Hot Topic Hour March 26 Speakers endorsed Combination NOx Control Strategies


The Hot Topic yesterday covered benefits of combination NOx control strategies and also unique combinations which may be needed during start up and shut down.

NOx (SCR, SNCR) Webinar - Hot Topic Hour March 26, 2015

Benefits of combination NOx control strategies and also unique combinations which may be needed during startup and shut down.

Revision Date:  3/26/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Fuel Tech, Licata Energy, STEAG Energy Services, Strapper, Blake, NOx, SCR, SNCR, Regulation



Fuel Tech has combined staging burners, SNCR and SCR and has demonstrated at China Steel and elsewhere that the right combination of technologies can be more effective than reliance on one. Combining technologies is not easy as outlined by Stewart Bible.


        SNCR design must account for combustion output and varying operational conditions of your typical boiler, easier if SNCR/SCR retrofit onto existing boiler where data can be measured.

        SCR design must account for SNCR output and varying operational conditions of the combustion and SNCR systems as boiler conditions fluctuate.


        Highly maldistributed NOx and NH3 from boiler.

        Increased SCR velocity due to restrictions in catalyst installation space.

                        Both require expert knowledge in the design of all of the technologies being combined.

                        Both require computational and experimental fluid dynamics modeling coupled with flow distribution device optimization.


-           Capital cost, reagent consumption, dP, catalyst replacement, SO2-SO3 oxidation (lower minimum operating temperature).


I-NOx™ Integrated NOx Reduction Technology- A Lower Capital Cost Solution for NOx Reduction by Stewart Bible, Fuel Tech - Hot Topic Hour March 26, 2015

Fuel Tech has combined staging burners, SNCR and SCR and has demonstrated at China Steel and elsewhere that the right combination of technologies can be more effective than reliance on one.

Revision Date:  3/26/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Fuel Tech, NOx, SCR, SNCR, Regulation

Blake Stapper of AECOM covered the successful combination of combustion and SNCR and used Fiddlers Ferry as an example. There is another technology which AECOM is also now employing. Where low baselines of NOx are encountered, the LoTOx ozone technology can be a supplement to other measures. One new aspect introduced by Linde is over the fence supply.  The plant can buy the ozone and Linde makes the capital investment. This avoidance of the capital investment by the utility will be attractive.


Bob McIlvaine remarked that first efforts to use the process incorporated a vessel to provide more ozone-NOx contact prior to the scrubber. Blake responded that the improved scheme introduces the ozone at a higher temperature location where the reaction time is much shorter.  This eliminates the need for a reaction vessel. Another advantage is improved technology to convert oxygen to ozone.

Bundling Technologies for Cost-effective NOx Control by Blake Strapper, AECOM - Hot Topic Hour March 26, 2015

Blake covered the successful combination of combustion and SNCR and used Fiddlers Ferry as an example.

Revision Date:  3/26/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, AECOM, NOx, SNCR, SCR


Mark Ehrnschwender of STEAG covered the experience of his company with many units in Germany.  Small SCR systems to meet 60 percent removal were installed decades ago. Now higher efficiencies are required. STEAG has found that a combination of technologies is the best route.




NOx, (SCR, SNCR) Co-Coupling NOx Technologies by Mark Ehrnschwender, Steag - Hot Topic Hour March 26, 2015

Mark covered the experience of his company with many units in Germany.

Revision Date:  3/26/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, STEAG Energy Services, NOx, SCR, SNCR

Tony Licata analyzed new startup and shut down rules. There are two options but under either one there are potential violations.  The bottom line is that utilities may have to use dry sorbent injection only during start up periods and may have to install certain bypasses as well. Startup fuel considerations are also warranted.

Utilities may have to use dry sorbent injection only during start up periods and may have to install certain bypasses as well.

Operations of SCRs with EPA's New Startup Rule by Tony Licata, Licata Energy - Hot Topic Hour March 26, 2015

Revision Date:  3/26/2015

Tags:  221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, Licata Energy, NOx, SCR, Regulation

The entire March 26 recording can be heard at: NOx Control (SCR & SNCR)   116 minutes
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