Demineralization and Degasification of Boiler Feedwater in Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Plants - Hot Topic Hour - August 28 at 10:00 a.m. Central Time
The webinar on August 28 will focus on demineralization and degasification in combined cycle gas turbine plants. Participants can review lots of information ahead of time posted to Degasification and Demineralization. This website covers semiconductor, pharmaceutical, nuclear and coal applications. However, this webinar will be focused on the unique needs of combined cycle power plants. This includes the need for rapid cycling due to the role of the GTCC in supplementing wind and solar. Many new gas turbine plants are using treated municipal wastewater which presents its own set of problems.
Tom Tschanz of the McIlvaine Company will provide the initial overview.
Deaeraton with forced and induced draft designs, degasification with vacuum degasifiers and membranes will be analyzed. Locations including pre treatment, post treatment and condensate return will be reviewed. The advantages of the Membrana membrane approach will be compared to alternative mechanical approaches and to the chemical approach which entails continuing chemical cost plus energy consumption and water cost with excess blowdown.
Ion exchange will be compared to electrodeionizaton. Michael Snow president of Snowpure will present the case for electrodeionization. He will address concerns relative to the capability to handle the flow from a large GTCC with the higher-capacity EXL™ product.
Ken Kuruc of Hach will be relating the desired measurements to the reasons why they are important. For example, cationic conductivity is a conductivity measurement after cation exchange: Allcations, and, therefore, ammonium ions (NH4+), are removed and converted into Hydrogen ions (H+). Inorganics (chloride, sulfates) and organics (acetate, formate)anions present (counter ion of cations, Cl-, SO42-) can be easily determined because they are in their highly conductive acidic form (H+, Cl- ; 2H+, SO42-). Any increase in cationic conductivity highlights anionic contamination. A detailed analysis of the instruments, processes and measurement locations by Hach is posted on the site.
Brad Bueker of Kiewit will summarize from direct experience and also the extensive work of personnel at organizations such as the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) to show that the reducing environment produced by oxygen scavengers initiates and propagates flow accelerated corrosion (FAC) in the feedwater system and other components of high pressure steam generators, including heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs). Since 1986, FAC induced attacks have caused numerous failures, some with fatalities, at a number of power plants in the U.S. Yet, specifications for new power plants, most of which are now combined cycle units, often continue to call for oxygen scavenger feed to the condensate, even though the feedwater system typically contains no copper alloys. He presented a paper on this subject at IWC. We will seek permission to reproduce it for the site.
The webinar is free-of-charge to power plant owners. To register:
Click here for the Subscriber and Power Plant or Cement Plant Owner/Operator Registration Form
Click here for the Non-Subscribers Registration Form
Gas Turbine – Combined Cycle Supplier Program Has Continually Updated Project Information
Weekly project updates identify project developments in the timeliest manner. For many products the decisions are now being made for projects starting up in 2015. With this system you can click on the year and state or country and immediately identify the projects that should be pursued.
Gas Turbine Projects by Start Date and Location
Startup Date 2015: US – California

Location Location Comment Project Title
CA Kings Country Henrietta combined cycle conversion - GWF Energy
CA Kings County Hanford combined cycle conversion - GWF Energy
CA Los Angeles County Alamitos Energy Project combined cycle - AES Corp.
CA Los Angeles County Glenarm combined cycle expansion - Pasadena Water & Power
CA Los Angeles County Scattergood 3 - Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power
CA San Diego County Pio Pico Energy Center peaker-San Diego Gas & Electric

Startup Date 2015: Israel
Israel HaDarom Hagit CCGT Unit 9-Israel Electric
Israel HaDarom Israel Chemicals cogen plant
Israel HaZafon (Northern District) Alon Tavor CCGT Units 5 & 6-Israel Electric
Israel Tzafit Haruvit CCGT-Dalia Power Energies
For more information click on:
59EI Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Program
Reverse Osmosis Equipment and Membranes Will Account For 50 Percent of the Cross-Flow Market Next Year
Sales of cross-flow membranes and equipment will exceed $10.8 billion in 2015. Fifty percent of this total will be spent for the more efficient reverse osmosis technologies. The remainder will be split between ultra filtration and microfiltration. This is the latest forecast in McIlvaine’s RO, UF, MF World Market. (

Subject 2015
($ Millions)
Total 10,895
Micro Equipment 2,108
Micro Membranes 521
RO Equip 4,108
RO Membranes 1,218
UF Equipment 2,259
UF Membranes 681
Desalination applications will account for much of the market. Reverse osmosis provides the desalting. The other membrane technologies are often used for pre-filtration. The Middle East remains a major purchaser of desalination systems. The recent decision by Dow to locate a reverse osmosis module manufacturing plant in the region is indicative of the importance of the region.
Membrane technology growth in Asia is in part due to the need to upgrade the quality of drinking water. The size range of reverse osmosis membrane modules has been expanding. A 500 gallon per day module is now available. A tankless design is now possible with this large size module.
Water reuse at power plants is also driving the expansion of the cross-flow membrane market. Many combined cycle gas turbine plants under construction and planning in the U.S. are relying on treated municipal wastewater as the water source.
Ultrafiltration and microfiltration continue to be popular in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry as a way to separate products.
For more information on RO, UF, MF World Market, click on:
Headlines for Utility E-Alert – August 15, 2014
#1187 – August 15, 2014
Table of Contents

• OG&E submits Environmental Compliance Plan for Three Power Plants
• Groups want Indianapolis Power & Light to test Water


• Sri Lanka Power Authority seeks International Investors for Sampur Power Plant
• National Economic Council approves Matarbari 2x600 MW Ultra Supercritical Coal-fired Power Project in Bangladesh
• Indonesia taking action to prevent Power shortfall as Batang Coal-fired Power Plant faces another delay
• Doosan to supply FGD Technology to Mejillones Coal-fired Power Plant Project in Chile
• Siemens supplies Gear Units to BHEL for Coal-fired Power Plant in India

• Ground broken on Combined Cycle Natural Gas-fired Project in Pennsylvania
• CPV secures financing for Waldorf, MD Gas-fired Power Plant
• Federal Court strikes down Illegal Permit for Avenal Power Plant in California
• Officials looking at Biomass Plant in Sacul, TX as site for new Gas-fired Power Plant

• CMI installs Boilers behind GE, Mitsubishi Gas Turbines in Russia and Bangladesh
• Capital Power gets go-ahead to build Genesee 4 and 5 Gas-fired Power Plants in Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada

• Addition to article in August 1 E-Alert 1185 - Sargent & Lundy receives Engineering Contract for Petra Nova Carbon Capture Project

• PSEG plans Site for New Reactor
• NRC wants Public Comment on Sequoyah Nuclear Plant’s License Renewal
• Hokuriku Electric Power Co. applies for Safety Review for Shika 2 in Ishikawa Prefecture Chūbu, Japan


• SembCorp to increase stake in Andhra Pradesh Coal-fired Power Plant
• Wyman Station in Yarmouth, Maine taken off Market
• Mexico’s Congress approves overhaul of Energy Industry
• Adani buys Lanco’s Udupi Power Plant in Karnataka, India
• As many as 11 International Firms and Consortiums are considering Bids to build Two Major Power Plants in Oman
• Major Shift in the World Air Pollution Control Market
• Flow Control and Treatment Sales in the World’s Semiconductor Industry will increase to over $6.5 Billion in 2015


• Hot Topic Hour on August 14 was Industrial Boiler and Cement MACT Timing and Compliance Options
• See you a MEGA Next Week
• Upcoming Hot Topic Hours
For more information on the Utility Tracking System, click on:
McIlvaine Hot Topic Hour Registration
On Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Central time, McIlvaine hosts a 90 minute web meeting on important energy and pollution control subjects. Power webinars are free for subscribers to either Power Plant Air Quality Decisions or Utility Tracking System. The cost is $300.00 for non-subscribers.
See below for information on upcoming Hot Topic Hours. We welcome your input relative to suggested additions.

21 MEGA Symposium
28 Demineralization and Degasification
4 Hot Gas Filtration
11 Power Plant Pumps
18 Power Water Monitoring
25 Power Plant Water Treatment Chemicals

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Click here for the Free Hot Topic Hour Registration Form
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Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext 112