Industrial Boiler MACT Impact and Control Options – Part 2


McIlvaine’s Hot  Topic Hour yesterday focused on wet ESPs. Speakers included:


Steve Jaasund, Manager Geoenergy Division at A. H. Lundberg Associates, discussed “Wet ESPs for Boiler MACT Compliance.” The boiler MACT rule requires many solid fuel industrial boilers to reduce particulate emissions. In numerous cases these boilers employ low to medium energy wet scrubbers that will not meet the MACT standards without an increase in pressure drop.  In these situations the addition of a downstream wet ESP will be an attractive option for complying with the new rules.


James "Buzz" Reynolds, Vice-president Wet Electrostatic Precipitators, Siemens Energy, Inc., Environmental Systems & Services,  said that industrial plants with a wastewater treatment facility needing to comply with the new Major Source NESHAP standards should consider using wet scrubbing/wet ESP control technology in lieu of sorbent injection/fabric filter control technology as a way to meet the MACT standards plus future PM 2.5 regulations. A combined wet scrubber/wet ESP system offers control of acid gases and particulate matter in a relatively compact footprint with low maintenance and pressure drop compared to control with sorbent injection/fabric filter.


The entire April 4, 2013 recording can be heard at:  Industrial Boiler MACT Impact and Control Options Part 2    68 minutes   

You will need to enter your name and email address after clicking link to view recording.


Bios, Abstracts and Photos can be seen at: BIOS, ABSTRACTS, PHOTOS, 4-4-13.htm


The individual presentations are as follows: