Decision Guides Will Change the Route to Market in the Water Industry
McIlvaine published a 2000-page loose leaf manual in 1974 entitled “McIlvaine Scrubber Manual.” It provided users with options they would need to consider in removing gases and particulate from exhaust stacks for each of some 100 applications. By 1976 manuals on liquid filtration were also published. Today McIlvaine has over 100 services covering flow control, treatment and combustion. The services can be broadly segmented into those for suppliers and those for end users. The decision guides for end users are unique and are changing the way products are marketed in the water industry. Our PPAQD (Power Plant Air Quality Decisions plus all coal-fired power plant products and services) has decision guides on ultrapure water, zero liquid discharge (ZLD), water intake including screens, and FGD wastewater. Similar services are included for gas turbines including ultrapure water for fogging nozzles. A new decision guide on Forward Osmosis is in preparation. You can submit information for this guide at no charge. Forward Osmosis
Where does Forward Osmosis have advantages over technologies such as reverse osmosis (RO)? Is it just a narrow range including high solids wastewater or does it extend to desalination?
Click here to participate in the preliminary analysis
Sales of New Gas Turbine Systems to Reach $87 Billion Next Year
The U.S. will install gas turbine systems next year worth more than $30 billion while the rest of the world will install systems worth $57 billion. Most of the systems will be designed for combined cycle operation with a steam turbine and heat recovery steam generator. These are the latest forecasts in 59EI Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Program.

The availability of inexpensive gas in the U.S. coupled with environmental initiatives to retire coal-fired power plants are leading the swing toward gas turbines. Solar and wind are growing rapidly in the U.S. but from a very small base. Gas has, therefore, been the fuel of choice.
The gas turbine power plants being installed next year were ordered more than one year ago. Suppliers of the turbines with longer lead time have realized revenue from 2017 installations as early as 2014. High performance pumps and valves have lead times around one year. General purpose pumps and valves for 2017 installations could be ordered in 2016 or even early 2017.
The financial statements of suppliers also reflect the fact that final payments are often withheld until after successful operation has been achieved. Therefore, revenues and costs for major items could extend into 2018.
For more information on 59EI Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Program click on:
Utility E-Alert Tracks Billions of Dollars of New Coal-fired Power Plants on a Weekly Basis
Here are some headlines from the Utility E-Alert.
#1282 – July 22, 2016
Table of Contents
• Kemper Power Plant in Mississippi producing Gas from Coal
• Endicott 55 MW Coal-fired Power Plant may have Buyer
• Great River Energy to retire Stanton Station
• FirstEnergy to deactivate Units at Oregon and Stratton, Ohio Power Plants

• China Emissions Projects
• India approves installation of 1980 MW Thermal Power Project
• Bangladesh awards $2.5 Billion Coal-fired Power Project to Malaysia
The 41F Utility E-Alert is issued weekly and covers the coal-fired projects, regulations and other information important to the suppliers. It is $950/yr. but is included in the $3020 42EI Utility Tracking System which has data on every plant and project plus networking directories and many other features.
Upcoming Hot Topic Hours
The opportunity to interact on important issues
August 2, 2016
11:00am CDT NOx Control for PacifiCorp: Back end NOx Control
Discussion of options for PacifiCorp to comply with new NOx removal requirements for four 350 MW coal-fired generators operating in Utah. This third webinar will consider the range of options such as peroxide, ozone, and catalysis, to reduce emissions to 0.06 lbs/MMBtu.
Click here for more information
August 25, 2016
10:00am CDT
Markets Oil, Gas, Refining - Supply and demand; impact on flow control and treatment products; regional impacts e.g. subsea in North Atlantic vs. shale in the US vs. Oil Sands in Canada.
Markets Food - Analysis of 12 separate applications within food and beverage with analysis of valve, pump, compressor, filter, analyzer and chemical options; impact of new technologies such as forward osmosis.
Markets Municipal Wastewater - Quality of pumps, valves, filters, and analyzers in Chinese and Asian plants; new pollutant challenges; water purification for reuse.
Markets Mobile Emissions - Reduction in CO, VOCs, and particulate in fuels, oils, and air used in on and off road vehicles; impact of RDE and failure of NOx traps and the crisis in Europe created by the focus on clean diesel.

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Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext 112