Special $600 Discount for McIlvaine Readers to Attend EUEC 2016:

Feb. 3-5 in San Diego, CA

McIlvaine readers can register online at www.euec.com by December 15th at the $600 discounted “VIP” rate to attend EUEC 2016:  USA’s Largest Energy Utility Environment Conference to be held February 3 to 5, 2016 in San Diego, California. The 19th annual conference will host 2,000 delegates, 400 speakers and 200 exhibits. The VIP rate is $795 a savings of $600 from the onsite cost of $1,395. Please register online at www.euec.com and select registration type “VIP” and use the code “McIlvaine”.





$2.9 Billion Market for Filtration and Separation in the Food Industry

The 2016 world market for food filtration and separation hardware and consumables will exceed $2.9 billion.  This is the conclusion of the McIlvaine Company through iteration of data in a number of its related reports.



The expenditure for consumables will be nearly twice the hardware investment.  One-third of the consumables expenditures will be for replacement cartridges followed by cross-flow filtration membranes. The third largest purchase will be for filter cloths, followed next by filter bags.  Rounding out the consumables list are ion exchange resins and filter belts.

Centrifuges head the list of hardware expenditures.



Hardware Type




Cross-flow filtration hardware


Filter presses


Cartridge hardware e.g. housings


Bag hardware e.g. housings


Leaf, gravity and drum filters



The largest application segment is dairy, fruits and vegetables, sugar beet, corn and grain.  Dairy represents more than one-third of the total in this segment.  Separation of milk and cream in centrifuges is one of the oldest applications. Membrane technology is replacing leaf filters with diatomaceous earth in many plants in this category.

The market is growing at rates slightly above that of GDP as filtration is used to create new products as well as improve the quality of existing products.  Fat free and non-alcoholic beverages are two examples of new products created by filtration and separation.

A few centrifuge suppliers dominate this hardware segment.  At the other end of the spectrum, there are thousands of companies sharing the consumable cartridge market in the food industry.

McIlvaine derives its food filtration and separation forecasts by extracting information and insights from the following reports:

N024 Cartridge Filters: World Market

N020 RO, UF, MF World Market

N006 Liquid Filtration and Media World Markets

N005 Sedimentation and Centrifugation World Markets 

Alternatively to purchasing the individual reports, one can choose to purchase application focused reports such as Food Filtration and Separation.  This is one of many customized multi-client reports available from McIlvaine.  For more information contact Bob McIlvaine at rmcilvaine@mcilvainecompany.com

Gas Turbine Intake Filter Sales To Exceed $1 Billion By 2021

Sales of gas turbine intake filters will double over the next six years according to the McIlvaine Company. The high rate of revenue growth will be a function of not only robust unit growth but double digit growth in the revenue per unit. 

Gas turbine power generation is increasingly attractive due to the low price of natural gas, the environmental restrictions on coal-fired power and the ability for system suppliers to deliver new plants within 24 months.  The latest high performance turbines provide improved efficiency and lower CO2 emissions per unit of energy produced.  However, the rotating equipment is subject to substantial corrosion and erosion from small particles.

As a result, the industry is moving from lower cost filters to those with HEPA efficiency.  These filters often cost twice that of the lower efficiency filters and have somewhat shorter lives. This additional cost is more than offset by lower part replacement and less frequent washing.  The specific climactic conditions vary from the arctic to the desert and from relatively clean air to air contaminated by hydrocarbons and fine particulate or salt water spray in the case of turbines on offshore rigs and coastal locations.

There are multiple approaches used to remove the air contaminants.  In general they can be divided into static and pulsed filter systems.  In static filter systems, there is a pre filter which captures most of the dust. It is low in cost and frequently replaced.  The downstream high efficiency filter has a long life time due to the lower dust concentration to which it is exposed.  There is a significant quantity of microglass media used in the high efficiency filters.

The pulsed filter approach provides filtration of coarse and fine particles in one device. The filter surface is periodically cleaned with a reverse pulse of air.  Membrane filter media is commonly used with this approach.

The replacement filter market is larger than the new filter market. 


NAFTA is the largest regional market with 34 percent of the gas turbine installed base.  Western Europe is the next largest segment but plants are shutting down there because of the high cost of gas in the region.

McIlvaine offers a customized program for suppliers which include detailed forecasts as well as information on all the existing and new opportunities.  For more information on this program click on:  59EI Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Program.

McIlvaine Hot Topic Hours and Recordings

McIlvaine webinars offer the opportunity to view the latest presentations and join discussions while sitting at your desk. Hot Topic Hours cater to the end users as well as suppliers while the Market Updates cater to the suppliers and investors.  Since McIlvaine records and provides streaming media access to these webinars there is a treasure trove of value only a click away. McIlvaine webinars are free to certain McIlvaine service subscribers. There is a charge for others.  Hot Topic Hours are free to owner/operators.  Sponsored webinars provide insights to particular products and services.  They are free. 

Hot Topic Hour Schedule and Recordings


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Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext. 112