Valves for Gas Turbine/Combined Cycle Plants Is the Hot Topic For May 29th
A free webinar on May 29th will bring together valve suppliers, valve specifiers and purchasers to discuss how a dedicated website and Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Decisions webinars can help owners make their valve decisions.
Over the last month, McIlvaine gas turbine webinars have been directed at turbine owners to assist them in decision making. As a result of the demonstrated success, a number of future webinars will be scheduled. One subject which warrants multiple webinars is valves.
On May 29th at 10 a.m. we will conduct an organizational discussion regarding valves for GTCC plants. The subject will be methods to best provide the owner/operators with information they need using the webinars and dedicated websites.
We had originally scheduled a webinar on steam valve stellite de-lamination for this date but realized that we have gotten ahead of ourselves and need to prioritize the valve subject matter in a series of webinars. De-lamination is only one of many subjects. Another is Total Valve Solutions. We are writing a feature article for the upcoming issue of Valve World magazine on this subject. Two subjects in that article would be good for group discussion. One deals with an intelligence based rather than routine valve maintenance system. Another details a bypass system to prevent valve coking in the secondary fuel system.
We will be asking participants to suggest specific valve topics which they feel are important to GTCC owner/operators. We will organize the discussion along specific processes. Here is the agenda of this 60 minute meeting.
Gas Turbine/Combined Cycle Valve Agenda May 29th, 2014
• Discuss the purpose and plan for Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Decisions. This will include a review of the present website and the valve information already posted.

• Currently scheduled webinars and how valve decisions can be included.

June 5, 2014 Dry vs. Wet Cooling Surprising number of ACC’S. Why?
June 12, 2014 HRSG Issues (Fast Start, Tube Failures) Lots of challenges to cycle 200 times per year

• Coordination with Combined Cycle Journal and demo of the valve information on their website.
• Future webinars:
• Webinars where valves are the main subject:
o Steam valves
 Steam valve stellite de-lamination
o Smart valves for GTCC
o Intelligent valve maintenance programs
• Webinars on processes where valves are important:
o Boiler feedwater treatment
o Zero liquid discharge systems
• Valves in emission control systems including ammonia injection, tempering air and CEMS.
We already have a dedicated website. Gas Turbine Emission Control - Continuous Analyses
• Special designs for extreme temperatures, humidity, etc.
• Air treatment: valves are needed for pulse jet filters fogging, etc.
We already have a dedicated website. Gas Turbine Air Filtration – Continuous Analyses

• The webinars as part of decisions programs:
Owner /operators:
A number of free websites and webinar series will be available to each industry category e.g. power, refining, oil and gas, chemical, etc. They cover process equipment, consumables, flow control and materials.

There are programs for suppliers to maximize the value of this new sales route.

To register for the “Hot Topic Hour” on May 29, 2014 on “Gas Turbine/Combined Cycle Valve Agenda” click on:

New Approach to Deal with Avalanche of Gas Turbine Information
In the U.S., gas turbine /combined cycle (GTCC) power plants are being planned and built in record numbers. The Middle East relies on this power source for most of its electricity generation. The oil and gas industry uses GTCC both on land and at sea. The use of gas turbine power generation as a secondary source of power where wind and solar are the primary sources is becoming common. All these uses create many challenges. There is an avalanche of new information on these challenges. This quantity warrants a new approach to accessing and using the needed information.
A system called Gas Turbine/Combined Cycle Decisions includes a continuously updated website and weekly webinars. It is free of charge to power plant owner/operators. The service includes a growing number of free subsidiary websites each displaying a segment of the information on the main website. Those already created for the program are:
• Gas Turbine Air Treatment – Continuous Analyses
• Gas Turbine Emission Control - Continuous Analyses
• Degasification and Demineralization
The webinars scheduled in the near future are:
May 29, 2014 Valves for Gas Turbine/Combined Cycle Plants More information
June 5, 2014 Dry vs. Wet Cooling Surprising number of ACC’S. Why?
June 12, 2014 HRSG Issues (Fast Start, Tube Failures) Lots of challenges to cycle 200 x/yr
The webinars are conducted in a discussion format so that issues can be debated. Analyses subsequent to the webinars result in a compilation of all the options which are available for specific conditions. Variables include the type and frequency of use of secondary fuels, water availability at the site, temperature, humidity, air quality and other environmental factors.
For more information, click on: Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Decisions.
Water/Wastewater Chemicals Market Is $26 Billion to $60 Billion
Depending On Your Definition

The sales of water and wastewater treatment chemicals will be anywhere from $26 billion to $60 billion this year depending on your definition.
($ Millions)
Continent 2014
Total 25,504
Africa 935
America 7,012
Asia 11,613
Europe 5,944

The definition used in these regional forecasts by the McIlvaine Company and appearing in Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals World Market is based on the scope of markets pursued by the suppliers such as GE-Betz and Nalco-Ecolab. The forecasts do not include products used for non-water applications. They do not even include some water applications which are product oriented. Here are some of the applications not included:
• Chemicals used in paper making.
• Chemicals used to make a product even if they treat water. Lime is added to scrubber slurries to make calcium sulfate. This product is used to make gypsum wallboard.
• Chemicals used for non-water purposes. Some chemicals are used to treat water but are used for many other applications.
• Chemicals which possibly should be included but are not. Thirty some chemicals are mixed with sand and water to create a hydraulic fracturing fluid. These chemicals are not included, but there is an argument that they should be.
Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals World Market does provide very specific definitions of the chemicals which are included and then provides hundreds of thousands of forecasts by chemical type, industry and country. Therefore, the user will not be confused about what is included.
For more information on Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals World Market, click on:

Headlines for May 16, 2014 – Utility E-Alert

#1175 – May 16, 2014

Table of Contents
 URS awarded Contract to install Mercury Control Technology at the Cayuga Operating Company’s Unit 2, in Lansing, New York


 GHG Permit approved for Natural Gas-fired Peaking Project in Texas
 Duke Energy Florida to invest in Natural Gas-fired Power Plants
 Emerson (Ohio) upgrades Gas Turbine Controls
 Wärtsilä to supply Gas-fired Power Plant to Alexandria, Louisiana
 Stantec awarded Contract for 120 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant in Alaska
 PA Governor and Elected Officials join Panda Power Funds for Groundbreaking of 829 MW Marcellus Shale Gas-fired Power Plant
 State Regulators approve New 650 MW IPL Natural Gas Conversion of 200 MW Coal Plant


 Energy Minister signs Commercial License for Dorad Combined Cycle Power Plant in Ashkelon, Israel
 Palm Paper wants to build a Power Station next to its Paper Mill in King’s Lynn, UK


 FP&L to ask for approval to build Two New Nuclear Reactors
 Azerbaijan intends to renew construction of Nuclear Power Plant
 MEAG may be a Step Closer to Government Nuclear Loan Guarantees


 Class Action Lawsuit against Advanced Emissions Solutions, Inc.
 Uzbek Reconstruction and Development Fund allocates $150 Million to Uzbekenergo for modernization of Navoi TPP
 B&W to acquire International Industrial Products and Services Firm MEGTEC
 U.S. Air Pollution Control Companies Can Adjust to the Shrinking Coal Market


 “Gas Turbine Intake Filter selection depends on the Site” – Hot Topic for Webinar May 15th
 Upcoming Hot Topic Hours

For more information on the Utility Tracking System, click on:

McIlvaine Hot Topic Hour Registration

On Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Central time, McIlvaine hosts a 90 minute web meeting on important energy and pollution control subjects. Power webinars are free for subscribers to either Power Plant Air Quality Decisions or Utility Tracking System. The cost is $300.00 for non-subscribers.

See below for information on upcoming Hot Topic Hours. We welcome your input relative to suggested additions.

May 29, 2014 Valves for Gas Turbine/Combined Cycle Plants More information
June 5, 2014 Dry vs. Wet Cooling Surprising number of ACC’S. Why?
June 12, 2014 HRSG Issues (Fast Start, Tube Failures) Lots of challenges to cycle 200 X/yr
June 26, 2014 CCR $ Billions Needed
July/August 2014 Boiler Feedwater Treatment
Condensate Polishing for Peaking Turbines
316 B Water Issues
Gas Turbine Permitting Issues

Give us your opinion about topics we should consider

To register for the “Hot Topic Hour”, click on:


You can register for our free McIlvaine Newsletters at:

Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext 112