Smart Pumps Will Help Drive Pump Revenues to $59 billion in 2019

Pump suppliers will experience rising sales resulting in just under $59 billion in revenue by 2019. This is the conclusion reached by the McIlvaine Company in Pumps World Market.  (

Industrial Pump Revenues ($ Millions)

World Region








East Asia


Eastern Europe


Middle East




South & Central America


West Asia


Western Europe


The early pump companies were foundries. Competitive edge and greater revenue were based around manufacturing skills. Today the pump industry is much more focused on providing solutions for customers. This can include purchased components and software. These auxiliaries are reflected in the revenues reported by the companies.

A significant part of the growth is due to the “smart pump” offerings. Smart pumps can be integrated directly into plant distributed control systems. They reduce maintenance and improve performance.

The Grundfos smart DDA pump comes as a package with:

·       Flow Control with selective fault diagnosis

·       Pressure monitoring

·       Flow measurement

·       Intuitive and self-explanatory menu

·       Click wheel (turn-and-push knob)

·       Big graphical LCD with four color “traffic light” concept

·       More than 25 languages

It has the ability to improve the dosing function for pH control, disinfection, or cleaning–in-place.

Pump company “smart” revenues can extend to retrofits on competitors pumps.

PumpSmart® from ITT is an intelligent flow system that works with any pump, utilizing smart VFD controller and proprietary control software to provide advanced process control, enhanced reliability through failure prevention, reduced life cycle costs and lower energy costs.

ITT also offers ProSmart® which is a multi-patented, low cost, wireless predictive condition monitoring system that provides continuous online monitoring, alerting operators to alarm conditions via email or telephone.

Six years ago Colfax Corporation developed an intelligent concept pump with the ability to monitor its performance, adjust to changing conditions and order its own replacement parts - all without human supervision. The TX2020 can operate by itself at a remote pumping location or be connected to a network of pumps managed at a central office.

TX2020 pump software includes a preventive maintenance calendar and, based on foreseen needs or detected problems, the ability to determine which parts need replacement and issue a purchase order for them. For marine applications, the TX2020 can even provide a pre-programmed list of the service stations closest to the vessel, with full coordinates and contact details. The software also maintains precise records in the form of an electronic log book operators can use to track performance trends over time.

These examples are part of a trend among pump suppliers to supply the “smart” auxiliaries.

For more information on Pumps World Markets, click on:

The Pharmaceutical Industry Ultrapure Water (UPW) Purchases to reach $550 Million in 2019

The pharmaceutical industry demands for UPW for injection (WFI) and UPW for cleaning process equipment and other uses will result in purchases close to $550 million in 2019 up from $480 million in 2015. This is the latest forecast in the continually updated Ultrapure Water: World Markets published by the McIlvaine Company. (

Some major trends are:

·       Coal-fired boiler market will level off but at a high level.

·       The gas turbine combined cycle market will grow but expenditures for UPW are just 50 percent of those for a coal-fired power plant.

·       Semiconductor market will continue growth based on mobile communications and the automobile demand.

·       The pharmaceutical industry will remain a major sector and will achieve steadier growth than other segments.

The forecast includes hardware such as filters, piping, pumps and instruments. It also includes consumables such as membranes and ion-exchange resins. In general, the contamination prevention demands are so high that specially designed hardware and consumables are needed.

The largest pharmaceutical growth is coming in Asia where there is a construction boom centered around generic drug manufacture. The major drug companies of the world are building generic production facilities in China, India and other Asian countries.

There are four trends driving the rapid growth in the Asian pharmaceutical UPW market:

·       Increasing ability to pay for drugs.

·       Low per capita expenditures in the past.

·       New focus on health care.

·       Tighter restrictions forcing more UPW expenditures per unit of production.

One of the areas of greater investment is in measurement and control. Better instruments to measure contaminants and flow along with software to optimize processes are allowing pharmaceutical plants to achieve better contamination control a reasonable cost. So–called smart pumps and valves which report their condition further the optimization potential.

There are equipment improvements such as electrodeionization and membrane contractors for gas removal. There are consumables improvements such as reverse osmosis membranes which achieve greater efficiency at comparable energy consumption.

For more information on Ultrapure Water: World Markets, click on:

Liquid Macrofiltration Market to Approach $6.8 Billion Next Year

The market for equipment and media to separate larger particles from liquids and dewater slurries will exceed $6.7 billion next year. This is the latest forecast in Liquid Filtration and Media: World Markets published by the McIlvaine Company.   (

Liquid Macrofiltration Market ($ Millions)


World Region








 East Asia


 Eastern Europe


 Middle East




 South & Central America


 West Asia


 Western Europe


The equipment included in this forecast are gravity belt filters, belt filter presses, drum filters, leaf filters, granular media filters and bag filters. These devices are separating particles between 1-100 microns from various liquids from water to wine. Dewatering of sewage sludge and other slurries is a major use.

East Asia will dominate the market next year for several reasons. The first is the large investment in belt filter presses to dewater sewage sludge, mining ores and coal slurries. The large investment in flue gas desulfurization will be accompanied by significant investment in belt filters to dewater gypsum. Granular media filters will purify much of the water needed for cooling in coal-fired power plants.

Hardware sales in NAFTA will be less than 50 percent of the hardware sales in East Asia, but the sales of media will be more equal. This is because the existing market is large in NAFTA but the new expansions are comparatively few.

NAFTA will benefit from a substantial expansion of oil and gas processing plants. Hydraulic fracturing is creating the need for treatment of the flow-back liquid which contains sand, shale particles and high levels of dissolved solids.  Treatment of produced water is another expanding application.  The use of automatic backwash filters in treatment of ballast water is another growth segment.

For more information on Liquid Filtration and Media: World Market: click on:

GTCC Valves is the “Hot Topic Hour” on June 4, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. CST

This webinar will be a discussion of the options and issues involving gas turbine and combined cycle valves.  It will be based on a continually evolving GTCC Route Map and Summary We are requesting input from the industry to expand this route map prior to the meeting and then to discuss and debate the alternatives during the webinar.   Another purpose of the webinar will be to integrate this route map with the entire program.

The GTCC Route Map is going to be displayed in Power Plant Valves Decision Guide.  This decision guide provides direct links to detailed articles, white papers, recordings and other material needed for decision making. This intelligence is contained in two complete decision programs  44I Power Plant Air Quality Decisions (Power Plant Decisions Orchard) and Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Decisions .

The whole concept of the decision programs in power and the role of route maps, decision guides and decision orchards is explained at Power Plant Decisions.

Headlines for Utility E-Alert –May 22, 2015


#1224 – May 22, 2015

Table of Contents


§  Duke Energy to replace Coal with Gas at Power Plant in Asheville, NC

§  Board of Arizona Utility approves purchase of Power Plant Share

§  Environmental Groups, EPA settle Suit over Sherco Emissions

§  Duke Energy Ash Basin closure starts in South Carolina



§  Ducon secures Order for FGD System for Coal-fired Power Plant in India

§  Kenya awards Two Coal Blocks, and plans Coal-fired Power Plant

§  SSE confirms Coal-fired Ferrybridge Power Station Closure in UK

§  Huaneng Power International Luoyang Co-Generation and Photovoltaic Units in Si’an Commence Operation

§  Alcoa to close Anglesea Power Station in Australia



§  Invenergy announces Nelson Energy Center started Commercial Operations

§  Brockton Power Plant developer moving toward Construction of Gas-fired Power Plant


§  Egypt opens New 750 MW Power Plant near Cairo as Peak Energy Season approaches

§  Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Americas receives Order for Three  M501J Gas Turbines


§  Solvay and Enirgi Chemicals form Joint Venture

§  Electrical Cooperative pulls out of Kemper Power Plant Deal

§  Hundreds of Options facing Power Plants purchasing New or upgrading Wet Calcium FGD Systems

§  Shifting in the Air/Gas/Water/Fluid Market

§  $25 Billion Annual Market for Coal-fired Power Plant Air Pollution Upgrades


§  Hot Topic Hour May 21 covered GTCC Air Intake Issues and Options

§  “GTCC Valves” is the Hot Topic Hour on June 4, 2015 at 10 a.m. CDT

§  Upcoming Hot Topic Hours

For more information on the Utility Tracking System, click on:

McIlvaine Hot Topic Hour Registration

On Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. Central time, McIlvaine hosts a 90 minute web meeting on important energy and pollution control subjects.  These Webinars are free of charge to owner/operators of the plants. They are also free to McIlvaine Subscribers of Power Plant Air Quality Decisions and Utility Tracking System.  The cost for others is $300.00 per webinar.

See below for information on upcoming Hot Topic Hours.  We welcome your input relative to suggested additions.




May 28, 2015

No webinar but on-site interviews at Industrial Valve Summit in Bergamo, Italy


June 4, 2015

Power Plant Valves

More Information

June 11, 2015

SO3 Removal Options

More Information

June 18, 2015

Hot Gas Filtration

More Information

June 25, 2015

Mercury Removal Options

More Information


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Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext 112