N017- Site Remediation World Market 1998 - 2002



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Page No.            

I. Summary and Background

Summary I-1
        History I-1
        Recent Developments I-1
        Potential Challenges I-2
        The Future Market I-3
        Companies and Advertising I-4
        Market Characteristics I-4
United States I-8
Other Americas I-13
Europe/Africa I-18
Asia I-23
Regional Growth Rates I-28
Regional Revenue Forecasts I-30
Costs I-36
Vendor Experience I-38
Background I-40

II. World Overview

U.S. II-1
        Superfund II-1
                Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) II-26
                Demand for Remediation of Contaminated Waste Sites Managed by Civilian Federal Agencies II-38
                Demand for Remediation of Contaminated Waste Sites Managed by States and Private Parties II-45
                State Hazardous Waste Site Programs II-45
                Enforcement II-46
                Liability - Who is Liable? II-46
                Retroactivity II-46
                Liability Standards II-47
                State Culpability Standards II-47
                State Allocation Standards II-48
                State Activities II-48
        Brownfields II-54
                Brownfields Activity at the State Level II-59
                Brownfields Revitalization Incentive Program II-63
                Brownfields Initiatives in the Private Sector II-63
                Guide to Contaminants Found at Typical Brownfields Sites II-67
Canada II-69
Latin America II-74
        Argentina II-74
                Regulatory Framework II-74
        Brazil II-90
        Ecuador II-92
                Texaco Petroleum Company Remediates and Reclaims More Than 200 Contaminated Well Sites in Ecuador II-92
                Regulatory Framework II-92
        Mexico II-93
                Regulatory Framework II-95
                Hazardous Waste in Mexico City and Central Mexico II-97
                Current Remediation Projects II-97
        Peru II-110
        Venezuela II-110
                Current Opportunities in Remediation Projects II-112
Europe in General II-115
        Austria II-115
        France II-115
        Germany II-116
        Italy II-128
        The Netherlands II-128
        Scandinavia II-130
        Spain II-130
        United Kingdom II-131
                Reactive Barrier System Treats Groundwater Contaminated with TCE in Belfast, Ireland II-132
Russia and Other Nations of the Former Soviet Union II-133
        Russia II-133
                The Market II-135
                Environmental Services Market II-139
        Ukraine II-142
                Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant II-142
        Azerbaijan II-144
        Belarus II-144
        Kazakstan II-145
        Uzbekistan II-147
        Estonia II-147
        Lithuania II-148
        The Baltic Sea II-148
Central and Eastern Europe II-149
        Albania II-149
        Bulgaria II-149
        Czech Republic II-150
        Hungary II-152
                Remediation Opportunities II-154
        Poland II-161
                Remediation Project Opportunities II-161
        Romania II-163
        Slovakia II-163
        Slovenia II-164
Asia II-164
        Bangladesh II-165
        China II-165
        India II-168
        Japan II-169
        Malaysia II-175
                Future Remediation Opportunities II-175
        Saipan, Mariana Islands II-176
        Singapore II-176
        South Korea II-176
        Taiwan II-178

III. World GDP Analyses

Overview III-1
Sales Regions III-2

IV. Product, Services and Costs

Treatment Technologies IV-1
Soil Vapor Extraction and Air Sparging IV-1
        Air Sparging IV-1
        Methodology IV-4
        SVE with Thermal Enhancement IV-5
        Dual Phase Extraction IV-5
        Applicability IV-5
In Situ Air Stripping of Contaminated Groundwater at U.S. Department of Energy Savannah River Site Aiken, SC IV-6
Soil Washing IV-10
Solvent Extraction IV-15
Chemical Dehalogenation IV-21
        Glycolate Dehalogenation IV-21
        Base-Catalyzed Decomposition IV-22
Thermal Desorption IV-25
        Pretreatment and Material Handling System IV-25
        Desorption Unit IV-25
        Post-Treatment System IV-27
In Situ Soil Flushing IV-29
Bioremediation IV-34
        In Situ Bioremediation of Soil IV-35
        Bioventing IV-35
        Injection of Hydrogen Peroxide IV-36
        In Situ Bioremediation of Groundwater IV-36
        Ex Situ Bioremediation of Soil IV-36
        Slurry-Phase Bioremediation IV-37
        Solid-Phase Bioremediation IV-37
        Landfarming IV-37
        Soil Biopiles IV-38
        Composting IV-38
Phytoremediation IV-39
        Metals Remediation IV-40
        Treating Organic Contaminants IV-41
        Applications IV-43
        Experience IV-44
Treatment Walls IV-45
        Applications IV-48
        Experience IV-48
Natural Attenuation IV-50
        Applications IV-52
In Situ Air Stripping IV-54
        South Carolina -Savannah River Site, Alken IV-54
Cost Analysis for In Situ Air Stripping IV-56
Groundwater Pump and Treat Technology IV-57
        Beyond Pump and Treat IV-58
        Performance Objectives IV-64
        Remedial Action Plan IV-65
        Skimmers IV-69
        Equipment IV-69
                Packing IV-69
Site Characterization Sampling Instrumentation IV-70
        Overview IV-70
        Gas Chromatographs IV-70
                HNU Systems IV-71
                MTI Analytical Instruments IV-73
                Microsensor Systems, Inc. IV-74
                PE Photovac Monitoring Instruments IV-74
                SRI Instruments IV-75
                Sentex Systems, Inc. IV-76
        PIDs/FIDs IV-76
                RAE Systems, Inc. IV-76
                Thermo Environmental Instruments, Inc. (TEI) IV-77
                Casella, Ltd. IV-78
                Control Instruments Corp. IV-78
                The Foxboro Company IV-79
        GC/MS IV-80
                INFICON IV-80
                Canisters IV-81
                Alternatives to Canisters IV-82
        NDIR IV-83
        IMS and FTIR IV-84
                The Graseby Ionics and PCP, Inc. IMS Analyzers IV-84
                ETG/Molecular Analytics IV-85
                AIL Systems IV-87
                Innova IV-87
        Bioanalysis IV-89
                Measuring Mercury in Soils Using Immunoassay IV-92
        Water/Soil Site Surveys IV-92
                HNU Systems IV-92
                Leopold Siegrist GmbH IV-93
                Finnigan IV-94
                Turner Designs IV-94
        New Technology IV-95
                Supelco, Inc. IV-95
                Cutting Edge Instrumentation IV-99
        Case Studies IV-101
                Tar Production Plant - U.K. IV-101
                Rocky Mountain Arsenal (Enserch Environmental) IV-104
                Cleve Reber Superfund Site (Louisiana) IV-105
                PID Monitoring of PAHs at a Former Wood Treatment Plant IV-107
                Program To Evaluate VOCs From Landfill Waste Relocation Activities IV-110
                Monitoring During Manufactured Gas Plant Site Remediations IV-114
                Comparison of the Cost and Performance of Passive and Active Soil and Soil Gas Measurement Technologies IV-116
                Demonstration of an Innovative Soil Remediation Process: Air Emissions Quality IV-122
                Innovative Site Characterization Monitoring System IV-124
                Monitoring Soil and Water Contaminated by PCBs and Chlorinated Solvents IV-129
                Explosives - Contaminated Soils IV-134
                Plattsburgh AFB/University of Massachusetts Evaluation IV-136
        Geophysical Site Characterization Methods IV-142
                Natural Field Geophysical Methods IV-142
        Sampling Issues IV-144
                VOC Stability in Soil Samples IV-144
        Modeling and Software IV-147
                Air Dispersion Modeling at Superfund Sites IV-147
                Modeling Air Impacts and Fenceline Standards IV-150
                Comparative Risk Assessment of Remedial Alternatives IV-156
                Software IV-157
        Some Typical Site Assessment Costs IV-160
Insurance IV-162

V. Company Market Shares ......................................................................................................V-1




                                                                                                                                                        Page No.

VI. Petroleum

Underground Storage Tanks VI-1
        United States VI-1
                Contamination Caused by Leaks, Spills and Seepage from USTs VI-4
                State Summaries of Soil and Groundwater Cleanup Standards VI-6
        Treatment of MTBE VI-21
        Combination of Oxidizing Agents and Dual Vacuum Extraction (DVE) VI-21
        Membrane Bioreactor VI-22
UST Market VI-23
        Number of Sites Still Requiring Cleanup VI-23
        Risk Based Corrective Action VI-24
        Potential Market VI-25
World Forecast VI-26
Refineries VI-28
        Polywall Barrier System Contains NAPL Contamination at Citgo Asphalt Refinery in Savannah, GA VI-28
Petroleum Forecast U.S. VI-44
Other Americas Forecast VI-52
Europe and Africa Forecast VI-59
Asia Forecast VI-66

VII. Department of Energy

Long-term Surveillance and Maintenance VII-3
Factors Affecting Demand for Cleanup VII-3
Number and Characteristics of Sites VII-7
Cleanup Costs VII-18
Market Entry Considerations VII-23
Technologies Used and Research Development and Demonstrations VII-24
Focus Areas VII-24
Manufactured Gas Plants VII-26
        United States VII-26
                Treatment Technologies for Contamination at MGP Sites VII-26
                Examples of Technologies Used to Remediate MGP Contamination VII-27
        Coal Tar Recycling Avoids Costly Incineration Option VII-30
        Excavation and Soil Washing VII-30
                Mourik VII-30
                Reference List Heijmans Milieutechniek B.V. (NL) for Manufactured Gas Plants VII-32
        Standardized Approach to Remediation VII-33
Power Industry Forecast VII-33
        U.S. VII-42
        Other Americas VII-51
        Europe and Africa VII-59
        Asia VII-67

VIII. Military

Department of Defense VIII-1
        Restoration Program VIII-2
        Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) VIII-4
        Factors Affecting Demand for Cleanup VIII-5
        Number and Characteristics of Sites VIII-7
        Number and Types of Sites VIII-8
        Contaminated Matrices VIII-8
        Types of Contaminants VIII-12
        Estimated Cleanup Costs VIII-12
        Market Entry Considerations VIII-14
        Army VIII-14
        Navy VIII-15
        Air Force VIII-15
Case Studies VIII-16
        Bioventing Treatment Used at Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska VIII-16
                Contaminants of Concern VIII-16
        Windrow Composting of Explosives Contaminated Soil at Umatilla Army Depot Activity - Hermiston, Oregon VIII-19
                Cost Sensitivities - Effects of Assumption Changes VIII-24
                Future Technology Selection Considerations VIII-24
        Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Landfarming Treatment at Lowry AFB, Denver, CO VIII-25
                Contaminants of Concern VIII-25
                Nature and Extent of Contamination VIII-25
                Treatment Plan VIII-27
                Cost Sensitivities VIII-28
        Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Bioventing Treatment at Lowry AFB, Denver, CO VIII-28
        Pump and Treat of Contaminated Groundwater at Langley AFB, VA VIII-32
        Pump and Treat of Contaminated Groundwater at Twin Cities Army         Ammunition Plant New Brighton, MN, a CERCLA Site VIII-35
                Contaminants of Concern VIII-36
        Soil Vapor Extraction at North Fire Training Area (NFTA) Luke AFB, AZ VIII-40
        Site History/Release Characteristics VIII-40
                Total Pounds Contaminants Removed VIII-41
                Off-gas Treatment for Remedial Action VIII-43
                Future Technology Selection Considerations VIII-44
        In Situ Soil Vapor Extraction at McClellan AFB Sacramento, CA VIII-45
                Cost VIII-47
        Low-Intensity Bioventing for Remediation of a JP-4 Fuel Spill at Site 280 Hill AFB, Ogden, Utah VIII-50
                Contaminants of Concern VIII-50
                System Description VIII-51
                Cost VIII-51
        Pump and Treat of Contaminated Groundwater at Operable Unit D McClellan AFB, CA VIII-52
                Contaminants of Concern VIII-52
                Nature and Extent of Contamination VIII-53
                Cost VIII-54
                Technology Limitations VIII-55
                Future Technology Selection Considerations VIII-56
        Pump and Treat of Contaminated Groundwater at Operable Unit B/C McClellan AFB, CA VIII-57
                Site History/Release Characteristics VIII-57
                Cost VIII-58
World Forecast VIII-62
        Other Americas Forecast VIII-73
        Europe & Africa Forecast VIII-81
        Asia Forecast VIII-89

IX. Landfills and Sediment

U.S. Landfill Forecast IX-4
Other Americas Landfill Forecast IX-12
Europe & Africa Landfill Forecast IX-20
Asia Landfill Forecast IX-28

X. Chemical Industry

In Situ Vitrification (ISV) Used to Treat Soil, Waste and Debris Contaminated with Dioxin, VOCs and SVOCs at the Wasatch Chemical Superfund Site in Salt Lake City, Utah X-2
Chemical Companies Targeted to Clean up the Del Amo Superfund Site in Torrance, California X-3
Multi-Phase Vapor Extraction System Treats Soil and Shallow Groundwater Contamination from a Pesticide Formation Facility at Derian Avenue Site in Southern California X-3
British Firm Used Bioremediation to Treat Soil and Groundwater Contaminated with Variety of Oils and Volatile Aromatic Chemicals at Former Chemical Works in the UK X-4
World Chemical Industry X-11
        Americas X-11
                United States X-11
                Canada X-11
                Mexico X-12
                Brazil X-12
                Venezuela X-12
                Chile X-12
        Europe X-12
                Germany X-13
                France X-13
                United Kingdom X-13
                Netherlands X-13
                Italy X-13
                Sweden X-14
                Finland X-14
                Norway X-14
                Denmark X-14
        Central and Eastern Europe X-14
        Middle East X-14
        Asia X-14
                Japan X-15
                China X-15
                Korea X-15
                Taiwan X-15
                Singapore X-16
                Indonesia X-16
                Thailand X-16
                India X-16
                New Zealand X-16
Forecast X-17
        U.S. Forecast X-23
        Other Americas Forecast X-31
        Europe & Africa Forecast X-39
        Asia Forecast X-47

XI. Forest Products

Examples of Applications XI-1
        Geochemical Fixation Treats Soil and Groundwater Contaminated with Hexavalent Chromium at Wood Treating Plant XI-1
        Applied Bioremediation Proves Capable of Cleaning Up McCormick & Baxter Creosoting Superfund Site XI-2
World Pulp and Paper Industry XI-5
        North America XI-5
                United States XI-5
                Canada XI-6
        Central/South America XI-6
                Chile XI-6
        Europe XI-6
        Asia/Pacific XI-7
                Australia XI-7
                India XI-7
                Indonesia XI-7
                Japan XI-8
                Philippines XI-8
                South Korea XI-8
                Taiwan XI-9
                Thailand XI-9
        World XI-9
U.S. Forecast XI-12
Other Americas Forecast XI-20
Europe and Africa Forecast XI-28
Asia Forecast XI-36

XII. Other Industries

Metals XII-1
Electronics XII-6
Other Industries XII-10
        Case Studies XII-10
                Surface Coating XII-10
                Electronics XII-11
                Metals and Metal Working XII-12
                Mining XII-14
        U.S. Forecast XII-20
        Other Americas Forecast XII-28
        Europe and Africa Forecast XII-36
        Asia Forecast XII-44

XIII. World Product and Service Forecast ...........................................XIII-1





I. Product and Service Index - U.S.
Product and Service Index - Off Shore

II. Company Information - U.S.
Company Information - Off Shore

III. Vendor Experience

IV. Company Profiles

V. Bibliography

        Magazines & Exhibitions
        List of Acronyms and Glossary of Key Terms
        Company Acquisitions and Name Changes




I. Advertising Analysis (Magazines) ...............................................I-1

    Brownfield News .........................................................................I-4

    Product Analysis of Advertising Expenses......................................I-5

II. Exhibition Analysis....................................................................II-1

III. Total Promotion Expenses ......................................................III-1

IV. Advertisements ......................................................................IV-1