January 2011

McIlvaine Company


Lots of InterWEBviews on Liquid Filtration Equipment

Marcellus Gas Shale Will Be Good Filtration Opportunity

Track the Exhibitions with Filtration Equipment

Alfa Laval Orders Are Up 9 Percent in the First 9 Months

Andritz Profits and Sales Rose in the Third Quarter of 2010

Advanced Dewatering RAEBL, Montreal, Canada from Ovivo

Food & Beverage Surface Water Treatment, Nigeria with Ovivio System

Ovivo is the Global Brand Name for GLV Water Businesses



Lots of InterWEBviews on Liquid Filtration Equipment

McIlvaine Company has been conducting InterWEBviews with suppliers of liquid filtration equipment. You can access these recordings by clicking on the title.

You can locate all the InterWEBviews as follows:

First Click on: Free News and InterWEBviews ™
then click on "text descriptor" and then click on "InterWEBviews

Marcellus Gas Shale Will Be Good Filtration Opportunity

McIlvaine conducted a webinar on water treatment in Marcellus gas shale. You can view the recording through the link below

Title: Water Treatment in Gas Shale Fracturing and Gas and Oil Production - McIlvaine Webinar

Tom Tschanz started with a produced water overview. Thierry Brisard followed with information on a D.O. monitor using MEMS technology. Trygve Hegerland described the technologies to treat produced water. David Wensloff provided power points on flocculating agents. These power points are displayed briefly but without the accompanying discussion.

Additional Webinar Recording Information

   Application Sequencing

 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气

 Shale Gas 页岩

 Effluent Treatment 污水处












Other Subjects

Text Descriptor

  • Integrated Engineers
  • McIlvaine
  • Neosens
  • ProSep
  • Brisard, Thierry
  • Hegerland, Trygve
  • Tschanz, Tom
  • Wensloff, David


  • Produced Water
  • Webinar Recording

Here are some additional links with relevant data: Data Search by Application

The following Titles reflect the requested application sequencing:

McIlvaine has summarized the market potential in the following article.


The Potential of Gas Shale

Article for the July issue of World Pumps published by Elsevier. This describes the fluids to be pumped and the pumps required for those fluids when extracting gas from shale using fracturing. It also reviews the potential for gas recovery in various sections of the U.S. and compares this potential to that of other regions of the world.

Additional Analysis Information


   Application Sequencing

 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气

 Shale Gas 页岩













Other Subjects

Text Descriptor

  • Elsevier
  • McIlvaine
  • James, Ann
  • McIlvaine, Robert
  • Pump


  • Analysis

This information and other application related information are shown at: Free News and InterWEBviews
then click on "application" and then on 211111 Crude Petroleum"

Track the Exhibitions with Filtration Equipment

You can learn a great deal about the market by analyzing the exhibitions. Click on:

Free News and InterWEBviews ™
then click on "other subjects and then on exhibition you get links to who is exhibiting where.

Oil sands is a big market for filters. Here is a January conference focused on the subject.

Title: Oil Sands Water Management Initiative 2011

This conference with a few exhibitors deals with the water management issues of the oil sands processing.

Additional Database Information


   Application Sequencing

 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气

 Tar Sands 焦油砂













Other Subjects

Text Descriptor

  • 212 Resources
  • Dryvac Services Canada, Inc.
  • FilterBoxx Water and Envrionmental Corp.
  • Nalco
  • Pall Corporation
  • Ridgeline Energy Services
  • Trimph EPCM
  • Liquid Filtration


  • Calgary
  • Exhibition
  • Database


IFAT Shanghai will include lots of displays by filtration equipment suppliers. Here are the details.


The 2011 IFAT China + EPTEE + CWS

Shanghai will again be the location for the big IFAT China +EPTEE + CWS show.

Additional Database Information


   Application Sequencing

 221320 - Sewage Treatment Facilities *














Other Subjects

Text Descriptor

  • Air Pollution Control
  • Cross Flow Membrane
  • Gravity Separation
  • Industrial Gas Treatment
  • Liquid Macrofiltration
  • Pump
  • Valve


  • China
  • Exhibition
  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Database

IFAT CHINA + EPTEE + CWS 2010 featured a high profile accompanying program, overall attracting more than 7,000 attendees in around 200 sessions in total. Technical and scientific conferences were organized by the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA), a major international partner of the show.

Exhibitors on treatment and flow control included:







Flue Gas Treatment










ASV Stuebbe



Boll & Kirch


GEA Westfalia


Nment SA




Activated Carbon









KWC Valve


Shanghai Centrifuge





DAB Pumps

Quingdao KC

Haixing Filter

Minke Water







Red Valve

Hengshi Hiajang

Filter Press









Lin Quan Pump


HID Membrane

Hefei Clear






Additional general information is available at and

Alfa Laval Orders Are Up 9 Percent in the First 9 Months

Although sales were down by 10 percent for the first 9 months of 2010, orders were up 9 percent. A large SEK 40 million order in wastewater contributed to the gain. Orders in Asia were up 33 percent. The OEM, wastewater, and food segments were strong contributors. You can view the financial presentation at:

Andritz Profits and Sales Rose in the Third Quarter of 2010

Sales of the Andritz Group rose in the third quarter of 2010 compared to last year’s reference period by around 19 percent to 896.6 MEUR (Q3 2009: 756.1 MEUR), with substantial increases in all business areas except METALS. In the first three quarters of 2010, Group sales amounted to 2,458.8 MEUR (+5.5 percent vs. Q1-Q3 2009: 2,330.2 MEUR).

The order intake of the Andritz Group developed favorably in the third quarter of 2010: At 932.1 MEUR, it increased by some 11 percent compared to the third quarter of 2009 (842.2 MEUR). With the exception of the METALS business area, which continues to be impacted by the difficult project situation in the international steel industry, all business areas were able to increase their order intake in comparison with the reference figures of the previous year. As a result, the order intake of the Group rose to 3,235.8 MEUR in the first three quarters of 2010 and thus was over 25 percent higher than the figure for the previous year’s reference period (Q1-Q3 2009: 2,554.9 MEUR).

Order backlog of the Group as of September 30, 2010 amounted to 5,477.6 MEUR, thus increasing compared to the reference value as of September 30, 2009 (4,514.5 MEUR: +21.3%) and as of December 31, 2009 (4,434.5 MEUR: +23.5%).

Earnings (EBITA) of the Andritz Group in the third quarter of 2010 amounted to 67.0 MEUR (+47% vs. Q3 2009: 45.5 MEUR) and thus increased substantially more than sales. As a result, profitability (EBITA margin) increased to 7.5 percent in the third quarter of 2010 (Q3 2009: 6.0%). The EBITA of the Group in the first three quarters of 2010 increased to 164.9 MEUR, a rise of around 62 percent compared to last year’s reference period, which was negatively impacted by restructuring measures in the second quarter (Q1-Q3 2009: 102.0 MEUR; 126.3 MEUR excluding restructuring measures). The EBITA margin increased to 6.7 percent (Q1-Q3 2009: 4.4%; 5.4 percent excluding restructuring expenses).

Net income of the Group (excluding non-controlling interests) amounted to 114.6 MEUR during the first three quarters of 2010, thus nearly doubling compared to the reference figure for the previous year (Q1-Q3 2009: 59.6 MEUR).

Total assets of the Andritz Group increased to 3,767.7 MEUR as of September 30, 2010 (December 31, 2009: 3.309,3 MEUR); the equity ratio amounted to 19.4 percent (December 31, 2009: 20.0%).

Andritz expects solid project activity to continue for the remaining months of the 2010 business year. Based on the results for the first three quarters of 2010, the Group expects a slight rise in sales compared to the full year of 2009. Cost savings resulting from the restructuring measures initiated in 2009 should have a positive impact on the net income.

Advanced Dewatering RAEBL, Montreal, Canada from Ovivo

Linear Electro-Dewatering reduces cake volume and improves biosolids quality, driving significant cost reductions for municipalities.


Food & Beverage Surface Water Treatment, Nigeria with Ovivio System

Ovivo delivered a high-capacity water treatment plant for Heineken Supply Chain to dramatically reduce turbidity in surface water and to recycle backwash water.


Ovivo is the Global Brand Name for GLV Water Businesses

GLV has merged all its water businesses under one global brand name, as Ovivo. It brings together businesses operating from 21 countries across five continents.

"Our consolidation strategy is in response to three key market drivers," said Richard Verreault, GLV’s President and Chief Operating Officer. "Firstly, we want to position ourselves to take full advantage of the growth opportunities which are widely renowned within the water industry. Secondly, we recognize the trend towards the industry globalization and it demands that we pool our expertise and resources to ensure our broad portfolio of technologies and know-how is available in all the countries we choose to serve around the world. Thirdly, by consolidating our businesses into one brand, we aim to challenge the status quo imposed by the top players in the market."

The decision to market the water businesses under one brand is the result of a nine-month review following the acquisition of Christ Water Technology in November 2009. This change will create one of the greatest pools of talent in the water industry and will allow this expertise to be accessible by clients, no matter where they are in the world.

As society and the global economy demand more and more from water, there is a growing requirement for ever more specialized applications to manage clean water, to create efficient process water systems, to treat wastewater, to extract energy from wastewater and to champion the reuse of water. "Water is in the spotlight," added Richard Verreault. "Water is now fundamental to good governance as the true cost of managing water is being recognized around the world. Scarcity, rigorous legislation and corporate social responsibility combined with the increasing recognition that water is a key business issue provide very interesting growth opportunities."

Ovivo specializes only in water and focuses its attention upon specific industrial and municipal applications for water. The new group’s raison d’être is to create value in water for clients, through a thorough understanding and knowledge of key industries in which water has the most significant impact. Ovivo’s role is to manage the cost of using water and help clients achieve the maximum value of the water they depend on for their core processes.


McIlvaine Company

Northfield, IL 60093-2743

Tel: 847-784-0012; Fax: 847-784-0061


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