Scrubber Sales to Reach $7.4 Billion Next Year

Sales of scrubbers to industrial customers and not power plants will exceed $7.4 billion next year. This is the latest forecast in Scrubber/Adsorber/Biofilter World Market. East Asia will be the leading regional purchaser followed by NAFTA.


Absorbers will be the leading scrubber type. This includes packed towers and tray towers. Adsorbers with carbon or other media will be the second ranked product.









Dry Scrubber





A large number of both dry and wet scrubbers are used to remove SO2, mercury and HCl formed by the burning of municipal or industrial waste. This will be the top ranked application.







Other Industries






Surface Coating


Pulp & Paper





For more information, click on:  N008 Scrubber/Adsorber/Biofilter World Markets

The “Hurry up” Pace for Flow Control and Treatment

Jeffrey Immelt of GE has called upon industry to adopt the same “hurry up” pace endemic to Silicon Valley. This statement was made in conjunction with the initiative to maximize the value of information communicated by machines. This information can be used to improve operations and maintenance. GE outlines impressive advantages of massive machine to machine communication. This leads to speculation that the information generated by pumps, valves, fans, etc. could be worth more than the equipment itself.

McIlvaine is currently conducting a series of webinars for a large U.S. utility which is considering optimization systems offered by GE, Siemens, Emerson, Doosan and others. Better machine communication can contribute a NOx reduction of more than 10 percent. However, since the utility needs to achieve at least 70 percent reduction at four plants, optimization will only be part of the strategy. It now appears that the most cost effective solution is a combination of five or more technologies.

For this specific project the solution could involve the GE NeuCo optimization system in Massachusetts, the GE combustion (CE) in Connecticut, the GE (formerly Betz) treatment chemicals in Pennsylvania and the GE (formerly Alstom/CE) scrubbing technologies (Tennessee and Sweden) along with changes in wastewater treatment and maybe even ZLD as furnished by the GE water groups in Minnesota, Washington and other areas. The utility has to determine the best interaction of all these technologies. GE also has to maximize the communication among its own technology providers who, as previously independent companies, are not part of a seamless operation.

The series of webinars using the McIlvaine Global Decisions Orchard is demonstrating the value of organization and decisive classification but also a “hurry up” pace through the power of the wise crowd. The utility will likely choose a unique combination of technologies which had not been envisioned at the beginning of the two-month webinar series. Unexpected input from many different sources has made a major contribution to the likely choice.

The Wikipedia entry for the wise crowd provides the following criteria:


Wise Crowd Criteria



Diversity of opinion

Each person should have private information even if it's just an eccentric interpretation of the known facts.


People's opinions aren't determined by the opinions of those around them.


People are able to specialize and draw on local knowledge.


Some mechanism exists for turning private judgments into a collective decision.

All these criteria have been met with the webinar and Decision Guide approach used on this project. McIlvaine intends to take full advantage of the wise crowd in the future.

For more information on the specific Decision Guides being used by power plants for flow and treatment decisions, click on:

44I Power Plant Air Quality Decisions

59D Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Decisions

For more input on how wise crowd initiatives will be used to help various suppliers, click on:

N028 Industrial Valves: World Market

N019 Pumps World Market

N027 FGD Market and Strategies  

N035 NOx Control World Market

N026 Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals: World Market

N020 RO, UF, MF World Market   

Power Plant and Energy Projects Should Be Tracked from Inception

Fossil-fired power plants, refineries, gas-to-liquids, LNG and petrochemical plants are large investments. Initial decisions about suppliers are first made years in advance of the bid specification release. These decisions can be reversed by persuasive suppliers but it is much better to make the case prior to a tentative decision. McIlvaine supplies weekly and biweekly alerts to help suppliers ensure that they are heard at the earliest appropriate time.

Coal, gas and diesel-fired power plant projects take years to develop from initial concept to actual operation. Decisions about sub systems are typically made two years before operation for a small gas turbine or diesel plant. These decisions for large coal-fired power plants are made three years in advance or earlier. On the other hand, decisions can be altered due to unforeseen events. The 3960 MW Saurashtra power plant in India is a project which has been underway for nearly seven years. The first two 660 MW units for Saurashtra are slated for 2019 start up. The new air pollution regulations will require 30 mg/Nm3 for particulate compared with 50 mg/Nm3, FGD for units 1 and 2 at 92 percent versus only provision for FGD in the existing permit. NOx emissions will be limited to 100 mg/Nm3 which would require more than 80 percent reduction. So any decisions relative to air pollution control systems have to be reviewed and new systems incorporated.


Plant Parameters

Plant Details

Plant Name

Saurashtra Super Thermal Power Plant


Bhatvadia villae in Kaylanpur Taluk District Jamnagar in Gujarat


6 x 660 MW

Startup date unit 1


Startup date unit 2

30-9- 2019



Coal sulfur


Coal ash



897 MLD from Arabian sea


Provision for installation in units 1 and 2 but required for 3-6


Discharged to meet limits prescribed in PSCB/CPCB


High efficiency precipitator to meet 50 mg/Nm3

Cooling water

Natural draft cooling towers

Gas turbine combined cycle power plants have a shorter construction cycle but many of the projects are in the U.S. where litigation and permits cause delays and design changes. Large refinery projects are typically in the planning and construction stages for a decade prior to operation. Gas-to-liquids plants can cost up to $15 billion. As a result, their construction cycle is equal to that of a refinery.

McIlvaine has three Alert services covering these projects on a continuing basis:

41F Utility E-Alert

59-EA Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle E-Alert

71EI Oil, Gas, Shale, Refining E-Alert

Custom Websites for Power Plants are the Next Step to achieve the Interconnectivity of People

The power industry has been challenged to progress at the “hurry up” pace endemic to Silicon Valley. One of the cited routes is the utilization of the interconnectivity among machines. However, this progress requires better interconnectivity of people. McIlvaine has introduced a free internet decision system for power plants based around separate websites for gas turbines/reciprocating engines and coal-fired power.

The value of this system to a power plant has been demonstrated at PacifiCorp where use of the system along with a series of five webinars has shown the way to lower cost NOx control for four coal-fired units. The decisive classification tools in the system were important but the insights from the “wise crowd” have been equally important. McIlvaine is now taking the next step in interconnectivity with a website and decision system for all the Berkshire Hathaway (BH) generation plants.

The website includes links to the decision systems but also includes an Alert just for BH people. It includes details on each generating unit with continuing updates. McIlvaine already tracks components and consumables such as the NOx reagents and suppliers for the various gas turbine units.  The coal-fired power plant NOx project will use more reagent than any of the gas turbine plants.  The combination of H2O2 and urea may be better than just urea.  If this is true for the coal-fired power plants, is there a benefit for the gas turbine plants?

Siemens, GE and Emerson are each proposing optimization systems for the coal NOx project. The gas turbine plants in the fleet are newer and the operators have insights on the latest technology.  One upgrade was priced at $8 million if the improved performance was achieved, but only $300,000 if it was not. The decision makers for the coal project need to hear from the gas turbine plant operators on this.

String wound condensate polishing filters for one of the coal-fired power plants were replaced several years ago with 20 micron filters. However, at the time there was speculation that the more expensive 10 micron filters would have been worth the extra investment.  A total lowest cost of ownership study on this selection would be useful to all the coal and combined cycle gas plants.  The bidders list for Currant Creek lists Cuno as the only approved bidder. The Cuno string wound filters were deemed too inefficient and that is why they were replaced with Pall 20 micron filters at the coal-fired power plant.  But the condensate cooling at that plant is achieved with air cooled condensers.  This results in more contamination than when wet cooling is utilized.  Also Cuno has a range of filters. So an approved bidders list should specify filter efficiency and take advantage of recent experience.   In any case, a condensate filter users group within the corporation would be desirable.

Valve and pump approved bidders’ lists for the water and steam applications for one new gas turbine plant are included in the decision system. In its valve and pump services, McIlvaine is writing about the many improvements in the product offerings.  This includes designs but also materials such as hard facings. This list should be shared among all the plants and the “wise crowd” invited to provide insights. There should be a BH power generation valve users group and also a user’s group on pumps.

There are lots of individuals in the crowd who can provide valuable input on the generation mix.  Warren Buffet has been defending the policy of not subsidizing photovoltaic solar owners in Nevada. They are paid 11 cents/kWh for their electricity when the company can buy from central solar suppliers for 5 cents/kWh.  At the heart of this dispute is the true cost of generation when transmission and other costs are included. This true cost is influenced by the fluctuations in demand and the contribution of all the other generation sources in the system. Mid-American Energy filed changes to its private generation tariff with the Iowa Utilities Board. It is now dedicated to 100 percent renewables over time.  Wind energy will be the foundation.  Relative to the solar tariff, the company said “Most private solar customers remain connected to the power grid for back-up power to use when the sun isn’t shining.”  However, they pay less for using the grid – customers who don’t have private solar end up paying the difference. We believe the filing is a step forward in the process to balance the needs of all customers and ensure that customers who install private generation pay their share of the costs for maintaining the grid. We will continue to move policies in a direction that encourage private solar and wind development.

There is a commercial tomato greenhouse at the Currant Creek plant.  It produces 22 million pound of tomatoes per year.  It uses heat and CO2 from the power generator but also is recovering a significant amount of water from the flue gas (derived from hydrogen in the fuel).  The grower operates another plant in California and is building one in Canada.  These plants each use two 4 MW gas engines to provide the electricity, heat, light and CO2.  Their energy efficiency is greater than 80 percent.  However, the produce grows up to 40 percent faster because of the CO2. Therefore, you can make a good case that the gas engines are more than 100 percent efficient and, therefore, are better than wind or solar.  This case is even stronger when the grower uses biogas from the produce waste to fuel the engines. The recovery of water from the exhaust at Currant Creek creates another ponderable. McIlvaine has a common metric to measure the harm from CO2 vs. the recovery of water in an arid area.  Ten tons of recovered water is worth one ton of CO2.  Therefore, further quantification of the water recovery is important.

Much of the area in which the Berkshire plants are located is arid and sunny.  Many experts are predicting a huge future for indoor agriculture with gas engines burning low cost natural gas or biogas. These engines will operate 24-7 unlike wind and solar. Data centers are investing in emergency engines to provide up to 6 percent of all the energy potentially consumed in the region.  They could invest in NOx control equipment and switch to standby service. Should gas engines be a bigger part of the fleet? Presently the long range plans for PacifiCorp only include a fractional percent of energy from this source.

The “wise crowd” of Berkshire people along with experts from the supplier and consulting companies will have a unique tool to help make better combustion, flow control and treatment decisions throughout the organization.  The long-range plan is to provide the custom websites for all the major utility generators throughout the world. Since these are offered free of charge the challenge is not obtaining the utility buy in but in the funding from the supplier community who will benefit from the customer interface and the mechanism to demonstrate that their products will result in the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO).

For more information on the systems, click on:

59D Gas Turbine and Reciprocating Engine Decisions

44I Power Plant Air Quality Decisions

31I Renewable Energy Update and Projects

The Berkshire Hathaway “Wise Crowd” Decisions is available separately or as part of a package.

For more information on the program contact Bob McIlvaine at 847-784-0012 ext. 112

Interconnecting the Flow Control and Treatment Industry

It is the digital age and it is the dawn of machine-to-machine communications. But we are in the dark ages when it comes to interconnectivity. Large flow-and-treat end users and large suppliers have minimum connectivity within their own companies. McIlvaine has created a Global Decisions Orchard structured to maximize interconnectivity between individuals in diverse groups. The new embellishment is to maximize intra-group interconnectivity.

Owner/Operator Groups

More than half the flow control and treatment products and services are purchased by multiple plant owners. Custom websites and Decision Systems are being set up for these owners. The first such system is Berkshire Hathaway Power Generation Decisions.

Flow and Treat Suppliers

More than half the flow control and treat products and services are sold by companies providing multiple products from a number of locations. Interconnectivity has been slowed by divisional self-interest. The bottoms-up approach applied by McIlvaine avoids divisional rivalry. The interconnected owner/operator group with a bridge to the interconnected supplier conglomerate is now a reality.



Interconnectivity between the suppliers and end users needs to be expanded to include consultants, investors and regulators. This requires niche experts who, like bees, pollinate one flower after another.



Funding for experts in narrow niches has been impossible because there has not been global support. Many of the world’s most expert flow and treatment people retire each year and many become consultants. However, without a big demand for their niche specialty they are soon involved in extraneous activities and soon lose their knowledge advantage. With the Global Decisions Orchard there are enough flowers to support a large hive.

The expanded interconnection allows the “wise crowd” to make more valuable contributions. Each person is a niche expert in a number of areas. In one of five “wise crowd” webinars for a Berkshire Hathaway project a senior engineer volunteered information from an obscure R&D project conducted several years earlier. This apparently minor contribution has become important to greatly reducing the project cost. The “wise crowd” is necessary to take advantage of the rapidly expanding world knowledge. 

For more information on the interconnection program contact Bob McIlvaine at 847-784-0012 ext. 112

Daily Project Posting in McIlvaine Oil, Gas, Refining Supplier Program


September 2016 – No. 2

This alert is being issued twice per month for suppliers in flow control and treatment who are coordinating market research with targeted pursuit of the larger and longer term orders.

Many of the articles deal with specific projects which have been selected because each will result in millions of dollars of orders for flow control and treatment products. Each project has been rated. The opportunity size is rated from 1-10 with 1 being small and 10 being very large. The timing for flow and treatment orders has been provided by year, e.g. T 16 = timing of order is 2016.

You can access all the data from the home page of Oil, Gas, Shale and Refining Markets and Projects in a number of ways. To see the most current entries just click on “title”. You can search by many different decisive classifications but also with a global search which when you enter any word will display all the articles with that word in the summary.

(Listed by most current date)

Sinochem to Add Ethylene Complex to Quanzhou Oil Refinery

Revision Date:  9/30/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, 325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, Sinochem, China Chemical Fiber Group, Ethylene Cracker, Paraxylene Unit, Aromatics Extraction Unit, Extraction, Approval, Cracking, Refining, Production Capacity, Expansion, China

Petrobras Halts Output at Getulio Vargas Refinery after Storm Damage to a Cracking Unit

Revision Date:  9/30/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, Petrobras, Cracking Unit, Pipelines, Gas Compressor, Refining, Cracking, Compression, Shutdown, Pipeline, Brazil

BlackPearl Wants Partner for Newly Approved Canada Oil Sands Project (08)

Revision Date:  9/30/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Husky Energy, Black Pearl Resources Inc., Surmont Energy, Project, Partnership, Investment Decision, Approval, Development, Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage, Canada

Curacao Signs Deal with China's Guangdong Zhenrong Energy to Run Isla Refinery (08)

Revision Date:  9/30/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, PDVSA, Guangdong Zhenrong Energy, Processing Units, Docking Equipment, Storage Terminal, Storage, Refining, Operations, Financing, Upgrade, Modernize, Curacao

New $24 Bln China Refinery Sees Promising Future in Plastics (08, T16)

Revision Date:  9/30/2016

Tags:  325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, Rongsheng Petrochemical Co, Wood Mackenzie, Nomura Holdings, Market Share, Manufacture, Demand, Growth, Refining, China

Asia Oil Refiners Eye 300-item Global Oil Supply

Revision Date:  9/30/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, OPEC, Cosmo Oil, JX Nippon Oil & Energy, Capacity, Market, Processing, Upgrade, Refining, Output, Supply, Growth, Asia

Honeywell UOP Introduces Ionic Liquids Alkylation Technology

Revision Date:  9/29/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, Honeywell UOP, Chevron, Alkylation Unit, Technology, Refining, Liquid Alkylation, Catalyst Development, USA

Amarinth Delivers API 610 VS4 Pumps for STAR Refinery in Turkey (T16)

Revision Date:  9/29/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, Amarinth Limited, Aquatech, Shipping Terminals, Centrifugal Pump, Marine, Refining, Pumping, Construction, Operations, Wastewater Treatment, Turkey

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to Expand North American Oil and Gas Services

Revision Date:  9/29/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Compressor, Steam Turbine, Gas Turbine, Equipment, Parts and Components, Technology, Services, Cost, Market, Expansion, Upgrade, Replacement, Repairs, Retrofitting, Environmental Efficiency, Manufacture, Cost Efficiency, North America

SI Group Buys Baytown Chemical Plant from TPC Group

Revision Date:  9/29/2016

Tags:  325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, TPC Group, SI Group, Agreement, Assets, Sale, Manufacture, USA

Saudi KAD Awarded Contract to Execute Pipeline Projects Under Saudi Aramco Programs (T16)

Revision Date:  9/28/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Saudi KAD, Saudi Aramco, Metering System, Launcher Stations, Valve Station, Pipeline, Receiver Stations, Pipeline, Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Commissioning, Saudi Arabia

ENOC Announces Technip as Main EPC Contractor for Refinery Expansion Project (08, T17)

Revision Date:  9/28/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, Technip, Emirates National Oil Company, Train, Processing Units, LPG/ Naphtha Hydrotreater, Isomerization Unit, Kerosene Hydrotreater, Diesel Hydrotreating Unit, Storage Tanks, Construction, Tendering, Hydrotreating, Storage, Processing, Isomerization, Refining, Expansion, UAE

Linde, Petronas JV to Build Air Gas Facility at Pengerang Petroleum Complex for $167 Mln (07, T17)

Revision Date:  9/28/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, 325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, Linde Malaysia, Petronas, Linde Group, Facilities, Air Separation Units, Energy Efficiency, Construction, Procurement, Operational Efficiency, Design, Engineering, Malaysia

Cheniere Partners Announces Substantial Completion of Train 2 at the Sabine Pass Liquefaction Project

Revision Date:  9/28/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Cheniere Energy Partners, Bechtel, Trains, Planned Outage, Maintenance, Liquefaction, Substatntial Completion, Commissioning, USA

Jacobs Wins Upgrade Project Contract from Singapore Refining Company

Revision Date:  9/28/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, Singapore Refining Co, Singapore Petroleum, Jacobs Engineering, Naphtha Hydrotreater, Catalytic Reforming Unit, Naphtha Splitter Unit, Contract, Engineering, Catalytic Reforming, Naphtha Hydrotreating, Naphtha Splitting, Design, Refining, Upgrade, Singapore

New Technology Ventures Issues New Patent for Sulfur Removal

Revision Date:  9/27/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, New Technology Ventures, Sulfur Recovery Unit, Patent, Gas Processing, Sulfur Removal, Oil Processing, USA

Valero’s Port Arthur Refinery Shuts Large CDU, Coker for Plant-wide Overhaul (T16)

Revision Date:  9/27/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, Valero, Hydro-cracking Unit, Reformer, Coker Units, Crude Distillation Unit, Refining, Crude Distillation, Coking, Overhaul, Hydrocracking, USA

Citgo Asks PDVSA for $100 Mln to Revive Aruba Refinery (08, T16)

Revision Date:  9/27/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, Citgo Petroleum, PDVSA, Terminal, Crude Distillation Unit, Crude Upgrading Unit, Market, Renovation, Refining, Restart, Crude Distillation, Crude Upgrading, Transfer, Aruba

GE Oil & Gas to Supply Compressor for BP’s Tangguh LNG (T16)

Revision Date:  9/27/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, GE Oil & Gas, PT IMECO Inter Sarana, Gas Turbine, Compressors, Steam Turbine, Trains, Steam Generators, Contract, Engineering Support, Supply, Installation, Liquefaction, Compression, Indonesia

Nova Scotia’s Bear Head LNG Approved to Export, Import LNG (T17)

Revision Date:  9/27/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Bear Head LNG, Terminal, Export, Proposed, Approval, Liquefaction, Canada

Honeywell UOP Introduces IIoT Software to Improve Plant Performance

Revision Date:  9/26/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, 324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, 325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, Honeywell UOP, Honeywell UOP, Honeywell UOP, Honeywell UOP, Software, Software, Technology, Services, Interfacing, Recommendations, Energy Management, Analysis, Monitoring, Operational Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Improvement, Refining, Gas Processing, Worldwide

Total, Ecoslops Study Viability of Maritime Oil Residue Processing Plant (T16)

Revision Date:  9/26/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, Total, Ecoslops, Ecoslops, Oil Residue Waste Processing Unit, Technology, MoU, Refining, Upgrade, Oil Residue Processing, Studies, Investment Decision, France

Borealis Considers New Propane Dehydrogenation Plant in Belgium (T19)

Revision Date:  9/26/2016

Tags:  325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, Borealis, Honeywell UOP, Dehydrogenation Unit, Technology, Feasibility Study, Dehydrogenation, Investment Decision, Belgium

Bilfinger Wins $100 Mln Contract for Beaumont, Texas Methanol Plant (07, T16))

Revision Date:  9/26/2016

Tags:  325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, Bilfinger SE, Orascom E&C USA, Piping, Mechanical Equipment, Order, Services, Construction, Piping, Assembly, USA

Linde to Expand Delaware Industrial Gases Plant (07, T17)

Revision Date:  9/26/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Linde Engineering, Linde LLC, Pipeline, Air Separation Units, Technology, Expansion, Design, Installation, Energy Efficiency, Production Capacity, Pipeline, USA

Excelerate Energy and DUSUP Perform First Gas-Up Operation at Jebel Ali LNG Import Terminal

Revision Date:  9/26/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Excelerate Energy, Dubai Supply Authority (DUSUP), Pumps, FSRU (Floating Storage Regasification Unit), Vaporizer aporizer, Diesel Generation Units, Jetty, Services, Storage, Upgrade, Regasification, UAE

Neste's Porvoo Refinery Maintenance Accelerated due to Process Disruption

Revision Date:  9/26/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, Neste Oil, Production Lines, Catalyst Coking, Production, Maintenance, Refining, Finland

Veolia Delivers Water Treatment Unit for Ichthys LNG Project FPSO

Revision Date:  9/26/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Veolia, Water Treatment Module, Pipeline, FPSO, Technology, Liquefaction, Pipeline, Water Treatment, Australia

BP Signs Second Chinese Shale Gas Contract with CNPC

Revision Date:  9/22/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, CNPC, BP, Upstream, Partnership, Development, Carbon Trading, Trading, Production Sharing, Exploration, China

PHMSA Clarifies Regulatory Requirements Regarding Abandoned Pipelines

Revision Date:  9/22/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, U.S. Dept of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin (PHMSA), Pipelines, Safety, Regulation, Pipeline, Regulatory Requirements, Classification, Operational Status, USA

Wärtsilä to Supply LNG Satellite Terminal to Raahe, Finland (T17)

Revision Date:  9/22/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Wartsila, Raahen Voima, LNG Regas System, Terminal, Storage Tanks, Truck Loading, Storage, Installation, Construction, Procurement, Engineering, Regasification, Truck Offloading, Finland

Bilfinger Erecting Two Oil and Gas Boiler Systems for Finnish Refinery

Revision Date:  9/22/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, Bilfinger SE, Oil and Gas Boiler Systems, Pressure Parts, Equipment, Piping Ducts, Installation, Construction, Refining, Pressure, Piping, Operational Efficiency, Finland

Duke Energy Ohio Modifies Design and Identifies Preferred Route for Natural Gas Pipeline (07,T16)

Revision Date:  9/21/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Duke Energy, Pipeline System, Project, Modernize, Extension, Pressure, Modification, Design, Proposed, Pipeline, USA

SoCalGas Successfully Tests Methane Capture System to Reduce Emissions during $1.2 Bln Pipeline Project

Revision Date:  9/21/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, SoCalGas, Pumps, Methane Capture System, Valves, Pipeline System, Innovation, Methane Capture, Distribution, Transmission, Storage, Retrofitting, Expansion, Environmental Impact, Pumping, Replacement, Testing, Decommissioning, Compression, Pipeline, Upgrade, USA

Aker Solutions, Det norske and Subsea 7 Form Development Alliance in Norway

Revision Date:  9/21/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Subsea 7, Aker Solutions, 212 Resources, Offshore, Solutions, Technology, Collaboration, Development, Cost Reduction, Operational Efficiency, Project Management, Norway

Air Products Celebrates the Rollout of First LNG Heat Exchanger at Florida Manufacturing Facility

Revision Date:  9/21/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Air Products, Heat Exchanger, Terminals, Liquefaction, Manufacture, Transport, US Gulf Coast

Wärtsilä to Supply Comprehensive Solutions for Four New Swedish LNG Fueled Tankers (T16)

Revision Date:  9/21/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Wartsila, Engine, Gas Valve Unit, Pumps, Control System, Equipment, Tanker Vessels, Solutions, Newbuild, Liquefaction, Operational Efficiency, Environmental Impact, Emissions Reduction, Construction

NOVATEK/Eni Sign Concession Contract in Montenegro

Revision Date:  9/21/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Novatek, ENI, Contract, Offshore, Exploration, Production, Montenegro

Po Valley Energy Signs Contract for Development of the Bezzecca Gas Field, Onshore Italy (T16)

PRevision Date:  9/21/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Po Valley Energy, TESI Srl, Pipeline, Tie-ins, Onshore, Pipeline, Construction, Development, Tie-in, Italy

NRC Launches New EMSA Equipment Assistance Service

Revision Date:  9/20/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, NRD, Inc., National Response Corp, European Maritime Safety Agency, Sureclean Ltd, Equipment, Offshore, Contract, Oil Spill, Operations, Support, Mobilization, UK

Petroleum Development Oman to Focus More on Primary and Secondary Oil Production

Revision Date:  9/20/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Petroleum Development Oman, Lift Devices, Expansion, Injection, Primary Oil Recovery, Secondary Oil Recovery, Production, Oman

PUCO Approves Expansion of Dominion East Ohio's Pipeline Infrastructure Replacement

Revision Date:  9/20/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, Dominion East Ohio, Pipeline System, Safety, Pipeline, Replacement, USA

PDO Signs Agreement for Reciprocating Compressors with Neuman&Esser (T16)

Revision Date:  9/20/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Petroleum Development Oman, Neuman & Esser, Reciprocating Compressor, Contract, Startup, Supply, Compression, Commissioning, Install, Testing, Manufacture, Oman

CB&I Announces First U.S. CDAlky Contract

Revision Date:  9/19/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, CB&I, Alkylation Unit, Technology, License, Design, Environmental Efficiency, Engineering, Alkylation, Refining, US Gulf Coast

Country Oil & Gas Profiles » China Oil And Gas Profile » Oil Refining And Refinery Projects In China

Revision Date:  9/19/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, 325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, Projects, Refining, Capacity Expansion, Emissions Standards, Upgrade, China

Navigator Energy Services to Provide Crude Oil Gathering Services to Surge Energy

Revision Date:  9/19/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Navigator Energy Services, Surge Operating, LLC, Surge Energy, Pumps, Tie-ins, Gathering System, Storage Terminal, Pipeline, Capacity, Storage, Oil Gathering, Pipeline, Pumping, Open Season, Construction, USA

Revision Date:  9/19/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Charger Shale Oil Co, Oaktree Capital Management, Wells, Rigs, Joint Development, Sale, Assets, Development, Investment, Drilling, USA

Emerson Awarded Shell Prelude Contract

Revision Date:  9/19/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Shell, Emerson Electric, Valves, Instrumentation, Safety System, Subsea Wells, FLNG, Control System, Offshore, Liquefaction, Automation Maintenance, Australia

Wood Group Secures Engineering Agreement with DONG Energy

Revision Date:  9/19/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Wood Group, DONG Energy, Topsides, Agreement, Engineering, Development, Maintenance, Denmark, Norway, UK

Russia Says Japanese Banks Interested in LNG Projects (T16)

Revision Date:  9/16/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Gazprom, Novatek, Terminals, Trains, Liquefaction, Expansion, Feasibility Study, Russia

Sempra-Techint Makes Best Offer on Odebrecht Pipeline in Peru (08)

Revision Date:  9/16/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Sempra Energy, Techint, Odebrecht, Gasducto sur Peruano, Pipeline, Consortium, Pipeline, Negotiations, Bidding, Proposal, Peru

Swirl Flash-The Power of Water

Revision Date:  9/16/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Stork Thermeq B.V., Gas Turbine, Technology, Market, Operational Efficiency, Water Injection, Combustion, NOx Emissions Reduction, Compression, Netherlands

Saudi Aramco, Japan to Expand Okinawa Crude Storage Deal

Revision Date:  9/16/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Saudi Aramco, Public Investment Fund, Japan Bank for International Cooperation, Innovation Network Corporation of Japan, ADNOC, Storage Terminal, MoU, Agreement, Industry, Financial, Energy, Capacity, Growth, Collaboration, Cooperation, Storage, Expansion, Saudi Arabia, Japan

APLNG, APA Sign 20-Year Gas Transportation Agreement

Revision Date:  9/16/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Australia Pacific LNG, APA Group, Pipeline, Agreement, Market, Transportation, Pipeline, Australia

Honeywell UOP Modular Equipment Allows Indonesian Natural Gas Producer to Fuel Wellhead Equipment

Revision Date:  9/16/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Honeywell UOP, VICO Indonesia, Wells, Equipment, Membrane Systems, Modular System, Technology, Gas Processing, Operational Efficiency, Indonesia

Buckeye Launches Open Season for Phase 2 of Michigan/Ohio Expansion (T16)

Revision Date:  9/14/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Buckeye Pipeline Co LP, Pipeline, Construction, Pipeline, Expansion, USA, USA, USA

Israel Seeks New Gas Routes to Europe after Overcoming Development Delays

Revision Date:  9/14/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Terminals, Pipeline, Exploration, Pipeline, Bidding, Import, Export, Development, Israel

Williams Partners Seeks Approval to Expand Transco Pipeline

Revision Date:  9/14/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, FERC, Williams Partners, Pipeline, Terminals, Construction, Expansion, Approval, Pipeline, USA, USA

Enbridge Scraps Plan to Build Sandpiper amid Bakken Slump (08)

Revision Date:  9/14/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Enbridge, National Bank Financial, Pipeline, Financial, Regulatory Application, Pipeline, Withdrawal, USA, USA, USA

Enbridge May Have Just Touched Off a 'Supermajor' Race for Pipes

Revision Date:  9/14/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Enbridge, Spectra Energy, TransCanada, Columbia Pipeline Group, Hennessy Gas Utility Fund, Pipelines, Pipeline, Consolidating, Merger, Purchase, USA, Canada

Exxon, Georgia Tech Researchers Find Way to Cut Carbon Emissions for Chemicals

Revision Date:  9/14/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, 325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, ExxonMobil, Georgia Tech, Membranes, Patent, Pilot Project, Reverse Osmosis, Research, Demand, Licensing, Manufacture, Emissions Reduction, Growth, USA

China Refiners, Petrochemical Companies to Propose CO2 Benchmarking Plan

Revision Date:  9/14/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, 325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, Sinopec, Emissions Caps, Market, Emissions Control, Carbon Trading, Refining, Manufacture, China

Louisiana Ethane Cracker Project Receives Air Permit

Revision Date:  9/13/2016

Tags:  325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, Indorama Ventures Public Co Ltd, Ethane Cracker, Equipment, Air Permit, Water Permit, Renovation, Restart, Engineering, Construction, Wastewater Treatment, Cracking, USA

India's HPCL to Spend $8 Bln to Boost Oil Refining Margins

Revision Date:  9/13/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, International Energy Agency, Indian Oil Corp, HPCL, Bharat Petroleum, Profit Profit, Refining, Demand, Growth, India

Pemex Eyes Refinery Partnerships in Bid to Boost Efficiencies

Revision Date:  9/13/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, Pemex, Royal Dutch Shell, Partnership, Refining, Investment, Operational Efficiency, Improvement, Cost Reduction, Mexico

California Legislature Passes Climate Change Bills

Revision Date:  9/13/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, 325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, 111000 - Agriculture, Forestry, Hunting and Fishing , California Air Resource Board, Cap and Trade, Carbon Allowances, Utilities, Industry, Energy, Climate Change, Emissions Reduction, Investment, Construction, Refining, USA

The $10 Bln Petchem Project, a Growth Engine for Appalachia

Revision Date:  9/13/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, 325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, MATRIC, Chemical Alliance Zone, Facilities, Pipeline System, Cracker, Infrastructure, Gas Transmission, Pipeline, Cracking, Manufacture, Distribution, Growth, Storage, USA, USA, USA, USA

Saudi Sabic Says Chemicals Project in China to Cost $3-4 Bln (08, T18)

Revision Date:  9/13/2016

Tags:  325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, SABIC, Shenhua Ningxia Coal Industry Group, Greenfield, Agreement, Project, Development, Coal to Chemical, China

Sasol Boosts Lake Charles Costs to 'Worst-Case' $11 Bln (08, T16)

Revision Date:  9/13/2016

Tags:  325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, Sasol, Ethane Cracker, Cost, Cracking, Funding, USA


Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext. 112