Re Water Treatment Webinars And Articles On Cosmetics And Beverages


On June 6, 2007 McIlvaine is teaming with the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association (CTFA) to provide a 90 minute webinar for members on water treatment. CTFA reports lots of interest in this subject and expects a good turn out.  You have the opportunity to provide us with success stories and product data specifically relating to this industry which we will include in the online analysis which will be the basis for the discussion.  There will also be an opportunity for a few suppliers to make presentations.


We are presently preparing an article for Filtration News on water treatment in the beverage industry.  This will appear in the May/June issue.  We would also like your input for this article and for our own publications.


We have already introduced weekly “Hot Topic Hours” for the power industry and have more than 50 percent of the utility industry using our services.  Now we are expanding this type of activity to other industries.


Relative to the cosmetics, toiletries, and fragrances as well as bottled water and other beverages, we would like your input specifically on:


(1)   Any articles or papers your people have presented.

(2)   Power points or other data about your capabilities and experience in any of these applications.

(3)   Case histories.

(4)   Names of specialists or appropriate contacts in your company for further information.


We look forward to hearing from you on this initiative.  You can contact Alpa Bagga at 847-784-0012, Ext. 136 or Bob McIlvaine at 847-784-0012, Ext.112 .




Bob McIlvaine