In Norman, OK the fate of a proposed northside wastewater plant was decided by voters last week. The McIlvaine U.S. Municipal Wastewater Facilities and People Update provides observations by Bryan Mitchell, the capital projects engineer, relative to the new membrane bioreactor and odor considerations.


Eunice, LA is replacing mixers in its treatment system. The Update covers comments by the city engineer with Aucoin and Associates.


In phase one, wastewater treatment improvements would cost about $3.5 million. In Spring Lake, LA the Spring Lake Board of Aldermen reviewed the results of the study by Crawford Design Co. of Fayetteville. Spring Lake Mayor Ethel Clark said the town needs to spend $8 million to fix immediate problems.


The study recommends the construction of a new treatment facility in the second phase of improvements. The Update provides some details of the plans.


Pleasanton, CA has invested in $4.5 million worth of odor abatement equipment as part of its $50 million expansion project. Some details of this project are presented in the Update.


Wilmington, DE has an odor problem and is conducting a separate evaluation of odor sources at the wastewater plant operated under contract by USFilter Corp.  The evaluation will study the sewage treatment process, equipment, and chemicals that may be used (more in Update).


The Casa Grande, AZ City Council has approved Public Works Director Greg Stanley's request to spend $58,176 for planning odor control at the city's wastewater treatment plant. Carollo Engineers is the firm conducting the study (more in Update).


In Leominster, MS the City Council chose to delay a decision regarding a special permit Fitchburg is seeking to upgrade its East Treatment Plant. Project Manager Warren W. Terrell of Dufresne-Henry of Westford is quoted in the Update as are several others on odor control issues.


The biweekly update contains 15 to 25 pages of information about plant problems and expansion plans. It provides the names of the decision-makers from the mayor to the city engineer to the consultant. There are thousands of projects underway at any point in time.  Projects in previous Updates are searchable. But more importantly the Updates are just part of the complete system which has all the plant information and contacts. You can check out samples at U.S. Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities and People .


Also keep in mind that there is a companion service Consultant Profiles and People which gives you the contact information for the consultant listed in the Update. Check out .


Following are the headlines for the May, Site Remediation Newsletter:




May 2003
No. 57



·         Homeland Security: Nuclear Material for Dirty Bomb Not Secure Enough in U.S.

·         Promising Drug to Protect Emergency Responders from Radiation Sickness

·         EPA Focuses on Suspect Chemical PFOA Contaminating Food, Groundwater

·         EPA Proposes Addition of Two Sites in Ohio to Superfund List



·         PEAT Thermal Plasma Technology Converts Waste to Gas, Recovers Metals



·         Bulgaria – Opportunity to Bid on Project to Remediate Uranium Mines

·         Canada – Brownfield Cleanups May Yield $7 Billion in Public Benefits Per Year

·         Ecuador – ChevronTexaco Sued for Polluting Sections of Rain Forest

·         Egypt – $16 Million Needed to Clean Up Highly Polluted Lake Maryut

·         Europe – Insurance, Contaminant Liability to Drive Remediation Industry

·         Europe – EU to Require Manufacturers to Prove Safety of Chemicals

·         Iraq – Environmental Contamination, DU Munitions Seen as Threats to Health

·         UK – Ban on Co-disposal Necessitates New Waste Treatment, Disposal Facilities

·         UK – Massive Program to Clean Up Brownfields, Provide Urban Housing



·         Study on Environmental Risks to Children Could Lead to New Regulations

·         Honeywell Ordered to Clean Up NJ Chromium Site; Cost May Be $400 Million

·         Sierra Pacific Industries to Pay $800,000 for Sawmill Pollution of Estuary

·         Litigation Against Copper Uranium Corp. for Polluting Colorado Town Continues

·         Arsenic Likely Contaminating Water Wells in Swath of Massachusetts, Maine

·         Most Abandoned Coal Mines in Eastern U.S., But Cleanup Funds Go West

·         ARCO Not Liable for Cleanup; Land Polluted Before 1980 Superfund Law

·         Tar Creek Superfund Site Focus of Renewed Attention, Vows to Clean Up

·         Survey of Environmental Consultants Reveals Trends in Phase 1 Assessments



·         Washington Group, Fluor, Earth Tech Win $1 Billion Hanford Cleanup Contract

·         SSWM Expands to Spain, Portugal, Seeks More UST Work in South Carolina

·         Jacobs to Help Remediate Massachusetts Military Reservation


Site Remediation and Emergency Response Newsletter is only $270/yr. online.  You also have access to the past newsletters for the last two years and can easily access specific subjects. Samples are shown under “Remediation” at .


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Bob McIlvaine
