants VIII-10
United States Military - Soil Washing VIII-11
United States Military - SVE & Thermal VIII-12
United States Military - Incineration VIII-13
United States Military - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization VIII-14
United States Military - Natural Attenuation VIII-15
United States Military - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation VIII-16
United States Military - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon VIII-17
United States Military - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping VIII-18
United States Military - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater VIII-19
United States Military - Groundwater Bioremediation VIII-20
United States Military - Soil Summary VIII-21
United States Military - Groundwater Summary VIII-22
Other Americas Military - Soil Washing VIII-23
Other Americas Military - SVE & Thermal VIII-24
Other Americas Military - Incineration VIII-25
Other Americas Military - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization VIII-26
Other Americas Military - Natural Attenuaton VIII-27
Other Americas Military - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation VIII-28
Other Americas Military - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon VIII-29
Other Americas Military - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping VIII-30
Other Americas Military - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater VIII-31
Other Americas Military - Groundwater Bioremediation VIII-32
Other Americas Military - Soil Summary VIII-33
Other Americas Military - Groundwater Summary VIII-34
Europe & Africa Military - Soil Washing VIII-35
Europe & Africa Military - SVE & Thermal VIII-36
Europe & Africa Military - Incineration VIII-37
Europe & Africa Military - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization VIII-38
Europe & Africa Military - Natural Attenuation VIII-39
Europe & Africa Military - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation VIII-40
Europe & Africa Military - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon VIII-41
Europe & Africa Military - Groundwater Pump & Treat Stripping VIII-42
Europe & Africa Military - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater VIII-43
Europe & Africa Military - Groundwater Bioremediation VIII-44
Europe & Africa Military - Soil Summary VIII-45
Europe & Africa Military - Groundwater Summary VIII-46
Asia Military - Soil Washing VIII-47
Asia Military - SVE & Thermal VIII-48
Asia Military - Incineration VIII-49
Asia Military - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization VIII-50
Asia Military - Natural Attenuation VIII-51
Asia Military - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation VIII-52
Asia Military - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon VIII-53
Asia Military - Groundwater Pump & Treat Stripping VIII-54
Asia Military - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater VIII-55
Asia Military - Groundwater Bioremediation VIII-56
Asia Military - Soil Summary VIII-57
Asia Military - Groundwater Summary VIII-58

Chapter IX - Landfills and Sediment

Sic Code 4953 - Industrial Land Fills IX-1
United States Landfill Industry - Soil Washing IX-2
United States Landfill Industry - SVE & Thermal IX-3
United States Landfill Industry - Incineration IX-4
United States Landfill Industry - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization IX-5
United States Landfill Industry - Natural Attenuation IX-6
United States Landfill Industry - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation IX-7
United States Landfill Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon IX-8
United States Landfill Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping IX-9
United States Landfill Industry - Natural Attenuation For Groundwater IX-10
United States Landfill Industry - Groundwater Bioremediation IX-11
United States Landfill Industry - Soil Summary IX-12
United States Landfill Industry - Groundwater Summary IX-13
Other Americas Landfill Industry - Soil Washing IX-14
Other Americas Landfill Industry - SVE & Thermal IX-15
Other Americas Landfill Industry - Incineration IX-16
Other Americas Landfill Industry - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization IX-17
Other Americas Landfill Industry - Natural Attenuation IX-18
Other Americas Landfill Industry - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation IX-19
Other Americas Landfill Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon IX-20
Other Americas Landfill Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping IX-21
Other Americas Landfill Industry - Natural Attenuation For Groundwater IX-22
Other Americas Landfill Industry - Groundwater Bioremediation IX-23
Other Americas Landfill Industry - Soil Summary IX-24
Other Americas Landfill Industry - Groundwater Summary IX-25
Europe & Africa Landfill Industry - Soil Washing IX-26
Europe & Africa Landfill Industry - SVE & Thermal IX-27
Europe & Africa Landfill Industry - Incineration IX-28
Europe & Africa Landfill Industry - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization IX-29
Europe & Africa Landfill Industry - Natural Attenuation IX-30
Europe & Africa Landfill Industry - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation IX-31
Europe & Africa Landfill Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon IX-32
Europe & Africa Landfill Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping IX-33
Europe & Africa Landfill Industry - Natural Attenuation For Groundwater IX-34
Europe & Africa Landfill Industry - Groundwater Bioremediation IX-35
Europe & Africa Landfill Industry - Soil Summary IX-36
Europe & Africa Landfill Industry - Groundwater Summary IX-37
Asia Landfill Industry - Soil Washing IX-38
Asia Landfill Industry - SVE & Thermal IX-39
Asia Landfill Industry - Incineration IX-40
Asia Landfill Industry - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization IX-41
Asia Landfill Industry - Natural Attenuation IX-42
Asia Landfill Industry - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation IX-43
Asia Landfill Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon IX-44
Asia Landfill Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping IX-45
Asia Landfill Industry - Natural Attenuation For Groundwater IX-46
Asia Landfill Industry - Groundwater Bioremediation IX-47
Asia Landfill Industry - Soil Summary IX-48
Asia Landfill Industry - Groundwater Summary IX-49

Chapter X - Chemical Industry

SIC Code 2800 - Chemical X-1
SIC Code 2870 - Agricultural Chemicals X-2
SIC Code 3820 - Plastics X-3
Chemical Production (% of 1995 Base) X-4
World Chemical Industry 1997 X-5
United States Growth Rates - Chemical Industry X-6
Other Countries Chemical Industry Growth Rates 1996-2001 X-7
United States Chemical Industry - Soil Washing X-8
United States Chemical Industry - SVE & Thermal X-9
United States Chemical Industry - Incineration X-10
United States Chemical Industry - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization X-11
United States Chemical Industry - Natural Attenuation X-12
United States Chemical Industry - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation X-13
United States Chemical Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon X-14
United States Chemical Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping X-15
United States Chemical Industry - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater X-16
United States Chemical Industry - Groundwater Bioremediation X-17
United States Chemical Industry - Soil Summary X-18
United States Chemical Industry - Groundwater Summary X-19
Other Americas Chemical Industry - Soil Washing X-20
Other Americas Chemical Industry - SVE & Thermal X-21
Other Americas Chemical Industry - Incineration X-22
Other Americas Chemical Industry - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization X-23
Other Americas Chemical Industry - Natural Attenuation X-24
Other Americas Chemical Industry - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation X-25
Other Americas Chemical Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon X-26
Other Americas Chemical Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping X-27
Other Americas Chemical Industry - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater X-28
Other Americas Chemical Industry - Groundwater Bioremediation X-29
Other Americas Chemical Industry - Soil Summary X-30
Other Americas Chemical Industry - Groundwater Summary X-31
Europe & Africa Chemical Industry - Soil Washing X-32
Europe & Africa Chemical Industry - SVE & Thermal X-33
Europe & Africa Chemical Industry - Incineration X-34
Europe & Africa Chemical Industry - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization X-35
Europe & Africa Chemical Industry - Natural Attenuation X-36
Europe & Africa Chemical Industry - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation X-37
Europe & Africa Chemical Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon X-38
Europe & Africa Chemical Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping X-39
Europe & Africa Chemical Industry - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater X-40
Europe & Africa Chemical Industry - Groundwater Bioremediation X-41
Europe & Africa Chemical Industry - Soil Summary X-42
Europe & Africa Chemical Industry - Groundwater Summary X-43
Asia Chemical Industry - Soil Washing X-44
Asia Chemical Industry - SVE & Thermal X-45
Asia Chemical Industry - Incineration X-46
Asia Chemical Industry - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization X-47
Asia Chemical Industry - Natural Attenuation X-48
Asia Chemical Industry - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation X-49
Asia Chemical Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon X-50
Asia Chemical Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping X-51
Asia Chemical Industry - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater X-52
Asia Chemical Industry - Groundwater Bioremediation X-53
Asia Chemical Industry - Soil Summary X-54
Asia Chemical Industry - Groundwater Summary X-55

Chapter XI - Forest Products

SIC Code 2400 - Forest Products XI-1
SIC Code 2600 - Pulp And Paper XI-2
World Forest Products Industry XI-3
Forest Products Industry Growth Rates 1996-2001 XI-4
United States Forest Products Industry - Soil Washing XI-5
United States Forest Products Industry - SVE & Thermal XI-6
United States Forest Products Industry - Incineration XI-7
United States Forest Products Industry - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization XI-8
United States Forest Products Industry - Natural Attenuation XI-9
United States Forest Products Industry - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation XI-10
United States Forest Products Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon XI-11
United States Forest Products Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping XI-12
United States Forest Products Industry - Natural Attenuation For Groundwater XI-13
United States Forest Products Industry - Groundwater Bioremediation XI-14
United States Forest Products Industry - Soil Summary XI-15
United States Forest Products Industry - Groundwater Summary XI-16
Other Americas Forest Products Industry - Soil Washing XI-17
Other Americas Forest Products Industry - SVE & Thermal XI-18
Other Americas Forest Products Industry - Incineration XI-19
Other Americas Forest Products Industry - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization XI-20
Other Americas Forest Products Industry - Natural Attenuation XI-21
Other Americas Forest Products Industry - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation XI-22
Other Americas Forest Products Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon XI-23
Other Americas Forest Products Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping XI-24
Other Americas Forest Products Industry - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater XI-25
Other Americas Forest Products Industry - Groundwater Bioremediation XI-26
Other Americas Forest Products Industry - Soil Summary XI-27
Other Americas Forest Products Industry - Groundwater Summary XI-28
Europe and Africa Forest Products Industry - Soil Washing XI-29
Europe and Africa Forest Products Industry - SVE & Thermal XI-30
Europe and Africa Forest Products Industry - Incineration XI-31
Europe and Africa Forest Products Industry - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization XI-32
Europe and Africa Forest Products Industry - Natural Attenuation XI-33
Europe and Africa Forest Products Industry - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation XI-34
Europe and Africa Forest Products Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon XI-35
Europe and Africa Forest Products Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping XI-36
Europe and Africa Forest Products Industry - Natural Attenuation For Groundwater XI-37
Europe and Africa Forest Products Industry - Groundwater Bioremediation XI-38
Europe and Africa Forest Products Industry - Soil Summary XI-39
Europe and Africa Forest Products Industry - Groundwater Summary XI-40
Asia Forest Products Industry - Soil Washing XI-41
Asia Forest Products Industry - SVE & Thermal XI-42
Asia Forest Products Industry - Incineration XI-43
Asia Forest Products Industry - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization XI-44
Asia Forest Products Industry - Natural Attenuation XI-45
Asia Forest Products Industry - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation XI-46
Asia Forest Products Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon XI-47
Asia Forest Products Industry - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping XI-48
Asia Forest Products Industry - Natural Attenuation For Groundwater XI-49
Asia Forest Products Industry - Groundwater Bioremediation XI-50
Asia Forest Products Industry - Soil Summary XI-51
Asia Forest Products Industry - Groundwater Summary XI-52

Chapter XII - Other Industries

SIC Code 3300 - Metal Industries XII-1
SIC Code 3400 - Fabricated Metals XII-2
1995's Top 10 Steelmaking Nations XII-3
World Metals Industry 1997 Distribution XII-4
SIC Code 3670 - Electronics XII-5
World Semiconductor Production XII-6
World Electronics Industry 1995 XII-7
SIC Code 1000 - Mining XII-8
SIC Code 2010 Tanning XII-9
SIC Code 2200 - Textile XII-10
United States Other Industries - Soil Washing XII-11
United States Other Industries - SVE & Thermal XII-12
United States Other Industries - Incineration XII-13
United States Other Industries - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization XII-14
United States Other Industries - Natural Attenuation XII-15
United States Other Industries - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation XII-116
United States Other Industries - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon XII-17
United States Other Industries - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping XII-18
United States Other Industries - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater XII-19
United States Other Industries - Groundwater Bioremediation XII-20
United States Other Industries - Soil Summary XII-21
United States Other Industries - Groundwater Summary XII-22
Other Americas Other Industries - Soil Washing XII-23
Other Americas Other Industries - SVE & Thermal XII-24
Other Americas Other Industries - Incineration XII-25
Other Americas Other Industries - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization XII-26
Other Americas Other Industries - Natural Attenuation XII-27
Other Americas Other Industries - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation XII-28
Other Americas Other Industries - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon XII-29
Other Americas Other Industries - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping XII-30
Other Americas Other Industries - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater XII-31
Other Americas Other Industries - Groundwater Bioremediation XII-32
Other Americas Other Industries - Soil Summary XII-33
Other Americas Other Industries - Groundwater Summary XII-34
Europe and Africa Other Industries - Soil Washing XII-35
Europe and Africa Other Industries - SVE & Thermal XII-36
Europe and Africa Other Industries - Incineration XII-37
Europe and Africa Other Industries - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization XII-38
Europe and Africa Other Industries - Natural Attenuation XII-39
Europe and Africa Other Industries - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation XII-40
Europe and Africa Other Industries - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon XII-41
Europe and Africa Other Industries - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping XII-42
Europe and Africa Other Industries - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater XII-43
Europe and Africa Other Industries - Groundwater Bioremediation XII-44
Europe and Africa Other Industries - Soil Summary XII-45
Europe and Africa Other Industries - Groundwater Summary XII-46
Asia Other Industries - Soil Washing XII-47
Asia Other Industries - SVE & Thermal XII-48
Asia Other Industries - Incineration XII-49
Asia Other Industries - Containment, Solidification & Stabilization XII-50
Asia Other Industries - Natural Attenuation XII-51
Asia Other Industries - Bioremediation & Phytoremediation XII-52
Asia Other Industries - Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon XII-53
Asia Other Industries - Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping XII-54
Asia Other Industries - Natural Attenuation for Groundwater XII-55
Asia Other Industries - Groundwater Bioremediation XII-56
Asia Other Industries - Soil Summary XII-57
Asia Other Industries - Groundwater Summary XII-58

Chapter XIII - World Product and Service Forecast

World Site Characterization Summary ($ millions) XIII-1
World Capital Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-2
World Operating Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-3
World Soil Washing Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-4
World Soil Washing Capital Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-5
World Soil Washing Operating Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-6
World Soil Washing New Cu. Yd./Yr. Summary (1,000s) XIII-7
World Soil Washing Operating Cu. Yd./Yr. Summary (1,000s) XIII-8
World SVE & Thermal Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-9
World SVE & Thermal Capital Summary ($ millions) XIII-10
World SVE & Thermal Operating Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-11
World SVE & Thermal New Cu. Yd./Yr. Summary (1,000s) XIII-12
World SVE & Thermal Operating Cu. Yd./Yr. Summary (1,000s) XIII-13
World SVE & Thermal New CFM Summary (1,000s) XIII-14
World SVE & Thermal Operating CFM Summary (1,000s) XIII-14
World Incineration Operating CFM Summary (1,000s)) XIII-15
World Incineration Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-16
World Incineration Capital Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-17
World Incineration Operating Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-18
World Incineration New Cu. Yd./Yr. Summary (1,000s) XIII-19
World Incineration Operating Cu. Yd./Yr. Summary (1,000s) XIII-20
World Containment, Solidification & Stabilization Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-21
World Containment, Solidification & Stabilization Capital Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-22
World Containment, Solidification & Stabilization Operating Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-23
World Containment, Solidification & Stabilization New Cu. Yd./Yr. Summary (1,000s) XIII-24
World Containment, Solidification & Stabilization Operating Cu. Yd./Yr. Summary (1,000s) XIII-25
World Natural Attenuation Operating Cu. Yd./Yr. Summary (1,000s) XIII-26
World Bioremediation & Phytoremediation Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-27
World Bioremediation & Phytoremediation Capital Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-28
World Bioremediation & Phytoremediation Operating Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-29
World Bioremediation & Phytoremediation New Cu. Yd./Yr. Summary (1,000s) XIII-30
World Bioremediation & Phytoremediation Operating Cu. Yd./Yr. Summary (1,000s) XIII-31
World Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-32
World Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon Capital Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-33
World Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon Operating Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-34
World Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon New GPM Summary XIII-35
World Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon Operating Gal./Yr. Summary (millions) XIII-36
World Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon Operating GPM Summary XIII-37
World Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping Revenue Summary XIII-38
World Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping Capital Revenue Summary XIII-39
World Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping Operating Revenue Summary XIII-40
World Groundwater Pump & Treat Air Stripping New GPM Summary XIII-41
World Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon Operating Gal./Yr. Summary (millions) XIII-42
World Groundwater Pump & Treat Carbon Operating GPM Summary XIII-43
World Groundwater Natural Attenuation Operating Gal./Yr. Summary (millions) XIII-44
World Groundwater Natural Attenuation Operating GPM Summary XIII-45
World Groundwater Bioremediation Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-46
World Groundwater Bioremediation Capital Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-47
World Groundwater Bioremediation Capital Revenue Summary ($ millions) XIII-48
World Groundwater Bioremediation New GPM Summary XIII-49
World Groundwater Bioremediation Operating Gal./Yr. Summary (millions) XIII-50
World Groundwater Bioremediation Operating GPM Summary XIII-51




                                                                                                                                    Figure No.
Chapter I - Advertising Analysis (Magazines)

Magazine Ranking by Advertising Space I-1
Company Ranking by Advertising Space and Cost I-2
Individual Advertisements I-3
Product Analysis of Advertising Expenses I-4

Chapter II - Exhibition Analysis

Ranking by Total Cost of Exhibition II-1
Exhibition Space Costs II-2
ACHEMA Remediation Exhibitions II-3
World Remediation Exhibition Analysis II-4

Chapter III - Total Promotion Expenses

Advertising & Exhibition Promotional Expenses III-1
Ranking by Total Expenditures for Advertising and Conferences III-2