Application Based Route Maps Will Help Filtration 2013 Attendees

Obtain the Answers They Need

The McIlvaine GDPS route maps, email and cell, phones will help attendees relate the speeches and exhibits to the end uses. This is all part of the Global Decisions Positioning System™ (GDPS) initiative.

Global Decisions Positioning System™  (GDPS)

McIlvaine is preparing route maps which will allow attendees to organize their time to obtain the application insights on:

•           Gas turbine air treatment

•           Coal-fired boiler fabric filters

•           HVAC filtration

•           Oil and gas filtration

Resources to be coordinated at the show include the speakers, exhibitors, and attendees.  All three groups are likely to have questions and answers. We encourage attendees and exhibitors to notify us in advance of their interest in the four GDPS subjects we will be pursuing.

It will be particularly advantageous to have cell phone numbers for attendees who wish to participate. There is no other easy way to locate them during the show. Exhibitor personnel with specific insights in any of the 4 areas should also supply cell #s in advance.  For those who cannot ask questions of the speakers immediately following their speeches it will be important to have their mobile numbers as well.

We have picked 4 applications where there is a lot of development and interest. So networking during the show will be of great value.  The route maps will be: 

Filtration 2013 Will Provide Answers Relative to Gas Turbine Air Treatment Decisions 

Filtration 2013 will be very helpful in assisting suppliers of media and end users as to the best media and filtration devices to use for gas turbine particulate and droplet removal.  Here is a road map to help attendees organize their time at the conference. The Gas Turbine Air Treatment Global Decisions Positioning System (GDPS) can be used to determine which stands and which papers will be of importance.

There are three of the Air Treatment Decision Trees relevant to Filtration 2013.



Gas Turbine Air Treatment Products and Services




Intake Housing



Weather Protection












Final Filtration



Tempering Air System (Single Cycle)

Dampers, Drives, Fan Parts, Seals


Duct Burner (Combined Cycle)

Burner Parts


Ammonia Injection Grid

Nozzles, Ammonia


CO Reactor






Process Controls

Sensors, Valves, Seals, Gaskets



Rata Testing, Protocol Gases, Instruments



Silencer Parts




Pre-filtration, final filtration and coalescing are the three most relevant Decision Trees. However, suppliers need to understand the relationship between filtration and SCR catalyst choices as well as the relationship between filtration choices and performance. 

A European Turbine Network Working Group 3 consisting of Tumbull of AAF, Clement of Donaldson, and Ekberg of Camfil has put together the position paper “Gas Turbine Combustion Air Filtration, Its Impact on Compressor Efficiency and Hot End Component Life”.

As you can see from the following table, they conclude that by spending 2-4 times as much for filters you end up reducing annual costs.  If they can verify these results then it changes the decision making for the power plant operators.  So it will be desirable for people at the air filter stands to be able to address this finding.


  4th Decision Tree Stop:  Pre Filtration



Ahlstrom - Stand 1002

Hollingsworth & Vose – Stand 202

Fiberweb – Stand 702

Sandler – Stand 115

Ahlstrom introduces Ahlstrom Flow2Save Filtration Media

Ahlstrom introduces Flow2Save(TM), a new media for high efficiency air (HEA) filtration applications at the Filtech exhibition in Germany during October 22 - 24, 2013. The innovative, patent-pending filtration media is based on a gradient structure combining different advanced technologies.

The key value-add is how easily air can flow through the media.

"Ahlstrom Flow2Save(TM) has significantly better pressure drop characteristics than other commercial HEA filtration media, meaning it is much easier for the ventilation system to push air through the filter. This allows significant energy savings throughout the life time of the filter. Its sustainability credentials are compelling; cleaner indoor air quality, lower energy consumption and lower costs," explains Fulvio Capussotti, EVP, Advanced Filtration.


5th Decision Tree Stop:  Coalescers


Media is used to capture fine droplets caused by fogging nozzles, cooling, or weather.



Hollingsworth & Vose – Stand 202


6th Decision Tree Stop:  Final Filtration


Based on the analysis shown above and industry trends more of the final media is now capable of HEPA efficiencies. Of the three filter companies participating in the white paper shown above only Donaldson has a stand. However a number of exhibitors provide media in this efficiency range.



Donaldson - Stand 602

Hollingsworth & Vose – Stand 202

Sandler – Stand 115

Filtration 2013 Will Provide Answers Relative to Coal Fired Power Plant Fabric Filter Decisions

Regulations in the U.S. will require utilities, industrial boiler owners and cement plants to improve particulate removal efficiency. China is also following the U.S. lead.  In both countries it is likely that fabric filters will replace many of the existing precipitators. This will create a huge new market for fabric filter media.  In fact these regulations could result in doubling the existing market. Several of the alternatives include woven bags with reverse air cleaning, non woven bags with pulse cleaning, membrane film on non woven substrate with pulse cleaning, pleated non wovens with or without membrane films.

Several media suppliers are exhibitors.


Donaldson Membranes - Stand 602

Southern Felt – Stand 502

Filtration 2013 Will Provide Answers Relative to Oil and Gas Filtration 

The oil and gas industry is booming in the U.S. and is expanding around the world. There are many liquid and air applications for filtration.

Almost all types and variations of filters are used in the oil and gas industry.  The trend toward unconventional oil and gas recovery is resulting in filtration expenditures at least twice as high per barrel of oil or cubic ft of gas extracted.  The reason is that unconventional recovery includes many complex processes not the least of which is fracking.

Tightening of limitations on the quality of water discharges is also leading to more filtration opportunities. Zero Liquid Discharge Systems are often required.  This results in the use of membranes for final purification and dewatering devices such as filter presses.

One of the largest filtration opportunities in the oil and gas industry is for coalescing filters.  High efficiency media is required to remove coalesced droplets from gas.  Another application is to remove water from the oil product or oil from the discharged water.

There are some applications for metallic filters to remove the larger particles.  So many Filtration 2013 exhibitors supply media for this market.


Filter Press Media

·       Southern Felt – Stand 502

Metal Media

Coalescer media

·       Hollingsworth and Vose – Stand 202


The Link Between The New Oil/Gas Boom And Woven/Nonwoven Backings
Wednesday, November 13, 10:10 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Upen Bharwada
Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer,
Hydration Technology Innovations

Co-produced water from the domestic oil boom is creating an attractive growth opportunity for polymeric membranes which, in turn, will drive demand for woven and nonwoven backings.

Novel Surface Modifications on Advanced Polyolefin Membrane Structures

Wednesday, November 13, 9:50 a.m. – 10:10 a.m.

Magda Avramescu, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist – P&AD,
Lydall Solutech

Our paper presents a new family of modified Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene membranes prepared by using a patented novel technology. The developed technology is flexible and offers the possibility to easily adjust the membrane pore size and porosity, as well as the functionality of the membrane surface.

Filtration 2013 Will Provide Answers Relative to HVAC Filter Decisions


Sandler – Stand 115

Fiberweb – Stand 702


Technology of Clean Air: How Do Filters Remove Micro-Contaminants from the Environment

Air Tutorial (Separate Fee Required) Tuesday, November 12, 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Chris Zaker
National Sales Manager,
Glasfloss Industries

Filtration and How It Beats Ventilation for Health
Air Tutorial (Separate Fee Required) Tuesday, November 12, 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Harry Allen
VP – Sales & Marketing, AllergyZone LLC

Air Filtration Applications for Health and the Indoor Environment

Air Tutorial (Separate Fee Required) Tuesday, November 12, 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Jim Rosenthal
CEO, Air Relief Technologies, Inc.

Current Status of Guidelines and Approaches to Managing Potential Health Effects Related to Particulates in the Indoor Environment

Thursday, November 14, 9:00 a.m. – 9:25 a.m.

Dr. Wayne Thomann
Director, Occupational and Environmental Safety,
Duke University Medical Center

There continues to be increasing interest in both the potential impact and control of particulates within the indoor environment. The US EPA and other agencies have, or are considering, changing the range and/or concentrations of contaminants in both the outdoor/indoor environment. Additionally, groups, such as ASHRAE SSPC 62.1, are proposing more stringent requirements for filtration efficiency on HVAC systems. This presentation will provide updated information regarding both the potential health effects of particulates and some new proposed exposure limits or control efficiencies.

Nanoparticle Environmental, Health and Safety (NANO-EHS) and its Mitigation by Filtration

Thursday, November 14, 9:25 a.m. – 9:50 a.m.

David Y.H. Pui, Ph.D.
Distinguished McKnight University Professor–LM Fingerson/TSI Inc. Chair in Mechanical Engineering, Director of Particle Technology Laboratory,
University of Minnesota

With the wide applications of nanomaterials in an array of industries, more concerns are being raised about the occupational health and safety of nanoparticles in the workplace, and implications of nanotechnology on the environment and living systems. Studies on environmental, health and safety (EHS) issues of nanomaterials play a significant role in public acceptance, and eventual sustainability, of nanotechnology. Research results on three aspects of the EHS studies will be presented: characterization and measurement of nanoparticles, nanoparticle emission and exposure at workplaces, and control and abatement of nanoparticle release using filtration technology.

Filtration for the Prevention of Airborne Infectious Disease Transmission

Thursday, November 14, 9:50 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.

Brent Stephens, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, CAEE, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering,
Illinois Institute of Technology

This presentation will describe a methodology for estimating the impact of recirculating HVAC particle filters on the control of size-resolved infectious aerosols in indoor environments. We used a modified version of the Wells-Riley model for predicting risks of infectious disease transmission with various levels of HVAC filtration. Discover what the results were when HVAC filtration and outdoor air ventilation were modeled and compared.

To participate please fill out the form below and click ‘reply’ to this email.


Name:   ___________________________________________________

Company:   ________________________________________________

Title:   ___________________________________________________­­­_

Email:   ___________________________________________________

Mobile Phone #:   ___________________________________________


__ I will be available at the show       __  I will be available off site but by telephone


I want to participate in: 

__  Gas Turbine Air Treatment

__  Coal-fired Boiler Fabric Filters

__  HVAC Filtration

__  Oil and Gas Filtration


Municipal Wastewater Plants Will Spend $1.6 Billion for Air and Water Monitoring Equipment Next Year

Municipal wastewater plants will spend $1.6 billion for instruments and controls to monitor air and water pollutants next year. This is the latest forecast in Air & Water Pollution Monitoring World Markets published by the McIlvaine Company.  (

Revenues ($ Millions)

World Region






 East Asia


 Eastern Europe


 Middle East




 South & Central America


 West Asia


 Western Europe




East Asia will be the largest purchaser and account for more than one third of the total. This is due to the many new treatment plants being built to accommodate the urban migration in the region.

In the U.S. and Western Europe, most of the expenditures are related to efforts to automate and increase plant performance.  For example, instruments to measure sludge dryness are allowing operators to reduce polymer costs along with providing a more consistent sludge. This results in lower fuel consumption in the sludge incinerator.

Municipal wastewater plants are served with sewer systems often stretching for many miles. Remote monitoring provided by Pentair Environmental and other suppliers helps avoid plugging, overflow and other problems.  Monitoring is utilized for:

·         Wastewater network investigations

·         Pump station control

·         Pipeline condition assessment

·         Overflow alarming

·         Source tracing

·         Leak detection

Most of the investment will be in water-related monitoring. However 10 percent of the total will be for air monitoring.  Odor control is a major problem for wastewater plants. This requires periodic monitoring of the air emissions. Sewage sludge incinerators are equipped with stack gas continuous emissions monitors.

For more information on Air & Water Pollution Monitoring World Markets, click on:

Headlines for the October 18, 2013 – Utility E-Alert      


#1147– October 18, 2013

Table of Contents 



§  Dynegy acquisition of Ameren’s Illinois Power Plants still Contingent on Variance for Emissions Controls

§  Supreme Court to weigh EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Rule for New Power Plants

§  Luminant to use Martin Lake 3 as Seasonal Power Plant


§  Aboitiz Power to build 2x150 MW Power Plant in Davao, Philippines

§  Invitation for Preliminary Bids for 4000 MW Surguja Power Project (Chattisgarh, India) Withdrawn

§  300 MW Maamba Power Project in Zambia has Loan

§  Pre-bid Conference for Bhedabahal and Cheyyur Ultramega Power Projects attracts Crowd

§  Foster Wheeler to supply CFB Boiler to 50 MW Tychy in Poland

§  Pakistan to Convert Oil-fired Power Plants to Coal-firing

§  JBIC, South Korea’s EximBank to finance 1,000 MW Coal-fired Power Plant Expansion in Cirebon, Indonesia

§  Malaysian Environmentalists alarmed over Possible Reviving of 300 MW Sabah Coal-fired Power Project








For more information on the Utility Tracking System, click on:

McIlvaine Hot Topic Hour Registration

On Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Central time, McIlvaine hosts a 90 minute web meeting on important energy and pollution control subjects. Power webinars are free for subscribers to either Power Plant Air Quality Decisions or Utility Tracking System. The cost is $125.00 for non-subscribers. Market Intelligence webinars are free to McIlvaine market report subscribers and are $400.00 for non-subscribers.


Non-Subscribers Cost


 Webinar Type

October 31, 2013


Chinese FGD/SCR Program and Impact on the World      


November 21, 2013


Wet vs Dry ESP      


December 5, 2013


Update on Gasification Projects and Technology      


December 12, 2013


Selecting FGD Scrubber Components      


December 19, 2013


Application of U.S. Mercury Control Technology in Other Countries      


January 9, 2014


Improving ESP Performance      


January 16, 2014


Corrosion Issues and Materials for APC Systems      


January 23, 2014


Co-Firing Sewage Sludge, Biomass and Municipal Waste      


January 30, 2014


Impact of Ambient Air Quality Rules on Fossil Fueled Boilers and Gas Turbines      


February 6, 2014


Review of EUEC      


February 13, 2014


NOx Catalyst Performance on Mercury and SO3      


February 20, 2014


CFB Technology and Clean Coal (Update on CFB Reactor Technology)      


February 27, 2014


Dry FGD: Spray Dry vs. CFB vs. DSI      


March 6, 2014


Update on IGCC (Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle)      


March 13, 2014


Update on Oxy-Fuel Combustion      


March 20, 2014


Air Preheaters & Heat Exchangers       


March 27, 2014


Mercury Control and Removal      


April 3, 2014


HRSG Design, Operation and Maintenance Considerations     


April 10, 2014


Measurement and Control Instrumentation for Power Plants      


April 17, 2014


Measurement and Control of PM2.5      


April 24, 2014


Status of Carbon-to-Liquid Projects and Technology      


May 1, 2014


Renewable Energy, Status, Options, Technology Update      


May 8, 2014


Valves for Power Plant Steam and Cooling Water      


May 15, 2014


Water Treatment During Gas and Oil Production      


May 22, 2014


Advances in Coal Blending     


May 29, 2014


Clean Coal Technologies      


June 5, 2014


Material Handling in Fossil Fueled Power Plants      


June 12, 2014


Industrial Boiler MACT - Impact and Control Options      


June 19, 2014


Multi-emissions Control Technologies     


June 26, 2014


Next Generation of Coal Combustion Technologies     


July 10, 2014


Compliance Strategies for PM2.5


To register for the “Hot Topic Hour”, click on:


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Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext 112

191 Waukegan Road Suite 208 | Northfield | IL 60093