Huge Flow Control And Treatment Opportunity In New Asian Coal-Fired Power Plants

India, Indonesia and even Japan are building coal-fired power plants at such a rate as to surpass all the U.S. historical expenditures in this segmentBecause of the size of the projects it is only necessary to focus on a few hundred projects and an equal number of OEMs and end users.  You can do this for only $1400/yr. with a subscription to our World Power Generation project database

Vietnam will add over 50,000 MW of coal-fired capacity by 2030. This will equal nearly 20 percent of the present coal-fired capacity in the U.S. and will equal planned U.S. retirements.  To put it another way, the combined coal-fired capacity of the U.S. and Vietnam is presently 280,000 MW and it will be the same in 2030.

The McIlvaine World Power Generation projects tracks every project on a monthly basis.


World Power Generation Projects


   Location    Comment  

   Project    Title  

   Startup    Date  

 Tra Vinh province

 Duyen Hai 1


 Tra Vinh province

 Duyen Hai 2


 Tra Vinh Province

 Duyen Hai 3-3 supercritical power plant-EVN


  Soc Trang Province

 Long Phu 1 supercritical power plant-PetroVietnam


  Near Ho Chi Minh City,
    Soc Trang Province

 Long Phu II-Vietnam National Coal and Mineral Industries


 Quang Ninh

 Mong Duong 1 CFB power plant-Electricity of Vietnam


 Quang Ninh

 Mong Duong 2-AES


 Nam Dinh Province

 Nam Dinh 1 CFB power plant--Vinacomin


 Phuoc Dinh Commune

 Ninh Thuan 1-1,2 nuclear power plant-EVN


 Phuoc Dinh Commune

 Ninh Thuan 1-3,4 nuclear power plant



 O Mon 2 power plant-Can Tho Thermal Power Co.


 Quang Binh

 Quang Trach 1 power plant-Vietnam Oil and Gas


 Binh Thuan Province

 Son My 1,2,3-International Power, Sojitz, Thai Binh Duong   Joint Stock Co.



 Song Hau 1-PetroVietnam


 Hau Giang

 Song Hau 2-Toyo Ink Group



 Thai Binh 1-EVN


 My Loc commune, Thai  Thuy District Thai Binh   Province

 Thai Binh 2-PetroVietnam


 Quang Ninh Province

 Thang Long power plant


 Binh Thuan Province

 Vinh Tan 4 power project-Vietnam Energy


 Ha Tinh Province

 Vung Ang 3-PetroVietnam


For more information on World Power Generation Projects, click on:

Utility E Alert Tracks All The Big Opportunities Around The World

New power plants and large retrofit initiatives at existing plants generate very large revenues for flow control and treatment suppliers.  These are tracked weekly in the Utility E Alert.  Managers and sales people will benefit greatly from this Alert which is only $950/yr.  Here are some of the headlines in the issue last week:

·       Construction starts on 2 GW Batang Coal-fired Power Plant in Indonesia

·       Putting a 650-MW Gas-fired Power Plant Online in Egypt within Five Months

·       Chubu Electric Power signs Agreement with GE to upgrade Japanese Combined Cycle Power Plant’s Gas Turbines

·       Delimara Gas Turbines to be delivered to Malta by End of Year

·       Siemens to supply Gas Turbines for 1,100 MW of Combined Cycle Power Plants in Thailand

·       GE upgrading Gas Turbines at TEPCO’s Yokohama Thermal Power Station

·       Proposed BAT Reference Document Could Require SCR Retrofits on Gas Turbines in Europe

·       $60 Billion O&M and Upgrade Opportunity for U.S. Fossil and Nuclear Power Plant Suppliers

·       Chinese Air Pollution Tsunami will Hit U.S. Shores in a Few Years

·       World Market for Air and Water Monitoring to rise to be $31 - $33 Billion in 2019 Depending on the Chinese Growth Rate

·       For more information on the Utility E Alert click on: 41F Utility E-Alert

InterWebviews™ will be viewed by your power plant customers

InterWebviews™ are hosted discussions with recorded presentations by your experts. The recordings are uploaded to YouTube with strategic links and are experiencing up to 3500 viewers each.

The best information is no longer in brochures and catalogs.  It resides on your laptop power point presentations. Here are some tips on leveraging this resource:

·       Think outside the box. There is a unique communication route which dictates an informal engineering oriented recording with a presentation by your application engineer or salesman.

·       Don’t make the mistake of striving for image rather than substance.

·       Make the presentation short and focused on why the client should consider a specific product.

·       Create multiple recordings with combinations of industries, products and languages.

Cost and Process

·       The cost is $100.00/minute with a minimum of 8 minutes.

·       McIlvaine sets up a GoToMeeting for recording an interview.

·       The presenter sends his PowerPoint slide deck to McIlvaine in advance.

·       The introduction by the McIlvaine host is informal.

·       McIlvaine sequences the slides as the presenter speaks.

·       McIlvaine asks one question to add to the simulation of a customer presentation.

·       Recording is then prepared and posted as explained above.


The following presentations have averaged more than 1000 viewers and some have experienced over 3000.



Subject (Click title to view recording)



Nh3 Measurement



Cement MACT Monitoring



Mercury Monitoring




Atlas  Copco


Screw Compressors



Rotary Pump



Mercury Removal



Urea to Ammonia

To set up an InterWebview™ or to ask questions, please contact Bob McIlvaine, Ross Ardell or Denise Flasch at 847-784-0012 or email us at:

OEM Networking Directory includes decision makers for a good percentage of power plant flow control and treatment products

The 40,000 contacts in the OEM Networking Directory include the decision makers for much of the flow control and treatment products and services.  The directory includes architect-engineers, EPC’s and system suppliers.   The directory is updated daily.  Another feature is the financial identifier which is a number identifying the parent and each subsidiary.  This is particularly valuable with Chinese OEMS where there are multiple English spellings. The directory also provides details on the products and services offered by each OEM.  For more information, click on:  53DI OEM Networking Directory.

Water/Wastewater Treatment Chemical Market Could Be Slowed By the Chinese Slowdown and Oil Price Drop

The market for water and wastewater treatment chemicals will grow by over 16 percent from 2015 to 2019 at oil prices of $80/barrel during the period and Chinese economic growth of 7 percent per annum.  At $40/barrel and 2 percent economic growth in China, the treatment chemicals market growth will only be 10 percent.  These are the latest forecasts in Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals: World Market published by the McIlvaine Company.  (


There are a number of variables which will determine the growth for the treatment market. New insights are continually generated which justify changes in the forecasts.  The Iran nuclear agreement is just one example. The plunging economy in China and the drop in oil prices to $40/barrel are the most significant.  

Lower oil prices will impact the oil and gas industry. But this is a small segment of the water and wastewater treatment chemicals market.  Chemicals used in drilling are not included in the scope of the report. The chemicals used in extraction are less sensitive to prices. Furthermore, the oil and gas segment represents only 4 percent of the treatment market.

Municipal drinking water and wastewater treatment facilities account for 40 percent of the world’s treatment chemical purchases.  This sector is relatively insensitive to oil price fluctuations.

The Chinese economic turmoil is causing more uncertainty relative to the market for treatment chemicals.  First of all, China is a major purchaser of treatment chemicals.  It will account for 21 percent of the purchases in 2015.  Secondly, it is a major importer of products e.g. iron ore which generate treatment chemical purchases in other countries.

China has been embarked on an aggressive program to increase municipal wastewater treatment capability. It has been building 200 new treatment plants per year.  But there are still nearly 600 million people who are not connected to treatment facilities. 

China is embarking on transforming the economy from export based to consumer based and has prioritized environmental improvements for its citizens.  So regardless of economic growth, it is likely that the environmental improvement programs will continue.

A slowing Chinese economy will impact the power industry. This segment accounts for 40 percent of the treatment chemical purchases.  Coal-fired generators are the biggest purchasers. There is 900,000 MW of coal-fired capacity.  However, new capacity additions have fallen from a high of 100,000 MW per year a decade ago to 20,000 MW per year at present.  A slowing economy could reduce capacity additions by 10,000 MW per year but this would only have a 1 percent impact on treatment chemical consumption.

A slowing Chinese economy will impact treatment chemical purchases for mining, semiconductors, chemicals, pulp and paper and other industries. But the impact on the world market will be minor at least over the next four years.

Some of these developments are more predictable than others.  The low oil prices lead to lower extraction activity which eventually leads to shortages and higher prices.  On the other hand, the Chinese economy, wars, oil spills and earthquakes cannot be easily predicted. The Fukushima disaster is a good example.  It immediately increased the world treatment chemical market by 0.5 percent.  As a result, there will be the need for continuous changes in the forecasts to take into account the surprises.

For more information on N026 Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals: World Market, click on:

Cross-Flow Membrane Market to Grow By 15 To 20 Percent in the Next Four Years Depending On Oil Prices and the Chinese Economy

The market for cross-flow membrane systems and membrane modules will grow by over 20 percent from 2015 to 2019 at oil prices of $80/barrel during the period and Chinese economic growth of 7 percent per annum.  At $40/barrel and 2 percent economic growth in China, the world cross-flow growth will only be 15 percent.  These are the latest forecasts in N020 RO, UF, MF World Market published by the McIlvaine Company.  (




There are a number of variables which will determine the growth for the cross-flow systems and membrane market. New insights are continually generated which justify changes in the forecasts.  The Iran nuclear agreement is just one example. The plunging economy in China and the drop in oil prices to $40/barrel are the most significant.  

Lower oil prices will result in less oil and gas drilling activity.  However, this sector in 2015 represents just 1 percent of the cross-flow market.  Desalination represents nearly 30 percent of the market and will not be impacted by lower oil prices. In fact, lower oil prices result in lower raw material costs for membrane manufacturers.  The direct impact of oil prices is therefore negligible. However, lower oil prices will result from lower Chinese economic growth.  So we can assess market forecast variations based on this parameter and assume there is an oil price correlation.

China represents 19 percent of the total world cross-flow market, therefore, changes in the forecasts for this country will significantly impact the total market.  At 7 percent growth rate in the economy, the Chinese cross-flow market is projected to grow by 25 percent in 2019. At a 2 percent economic growth rate in China, its cross-flow revenues would remain at their 2015 level.  In addition, world cross-flow revenues in mining and certain other industries benefiting from the Chinese imports would also not be as robust.  As a result, the world cross-flow market in 2019 would only be 15 percent higher than in 2015.  At a 5 percent economic growth rate in China, the world cross-flow membrane market will grow by 18 percent in the next four years.

Some of these developments are more predictable than others.  The low oil prices lead to lower extraction activity which eventually leads to shortages and higher prices.  On the other hand, the Chinese economy, wars, oil spills and earthquakes cannot be easily predicted.  As a result, there will be the need for continuous changes in the forecasts to take into account the surprises.

For more information on N020 RO, UF, MF World Market, click on:

McIlvaine Hot Topic Hours and Recordings

McIlvaine webinars offer the opportunity to view the latest presentations and join discussions while sitting at your desk. Hot Topic Hours cater to the end users as well as suppliers while the Market Updates cater to the suppliers and investors.  Since McIlvaine records and provides streaming media access to these webinars there is a treasure trove of value only a click away. McIlvaine webinars are free to certain McIlvaine service subscribers. There is a charge for others.  Hot Topic Hours are free to owner/operators.  Sponsored webinars provide insights to particular products and services.  They are free.  Recordings can be immediately viewed from the list provided below.





Sept. 10, 2015

Power Plant Pumps
A decision guide for pump selection for intake,
cooling, ultrapure water, steam and wastewater from coal
and gas turbine power plants More information
Click here to register


Sept. 11, 2015

Valve Market Forecast Changes
The oil prices and Chinese economy will be two of the drivers evaluated as the basis for adjustments in the
2016-21 forecasts for industrial valves More information
Click here to register

Sept. 24, 2015

Power Plant Water Monitoring
A decision guide for selection of monitoring equipment for
intake  water, cooling, ultrapure water steam and wastewater
from coal and gas turbine power plants.  More information
Click here to register


Sept. 25, 2015

Pump Market Forecast Changes
The oil prices and Chinese economy will be two of the drivers evaluated as the basis for adjustments in the
2016-21 forecasts for pumps More information
Click here to register

October 1, 2015

Power Plant Water Treatment Chemicals
A decision guide for selection of chemicals to treat intake
water, cooling, ultrapure water steam and wastewater form
coal and gas turbine power plants.
Click here to register


October 2, 2015

Fabric Filter Market Forecast Changes
New technology such as ceramic catalytic filter elements, the Chinese economic slowdown, oil prices and other factors will be explained in terms of their impact on the 2015-21 market for fabric filters, bags, media and fibers.
Click here to register

October 22, 2015

Precipitator Improvements
Decision guide to dry, hybrid and wet electrostatic
precipitators for solid fuel combustion, refining and other
industries.  Focus will be on improvements to the electricals
and components.
Click here to register


November 12, 2015

Dry Scrubbing
Expansion of the dry scrubber decision guide for power plants,
incinerators, and other applications involving SDA, CFB and
Click here to register


December 3, 2015

NOx Reduction
Decision guide to selection of SCR and SCR systems,
ammonia injection, reagents, catalysts for power plants
refineries, incinerators, chemical plants and other applications
Click here to register


You can register for our free McIlvaine Newsletters at:


Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext 112