Subject: Macrofiltration growth in Asia


The market for filter presses, belt presses, drum filters, sand filters, and tubular filters is growing faster in Asia than the rest of the world.   Belt press sales to Chinese wastewater treatment plants have soared in recent years.  The big growth in sewage sludge dewatering is due to the urbanization of Asia.


The Asian chemical industry is continuing to increase its filter purchases.  Here are the forecasts for Chinese chemical industry filter purchases for 2004 and 2005:

Figure: v 

Liquid Filtration and Media World Markets  


($ Millions)

                                                Industry:  Chemical

                                                Country:  China

Subject                                                2004                2005 

ABW Filter                                          2.71                 2.96

Bag Filter                                             3.57                 3.85

Belt Filter Press                                    0.73                 0.79

Filter Press                                           9.05                 9.79

Granular Media Filter                            0.91                 0.99

Leaf, Tubular and Belt              5.35                 5.78

Drum and Disk                         0.54                 0.59

Bag Filter Media                                   3.56                 3.85

Belt Filter Press Media             0.32                 0.35

Drum and Disk Media                          0.39                 0.42

Filter Press Media                                4.34                 4.69

Leaf, Tubular and Belt Media                2.16                 2.34                            


These forecasts are just a few of the 50,000 forecasts appearing in Liquid Filtration and Media: World Markets.  For more information click on: .



Bob McIlvaine
