Track All the Coal Activity in India, China, Vietnam and Indonesia

Here are some of the headlines from our Utility E-Alert last week:

Four Asian countries will purchase more new coal-fired power plants than exist in the U.S. and Europe combined over the next 10 years. The weekly Utility E-Alert is only$950/yr.  Check it out at:       41F Utility E-Alert

Detailed forecasting of scrubber/adsorber revenues increases accuracy and facilitates precise estimates of individual project opportunities.

The N008 Scrubber/Adsorber/Biofilter World Markets by McIlvaine Company includes 40,000 quarterly forecasts with divisions by country, industry, and product type.  McIlvaine also offers more detailed options which provide many additional revenue forecasts per quarter. There are three advantages to the extended forecasts.

·       Strategic: detailed forecasts are more accurate and can be directly related to the products offered by the scrubber supplier

·       Sales: detailed forecasts make it possible to assign values to all the large projects and to prioritize them

·       Facilitates cooperation among management, sales and engineering

More detailed analysis can be provided by industry. For example rolling mills have distinct requirements.  So revenue forecasts can be derived just for this segment.  The chemical industry can be further segmented and forecasts made for the booming coal to gas scrubber market in China.

Other forecasts can be made for components and auxiliary devices including nozzles, mist eliminators, packing, fans and valves.  Additional forecasts can be made for consumables such as sodium, lime, and ammonia.  Materials of construction for the scrubber shells provides another useful set of forecasts.

$100 Million Molten Sulfur Project at Kuwait Refinery

Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC) is planning to construct facilities to handle molten sulphur at the Mina al-Ahmadi refinery.  The Prequalification Documents for Molten Sulphur Handling Facilities for the International EPC Contractors will be issued soon.  One of the leading local companies has asked McIlvaine to introduce him to suppliers interested in representation for the project.

The project will include:

1)     Liquid Sulphur Storage Tanks.

2)     Liquid Sulphur Feed Pumps.

3)     Granulator Units.

4)     Belt Conveyor System.

5)     Longitudinal Stockyard for Solid Sulphur.

6)     Stacking Machine.

7)     Reclaiming Machine.

8)     Ship Loader.

9)     Associated Facilities.

We would be glad to pass along the contact information if you are interested.

For more information on N008 Scrubber/Adsorber/Biofilter World Markets, click on:

Using Market Research to Target Scrubber Prospects

Detailed Forecasting of Scrubbers Increases Accuracy and Facilitates Precise Estimates of Individual Project Opportunities

The standard Scrubber Adsorber World Market report by McIlvaine Company includes 40,000 quarterly forecasts with divisions by each country, industry and product type.  McIlvaine also offers more detailed options which provide many additional revenue forecasts per quarter.

There are three advantages to the extended forecasts.

·       Strategic: detailed forecasts are more accurate and can be directly related to the products offered by the valve or pump supplier

·       Sales: detailed forecasts make it possible to assign order values to all the large projects and to prioritize them

·       Facilitates cooperation among management, sales and engineering

McIlvaine segments the scrubber market by scrubber type and application for every country of the world.  It is then possible to further segment the market by state and even by project and purchaser. 

Less than 200 companies make 60 percent purchasing decisions relative to scrubbers.  Metals and mining comprise 15 percent of the U.S. scrubber market.  Arcelor Mittal which owns steel mills, coal mines and iron ore processing plants purchases 7 percent of the scrubbers in this sector.  So they purchase 1 percent of the scrubbers in the U.S.

































































 Other Industries









 Pulp & Paper









 Surface Coating


















The chemical industry accounts for 17 percent of the U.S scrubber market.  BASF, DuPont, and Dow would be in the top one hundred scrubber purchasers.

Alcoa is among the top fifty scrubber suppliers and is investing in more scrubbers as it expands its automotive aluminum capability. McIlvaine tracks all the aluminum projects on a monthly basis. In Industrial Air Plants and People you can click on the latest projects or all projects by NAICS code.

·        331111 - Iron and Steel Mills

·        331313 - Alumina Refining and Primary Aluminum Production

·        331314 - Secondary Smelting and Alloying of Aluminum

·        331523 - Nonferrous Metal Die-Casting Foundries

You can determine the status and project size from the various update articles.

Internal Data Search by Application

The following Titles Reflect the Requested Application Sequencing

Alcoa Davenport Works Air Permit, Stanley Consultants Analysis

The Stanley Consultants Analysis pertaining to Alcoa’s PSD Construction Permit application for installation of new production centers and modification of existing equipment for their automotive sheet production, including modifying hot rolling mills including upgrades of CECO Busch scrubbers.

Revision Date:  7/9/2015

Tags:  331313 - Alumina Refining and Primary Aluminum Production, Alcoa, USA

Alcoa Wenatchee Works Air Operating Permit

Air Operating Permit for Alcoa's aluminum smelter processes at their Wenatchee Works facility in Malaga, Washington. Specifically, permit conditions for the green mill (also called the paste plant), anode baking, anode assembly and rodding, potroom, pot rebuild, ingot plant/metal products (cast house operations), and ore handling.

Revision Date:  7/9/2015

Tags:  331313 - Alumina Refining and Primary Aluminum Production, Alcoa, USA

Alcoa Massena Operations Title V Air Permit Renewal

Renewal of Air Title V Facility permit which includes a project to build a new potline at the Alcoa Massena East Plant (Reynolds). The project includes changes at both plants and has been capped out of PSD applicability. Alcoa’s Massena, New York primary aluminum producing and fabricating facility is comprised of three production areas: smelting plant (area III), ingot-extrusion area (area II), and fabricating plant (area I). Products include aluminum metal, ingot, wire, rod and bar. Facility also produces steam in an on-site boiler house.

Revision Date:  7/9/2015

Tags:  331313 - Alumina Refining and Primary Aluminum Production, Alcoa, USA

Alcoa Davenport Works Air Permit

Alcoa’s PSD Construction Permit application for installation of new production centers and modification of existing equipment for their automotive sheet production, including modifying hot rolling mills.

Revision Date:  7/7/2015

Tags:  331313 - Alumina Refining and Primary Aluminum Production, Alcoa, USA

Alcoa Wenatchee Works Air Operating Permit

Air Operating Permit for Alcoa's aluminum smelter processes at their Wenatchee Works facility in Malaga, Washington. Specifically, permit conditions for the green mill (also called the paste plant), anode baking, anode assembly and rodding, potroom, pot rebuild, ingot plant/metal products (cast house operations), and ore handling.

Revision Date:  7/7/2015

Tags:  331313 - Alumina Refining and Primary Aluminum Production, Alcoa, USA

Alcoa Massena Operations Title V Air Permit Renewal

Renewal of Air Title V Facility permit which includes a project to build a new potline at the Alcoa Massena East Plant (Reynolds). The project includes changes at both plants and has been capped out of PSD applicability. Alcoa’s Massena, New York primary aluminum producing and fabricating facility is comprised of three production areas: smelting plant (area III), ingot-extrusion area (area II), and fabricating plant (area I). Products include aluminum metal, ingot, wire, rod and bar. Facility also produces steam in an on-site boiler house.

Revision Date:  7/7/2015

Tags:  331313 - Alumina Refining and Primary Aluminum Production, Alcoa, US

The market can also be segmented into nine regions within the U.S. and also in to individual states. Here is an example for the wastewater industry using the Scrubber forecasts, the McIlvaine State Analysis and the McIlvaine Municipal Wastewater Plants and People with bi- weekly updates. Odor control and incinerator off gas are two major applications.  140 sewage sludge incinerators have to be upgraded to meet air toxic standards.  Megtec received a $10 million order of which $1 million was the scrubber portion for the Indiana plant.  So these 140 projects represent the equivalent of 60 percent of the average annual scrubber wastewater market in the U.S.  These projects are spread over four years, so the yearly impact is less.  Most of the orders will come from odor control.  Some odor control projects are in excess of $2 million.

FIGURE I - 9B:  U.S. Wastewater Industry - Percent of U.S. 2014 Total






































TOTAL Pacific States












The following display utilizes the detailed forecasts and some of the projects reported in the McIlvaine North American Wastewater Project Alert for September 15, 2015.

State and Project Forecasting

State forecast is in green $ millions for new and after-market (AM).

Project Scrubber order potential is in red $ millions.

CALIFORNIA Scrubber potential is 12% x $ 212 million = 2.5 million

Santa Cruz requesting Bids for WWTP Project   0.2

$48 Million for Pinole WWTP Upgrade 0.1

$490 Million for Sacramento’s Echo Wastewater Project  2.0

CONNECTICUT Scrubber potential is 3% x $ 212 million = $ 0.6 million

$378 Million approved to Upgrade WWTPs  3.5

PENNSYLVANIA Scrubber potential is 4% x $ 212 million = $ 0.8 million

Centrifugal  $29 new, $20 AM, diaphragm $4 new  $4 AM, reciprocating $2 new and $3 AM, rotary $6 new and $5 AM

     Bethel Park requesting Bids for WWTP Upgrade 0.2

Curwensville moving forward with WWTP Project  0.1

Shippensburg to expand WWTP 0.1

The amount for scrubbers reflected in just a few projects is more than the annual expenditure. However, these projects will not necessarily result in scrubber orders in 2015.  On the average the orders will stretch over four years.  This analysis gives sales management the tools to determine the approximate yearly market in the State and the basis on which to query the local sales people.


For more information on this program contact Bob McIlvaine at: 847-784-0012 ext. 112.

$100 Million Molten Sulfur Project at Kuwait Refinery

Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC) is planning to construct facilities to handle molten sulphur at the Mina al-Ahmadi refinery.  The Prequalification Documents for Molten Sulphur Handling Facilities for the International EPC Contractors will be issued soon.  One of the leading local companies has asked McIlvaine to introduce him to suppliers interested in representation for the project.

The project will include:

1)     Liquid Sulphur Storage Tanks.

2)     Liquid Sulphur Feed Pumps.

3)     Granulator Units.

4)     Belt Conveyor System.

5)     Longitudinal Stockyard For Solid Sulphur.

6)     Stacking Machine.

7)     Reclaiming Machine.

8)     Ship Loader.

9)     Associated Facilities.

We would be glad to pass along the contact information if you are interested

InterWebviews in Other Languages

Recording you sales presentations is important. InterWebviews

It is important to conduct InterWebviews (IWV) in other languages. In fact the value is counter-intuitive. The smaller the potential market in a non-English speaking country, the more important it is to have InterWebviews. The reason is that the IWV is the most economical way to reach a small targeted audience. It is also a very economical way to reach large audiences with focused propositions. But there are other alternatives which become economical as the size of the audience grows.

If a company is going to want to reach 10,000 people with a proposition, then professional presentations can be economically justified. But for focused messages or general messages to a small targeted non-English audience, the InterWebview is your answer. For less than $1,000 your local salesman, or someone selected by McIlvaine can utilize your English power point presentation and provide a spoken version as McIlvaine hosts and indexes the slides in a GoToMeeting session. McIlvaine took an English presentation by Wahlco and used a Chinese air pollution expert to make a presentation in Mandarin. This recording has received over 3,000 views on YouTube.

The CBI interview in Chinese was a big success.



Subject (Click title to view recording)



Mercury Removal



Urea to Ammonia

These recordings demonstrate the high value for companies in the initial stages of market penetration. Much of the interest was from potential partners and important government institutes.

Indonesia, Vietnam and China will purchase more coal-fired power plant equipment than Europe, Africa and Americas combined over the next ten years. They will purchase more capacity than the peak U.S. installed base of 310,000 MW. Much of the equipment in Vietnam and Indonesia will be sold to offshore OEMs or engineered by offshore A/E firms. However, the big purchasers such as PLN in Indonesia will be the most important decision makers, so it is important to reach them.

Here are the number of native speakers in the three languages and the proficiency in English.






Number of Native Speakers




Ranking in English

63 Countries





in English



MW of New Coal-Fired Boilers in Next 10 Years (1000s)

Mandarin (China)


















Many of the engineers have taken courses in English and can extract much information from a power point presentation in English. However, the most important aspects of your proposition are likely to involve detailed classifications which are not understood. So a verbal description in the native language is the way to communicate this.

For more information, click on InterWebviews and/or contact Bob McIlvaine at


You can register for our free McIlvaine Newsletters at:

Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext 112