Mercury Measurement and Capture Second Session on March 5, 2015

The mercury Hot Topic session yesterday unveiled important new information on mercury measurement and control.


David Mazyck of Carbonxt explained how non-brominated PAC can be injected prior to the scrubber or in the recirculating slurry to provide high levels of mercury capture and prevention of re-emissions. Hydrocyclones separate the PAC from the gypsum product.





Mercury Measure and Capture: PAC Injection in the WFGD by David Mazyck, Carbonxt - Hot Topic Hour March 5, 2015

Dave explained how non brominated PAC can be injected prior to the scrubber or in the recirculating slurry to provide high levels of mercury capture and prevention of re-emissions.

Revision Date:  3/6/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Carbonxt, Activated Carbon

Karl Wilber of Tekran provided insights from the considerable experience his company has gained in selling and maintaining mercury CEMS.


Additional sampling lines and probes can be added to the system. The additional data points provide the opportunity for process control.  A number of comparisons were made between sorbent traps and CEMs but the bottom line as shown in the following graph is that the CEMs have lower life cycle costs the longer the operation.



Karl weighed in on the proposal this month on RATA tolerance.


EGU MATS Compliance - HgCEM Systems Challenges and Opportunities by Karl Wilber, Tekran Instruments - Hot Topic Hour March 5, 2015

Karl provided insights from the considerable experience his company has gained in selling and maintaining mercury CEMS.

Revision Date:  3/6/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Tekran Instruments, Analyzer, Continuous Emissions Monitor


Dave Doerhoff of Dekoron Unitherm impressed the audience with the complexity of sample line design and installation. A number of improvements have been made over the last few years.

Karl explained that Dekoron Unitherm and Tekran have dealt with the sampling problems as they have occurred and have spent millions of dollars to ensure that reliable sample lines are provided.  Karl recommended that utilities consider hiring a Dekoron supervisor when they install the lines. It is important not to bend the lines beyond certain radii or to otherwise cause damage.

Tubing Products, Sample Line Design and Installation by David Doerhoff, Dekoron Unitherm - Hot Topic Hour March 5, 2015

Dave explained the complexity of sample line design and installation.

Revision Date:  3/6/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Dekoron Unitherm, Sampling Line

Philip Dufresne of ALL BLUE shed light on the particulate impact on mercury emissions.   Particulate is captured in sorbent traps and increases the mercury value.  The pre-filter in CEMs tends to adsorb mercury thereby lowering the mercury value. This causes the differential readings to be significant. This difference is related to the amount of particulate escaping the precipitator or baghouses so  during excursions the differential will be the greatest. Philip answered questions relative to the impact of escaping particulate mercury by pointing out that it will reach the ground, and therefore water sources, sooner than gaseous mercury.

The Role of Particulates in Mercury Emission Measurements by Philip Dufresne, ALL BLUE - Hot Topic Hour March 5, 2015

Philip discussed particulate impact on mercury emissions.

Revision Date:  3/6/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, ALL BLUE, Sorbent Trap, Continuous Emissions Monitor

Mercury Measurement & Capture Webinar - Hot Topic Hour March 5, 2015

The session unveiled important new information on mercury measurement and control.

Revision Date:  3/5/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Tekran Instruments, ALL BLUE, Carbonxt, Dekoron/Unitherm, Sampling Line, Activated Carbon, Sorbent Trap, Continuous Emissions Monitor, Analyzer