"Dry Scrubbing” Will Be the Hot Topic on – October 23, 2014
has a free website available to power, incinerator and cement plants around the
Dry Scrubbing - Continuous Analyses.
The webinar on the October 23rd will provide further clarification of
all the various options including both DSI and the “reactor”. “Reactor” is
one way to describe both the fluid bed and spray dryer segment. But this is a
matter for discussion and resolution. Paul Farber has proposed categories
in our last webinar. We need to survey enough people around the world to
classify the segments and standardize. China has been a leader in fluid
bed scrubbing with some of the largest systems every built. So it is critical to
obtain input from this country.
The webinar will call on international suppliers such as KC Cottrell to help
lead the discussion. Where is DSI the best option? If you have a
medium sulphur coal, can you use spray driers or is the fluid bed the only dry
option? How are U.S. utilities and cement plants planning to meet the HCl
requirements of MATS? Where do you use sodium reagents as opposed to
calcium? Can you beneficially use or regenerate the flyash /sulphate
We encourage participants to view the site prior to the webinar and to ask questions and make observations which will be useful to decision makers.
Click here to view schedule and register