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We are providing free access to two issues of these Updates in each of twenty areas including wastewater, power, refineries, etc. You can read these as they are posted http://www.mcilvainecompany.com/salesleads.htm .


Here are excerpts from the April 15 U.S. Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Update.  See the entire update by clicking on the above hyperlink.



A controversial plan to study pumping Santa Rosa's treated wastewater to the ocean was abandoned Thursday. An outfall system would have carried treated effluent to the ocean through a 5-foot-diameter, 25-mile-long pipe from the city's regional sewage treatment plant west of Rohnert Park to the Salmon Creek area. The project's cost was estimated at $160 million to $240 million. Ocean outfall was first considered in the mid-1980s, but eventually dropped because of widespread opposition from coastal residents and a conclusion by city leaders that the wastewater should be put to productive use.



Delaware will hire an environmental consultant to help identify the source of odors now wafting over Wilmington and suburbs near the Delaware River, state officials said. The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control suspects the likely source is one or more sites along the Delaware River, including the Cherry Island Landfill and Wilmington's sewage-treatment complex. Agency managers are seeking a contractor to sample and identify pollutants in the local air, but have not set a deadline.



A major contractor at Honolulu’s massive Sand Island sewage treatment plant expansion project says a vital $70.7 million segment of the work was poorly planned and that oversight has been "incompetent." Robison Construction Inc. claims in a lawsuit filed in state Circuit Court that design flaws related to a new sewage disinfection unit and pump station have cost $20 million and delayed the project by more than a year. Named as defendants are the city and two other contractors: construction manager R.M. Towill Corp. and geotechnical engineering firm Geolabs Inc.



A new wastewater treatment plant may be under construction in Dillsboro by early spring 2004, said town coordinator Scott Fortner, after the town board and officials met with an engineering firm Thursday, March 13.


Robert W. McIlvaine

