Hundreds of precipitators and scrubbers on coal, wood, bark, and other solid fuel fired industrial boilers will have to be upgraded to meet the particulate emission requirements promulgated in the new industrial boiler MACT regulation.  Each of these units is identified in the McIlvaine U.S. Industrial Emitters database. You can also view precipitator installations on other sources. Click on: .


There are big opportunities and challenges in upgrading and replacing precipitators in the larger utilities.  The recently issued list of counties which do not meet the fine particulate ambient air quality criteria is one more step toward greater scrutiny of utility particulate emissions.  McIlvaine is tracking the status of each project in the Utility Environmental Upgrade Tracking System: .


In case you are worried about the CO2 restrictions and global warming, consider this, future gas turbines will be fueled with LNG.  It takes an extra 30 percent of the gas to liquefy and then vaporize the product.  When you add in CH4, losses in gas pipelines coal is no more of a greenhouse gas contributor than is natural gas.     



Bob McIlvaine
