Pump Market to Exceed $48 Billion/Yr by 2019
Sales of industrial and municipal pumps will exceed $48 billion per year by 2019. This is the latest forecast in Pumps World Market published by the McIlvaine Company. (www.mcilvainecompany.com)
($ Millions)
World Region 2019
TOTAL $48,172
Africa 1,960
CIS 2,214
East Asia 18,060
Eastern Europe 1,070
Middle East 2,618
NAFTA 8,745
South & Central America 3,353
West Asia 3,661
Western Europe 6,491
The growth will be driven by East Asia where sales will be over $18 billion in 2019. Among the major purchasers will be municipalities. East Asia is constructing a large number of drinking water and waste treatment systems. Pumps are used in transport to and from the plants and also for all the purification processes in the plants.
Construction of new coal-fired plants in East Asia will also be substantial. Japan is joining China as a constructor of new coal-fired plants. This is due to the shutdown of nuclear power plants and the high price on natural gas which is delivered as LNG.
Other major purchasers will be the chemical industry, pulp and paper mills, and the iron and steel industry. Special sanitary pumps will be purchased by food and pharmaceutical companies. The construction of many plants to make generic drugs will impact the market. High purity pumps will also be needed for the ultrapure water used to wash semiconductor chips. Taiwan, Korea, China and Japan account for a large percentage of semiconductor manufacturing. This percentage will grow over the next six years.
The oil and gas industry and refineries represent a growth area worldwide. The U.S. will be a major purchaser in 2019 due to its continuing hydro fracturing activities as well as offshore extraction. Refining and gas processing will be significant markets in the Middle East. Mining will be a major market for pumps in South America and Africa.
For more on Pumps World Market click on N019 Pumps World Market
Headlines for April 4, 2014 – Utility E-Alert
• Conversion of Coal-fired Power to Natural Gas has begun at Plant Yates in Georgia
• Southern Environmental awarded $60 Million ESP Project for Midwest Utility
• Danskammer Power Plant in NY is to be re-started
• Hamon Research-Cottrell awarded Contract for Fabric Filters in Indonesia
• Update: NTE Ohio begins approval Process for 540 MW Gas Project in Butler County
• Brockton, MA Gas-fired Power Plant Proposal on Hold
• EBRD invests $190 Million in Shabab and West Damietta Power Plants
• Alstom secures Zubair 740 MW Gas-fired Power Plant Contract near Basra, Iraq
• NEM awarded HRSG Contract for San Gabriel Combined Cycle Power Plant in the Philippines
• Alberta approves 700-MW Cogen Project of Shell Canada
• CO2
• EPA approves Draft Permit for FutureGen 2.0 and seeks Public Comment
• Vermont Nuclear Power Plant decommissioning approved
• Approximately $470 Million for building Belarusian Nuclear Power Station in 2014
• Constellation Five Reactors join Exelon’s Nuclear Fleet
• E.ON shutting Grafenrheinfeld Nuclear Power Plant in 2015
• Insights from the Electric Power Conference this Week in New Orleans
• New Service Helps Power Plants Make the Best Air Pollution Control Decisions
• “Mercury Treatment Chemicals in Fuel, Flue Gas and Scrubbing Liquor” is Hot Topic Hour April 10, 2014
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See below for information on upcoming Hot Topic Hours. We welcome your input relative to suggested additions.

April 17, 2014 Measurement Of Gas Turbine Emissions Including NH3 Six different options
May 1, 2014 850oF Particulate Removal With Ceramic Filter Media Could change the whole back end
May 8, 2014 Sorbent Traps vs. Mercury CEMS Sorbent traps are competitive
May 15, 2014 Gas Intake Filters: HEPA or Medium Efficiency More information
May 29, 2014 Stellite Delamination in Power Plant Steam Valves More information
June 5, 2014 Dry vs. Wet Cooling Surprising number of ACC’S. Why?
June 12, 2014 HRSG Issues (Fast Start, Tube Failures) Lots of challenges to cycle 200 X/yr
June 26, 2014 CCR $ billions Needed
July/August 2014 Boiler Feedwater Treatment
Condensate Polishing for Peaking Turbines
316 B Water Issues
Gas Turbine Permitting Issues
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Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext 112