Sedimentation & Centrifugation World Market Revenues to Exceed $8.5 Billion By 2017

Sales of centrifuges, clarifiers, dissolved air flotation units and hydrocyclones will exceed $8.5 billion in 2017.  This is the forecast by McIlvaine Company in Sedimentation/Centrifugation World Markets.  (

($ Millions)

Bottom of Form

World Region








 East Asia


 Eastern Europe


 Middle East




 South & Central America


 West Asia


 Western Europe


East Asia will lead the way with purchases of $3.3 billion. China is installing large numbers of municipal wastewater and municipal drinking water plants.  A decade ago, China’s secondary wastewater treatment capacity was less than 10,000 mgd compared to 38,000 mgd in the U.S. Today, the capacity is more than 30,000 mgd while the U.S. capacity has risen to 40,000 mgd.  However, since China has four times as many citizens, as does the U.S., its treatment capacity per capita is still only 20 percent of that in the U.S.

One of the new developments in China is to bring the product manufacture to the people rather than the people to the product manufacture. Until recently, large manufacturing facilities have been concentrated in large coastal cities. The reason was the easy access to ship transport. This concentration of manufacturing created a large migration of workers from rural areas. The resulting need for drinking water and sewage treatment were substantial.

Recently, the trend has started to shift toward locating new manufacturing facilities in the center and western regions of China. Russia, Kazakhstan and other countries along the rail routes to Europe are upgrading their train tracks and promoting rail shipment.

This new development will reduce the need for treatment facilities in Eastern China and slow the overall wastewater treatment demand.

For more information on Sedimentation/Centrifugation World Markets, click on:

Decisive Validation Is the Route to Better Decision Making In the Developing World

It is easy to buy the lowest cost product.  It is very challenging to select the best product with the lowest life cycle cost. The buyer has to evaluate supplier claims. This is difficult and made even more difficult in developing countries where there are language problems and lack of experience.

There has been no organized system to help the buyer make the necessary evaluations. In contrast, the buyer can be assured that the supplier will adhere to quality management standards in the manufacture of the product through ISO 9000 and other ISO standards.

Decisive Validation is a process which will make it easy for the buyer to make the best purchasing choices. It involves a whole system with a decisive classification sequence. At each step along the way there is a decisive classification of the options and validation that the supplier product is the right choice.

An example of purchasing options for NOx reduction is displayed in the McIlvaine Global Decisions Orchard

DeNOx Decisively Classified Options for Coal, Cement, Incineration.

In addition to the conventional SCR and SNCR, there are three other options presented including ozone injection, hydrogen peroxide injection and the use of a catalytic filter. It is shown that the disadvantages of the chemicals are the operating cost, whereas, the disadvantage of the catalytic filter is lack of experience.

Each application is unique.  In the case of the chemicals, it is necessary to show that in a specific application the cost of the chemicals will be more than offset by the lower capital cost.  In the case of the catalytic filter, there is the need to show that there is ample commercial experience to satisfy the purchaser.

Decisive Validation with independent third party analysis using niche experts is the way to provide convincing evidence.

Niche Expert System  

An additional challenge is to communicate the validation results to the purchaser.  If his native language is Chinese, then the essence of the results along with the decisions sequence need to be provided in Chinese. The Global Decisions Orchard is a mechanism to make these results known.

Free News and Analyses in the Global Decisions Orchard

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Validation costs can range widely. However, when the benefits of validation are compared to those for conventional sales efforts it is clear that validation should be a major undertaking.   One example of the benefits of validation is the white paper on use of single use vs. reusable surgical gowns.

·          Single Use Surgical Apparel


Hospitals were leaning toward reusable gowns with the belief that they were greener.  An extensive analysis showed that the water use and contamination aspects of reusables outweighed the greenhouse gases resulting from single use gown manufacture.

For more information on Decisive Validation contact Bob McIlvaine at: or call 847-784-0012 ext. 112

Headlines for the July 19, 2013 – Utility E-Alert   


Headlines for the July 19, 2013 – Utility E-Alert   

#1134 – July 19, 2013

Table of Contents 




§  CESC pulls out of 1,320 MW South Africa Project, Valu Investments could Replace CESC

§  Konkola Copper Mines could build 300 MW Power Plant in Zambia

§  Longannet (Scotland) could continue Operating until 2025

§  28 Fuel Supply Agreements signed between NTPC and Coal India

§  World Bank to Limit Financing to Coal-fired Power Projects

§  Exxaro/GDF Suez Agreement on 600 MW Power Plant in South Africa

§  Vuklehirska 2 in Ukraine to be Reconstructed after Fire

§  Export-Import Bank of US follows World Bank Lead and rejects Financing Proposal for Coal-fired Project in Vietnam



§  Inter RAO to expand Termogas Machala (Ecuador) by 170 MW

§  Combined Cycle Gas Turbine in Malženice, Slovakia, to be mothballed by E.ON

§  Calik to build Two Gas Turbine Power Plants in Turkmenistan

§  1,950 MW Helwan South in Egypt has World Bank Loan

§  Ceylon considering building Two Gas Turbine Power Plants

§  China’s Sepco III to build 390 MW Power Plant in Bosnia Herzegovina

§  Namibia to announce 800 MW Kudu Power Plant Bidders Soon




§  Peru eases SO2 Standards in Three Cities so Refineries would not have to close

§  MET Licensee wins Multiple Chinese Wet FGD Contracts

§  EnBW plans to shut down Four Power Plant Units in Germany


§  Upcoming Hot Topic Hours

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McIlvaine Hot Topic Hour Registration

On Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Central time, McIlvaine hosts a 90 minute web meeting on important energy and pollution control subjects. Power webinars are free for subscribers to either Power Plant Air Quality Decisions or Utility Tracking System. The cost is $125.00 for non-subscribers. Market Intelligence webinars are free to McIlvaine market report subscribers and are $400.00 for non-subscribers.







August 1

New Developments in Air Pollution Control Technology – Part 2     


August 8

Improving Power Plant Efficiency and Power Generation      


August 15

Control and Treatment Technology for FGD Wastewater     


August 22

Pumps for Power Plant Cooling Water and Water Treatment Applications     


August 29

Status of Carbon Capture and Storage Programs and Technology     


Sept. 5

Fabric Selection for Particulate Control



Sept. 19

Air Pollution Control for Gas Turbines


Sept. 26

Multi-Pollutant Control Technology



Oct. 3

Update on Coal Ash and CCP Issues and Standards     


To register for the Hot Topic Hour, click on:


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Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext 112

191 Waukegan Road Suite 208 | Northfield | IL 60093
Ph: 847-784-0012 | Fax: 847-784-0061