Evaluating LTCO Improves the Selection Process for scrubbers, adsorbers and all the Components
High performance (HP) flow control and treatment equipment tends to be purchased and sold using the same process as general purpose equipment. Price and delivery are prioritized. Evaluation of the lowest total cost of ownership (LTCO) is not elevated to the highest priority. This failure permeates the industry even to the point that bonuses are paid on performance in the past year rather than the past 10 years. The company which buys the lowest priced HP products does better this year but over time it will be a costly choice. The company which sells the lowest priced HP product can book profits in the current year but subsequent expenses and loss of reputation will affect future profits.
This condition needs to be corrected. The first step is to identify the high performance products which need to be evaluated separately. There are three main criteria:
• Severe service
• Critical service
• Unique Service
Severe service: Corrosion, pressure, temperature, process operating fluctuations are all conditions which qualify an application as severe service. The contract would be between a scrubber on the kiln and one just capturing nuisance dust from a transfer point.
Critical service: Safety, product purity, continuous operation, and product toxicity are criteria of critical service. Many scrubbers and absorbers are used in the manufacture of products where performance directly affects product quality.
Unique Service: The distinction is often made between an engineered product versus an off the shelf or standard product. In any case, the decision making for unique service products needs to be made with prioritization of the LTCO. Many scrubbers are engineered for specific service. There are also large numbers of standard off the shelf scrubbers sold for odor and acid gas control
McIlvaine Company is facilitating this identification of high performance needs by revising its market report on scrubbers/adsorbers to segment the high performance and general purpose opportunities. For each industry high performance needs are further segmented by use e.g. air or water intakes, cooling, stack gas or wastewater treatment, and process. Process, in turn, is segmented by function e.g. evaporation, reaction, mixing, size separation, etc. This segmentation has been completed for pumps and valves. Now the 50,000 forecasts by product, industry, country and year can be further segmented by high performance or general purpose.
The second step is to make the LTCO evaluation process less costly and more accurate. It is easy to select the lowest price or most widely used product. There is no easy way to evaluate the LTCO for each option. Purchasers often hire consultants to help them evaluate the LTCO. The problem is that with the world’s information doubling every few years, it becomes increasingly difficult to take advantage of the knowledge at reasonable cost.
One approach taken by Arcelor Mittal has been to emphasize global purchasing. Most of its 200 mines and steel plants have the same high performance needs. Recently, it purchased dust collection systems with one purchase order for plants in Europe and South America. The LTCO evaluation cost per system was greatly reduced.
For more information on Scrubber/Adsorber World Markets click on: N008 Scrubber/Adsorber/Biofilter World Markets
Increasing Flow Control and Treatment Product Gross Margins
The best way to raise prices without losing business is to provide a product which justifies a higher initial price. To accomplish this you need to:
• Develop a superior product
• Convince the customer as to the value
Develop a Superior Product
McIlvaine is currently preparing a Decision Guide on choke valves for oil and gas applications. These are tough applications and require custom valves designed for severe service. This is only part of the story according to George Gorman of the Valve Institute. The success or failure of a valve rests not only on the valve merits but on how it is applied. Subsea pipeline valve needs are different from sub-sea Christmas tree needs. Both are certainly different from the needs at the surface or on shore. The best valve choice requires detailed knowledge of the unit operations. When it comes to subsea valves his Institute is dedicated to providing insights on best choices with separate training courses on subsea pipeline and Christmas tree valves.
But what are the needs of the long-time valve practitioner? Does he need an even more robust system? Input from a number of both supplier and end user experts in the McIlvaine Insights discussions leads to the conclusion that considerable analysis and discussion is needed. Muktiadi Rahardjo of Shell is the valve and sealing specialist at the Shell Pernis refinery and, based on this experience, recommends better communication relative to valve issues. He cited a lack of application knowledge on the part of some vendors and the inability to utilize the wisdom existing within the end user community.
If you rank the impact of a product on the process, the valve is at the bottom of the rankings. The product using the valve, e.g. a pump system, will be more important by virtue of the fact that it typically would include a pump and at least three valves. The scrubber company product which includes the valves, pumps, fans, nozzles and scrubbing tower is obviously of most impact on the process. So, if we agree that process knowledge is necessary to provide the best valves, then it follows that even more process knowledge is needed for suppliers of the sub processes What can we conclude from all of this?
Convince the customer that you have the best product
The best product is defined here as the product with the lowest total cost of ownership. This definition is couched in the broadest terms. It has to take into account the severity of the service but also the criticality. A peaking gas turbine which cycles a few times per year and can be easily accessed for maintenance is in a non-critical application compared to the base-loaded turbine which is in operation 24/7 and cycles hundreds of times per year.
It is easy to pick the lowest cost product but much more difficult when you have to assess the lifetime cost based on both severity and criticality. The first step in creating a convincing program is to understand how decisions will be and could be made.
• Decision making is a series of classifications. Whether it is the initial bidders list, the criteria in the specifications or the ultimate selection the decision maker is moving from one set of classifications to the next.

• The elements of the classifications are: what, which, why and how. In order to be successful you have to convince some people of just the “what” and “which” and others you also need to add the “why.” The “how” is the big challenge which provides credibility to the other elements.

o What are the classifications? If you are going to remove SO2, should you consider wet limestone, wet lime, dry sorbent injection, spray driers, or seawater scrubbing?
o Which of the classifications are best?
o Why is one the best choice?
o How does the product perform uniquely enough to justify the prediction that it will result in the lowest total cost of ownership?

• The what, which and why can be communicated through normal sales channels. The decision guides add clarity. The problem is that the credibility depends on the “how.” It is a lot easier to claim the highest efficiency or lowest maintenance cycle than it is to prove it.
McIlvaine recognizes the challenge of convincing customers that a product has the lowest total cost of ownership and has a whole program to address it: 4 Lane Knowledge Bridge to the End User

Daily Project Posting in McIlvaine Oil, Gas, Refining Supplier Program
May 2016 – No. 2
This alert is being issued twice per month for suppliers in flow control and treatment who are coordinating market research with targeted pursuit of the larger and longer term orders.
The following projects each will result in millions of dollars of orders for flow control and treatment products. Each project has been rated. The opportunity size is rated from 1-10 with 1 being small and 10 being very large. The timing for flow and treatment orders has been provided by year, e.g. T 16 = timing of order is 2016.
Amec Foster Wheeler to Undertake BED Study for $4-$5 Bln Cilacap Refinery Upgrade Project (08, T20)
Revision Date: 5/26/2016
Tags: 324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精炼, Amec Foster Wheeler, Pertamina, Saudi Aramco, Refining, Engineering, Study, Design, Upgrade, Production Capacity, Indonesia
Chinese Investors to Build Industrial City in Oman (08, T20)
Revision Date: 5/26/2016
Tags: 324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精炼, 325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, Industrial, Investment, Production Capacity, Refining, Construction, Oman
Abu Dhabi Said to Delay Building Fujairah LNG-Import Plant
Revision Date: 5/19/2016
Tags: 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Emirates LNG LLC, Mubadala Petroleum, International Petroleum Investment Co, Onshore, Joint Venture, Import, Regasification, Storage, Delays, UAE
Novatek Still Working on Gydan Peninsula Arctic LNG Plan
Revision Date: 5/19/2016
Tags: 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Novatek, Project, Liquefaction, Feasibility Study, Development, Russia
FMC Technologies and Technip to Combine: Driving Change by Redefining the Production and Transformation of Oil and Gas
Revision Date: 5/19/2016
Tags: 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, FMC Technologies, Technip, Subsea, Onshore, Offshore, Technology, Innovation, Solutions, MoU, Services, Integration, Production, Manufacture, Transaction, Growth, Cost Reduction, Merger, USA, France, UK
Jacobs Wins General Engineering Services Contract for SATORP in Saudi Arabia
Revision Date: 5/19/2016
Tags: 325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, 324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精炼, Jacobs Engineering, SATORP, Refining, Engineering, Design, Feasibility Studies, Saudi Arabia
Wintershall Awards Halliburton Service Contract for Maria Project (T16)
Revision Date: 5/19/2016
Tags: 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Wintershall, Halliburton Norge, Tools, Subsea Template, Wells, Exploration, Cementing, Engineering, Development, Drilling, Norway
Jacobs Wins Contract with Mitsubishi for $100 Mln Expansion of South Carolina Plant (07, T16)
Revision Date: 5/19/2016
Tags: 325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, Mitsubishi Plastics, Mitsubishi Polyester Film, Jacobs Engineering, Production Lines, Technology, Engineering, Installation, Operational Efficiency, Expansion, USA
Cenovus Considering Diluent Recovery Unit at Alberta Rail Terminal
Revision Date: 5/18/2016
Tags: 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Cenovus Energy, Diluent Recovery Units, Rail Terminal, Shipping, Production, Permitting, Construction, Growth, Canada
China's First Private-led $15 Bln Mega-refinery Planned off East Coast (08, T18)
Revision Date: 5/18/2016
Tags: 324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精炼, 325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, Zhejiang Rongsheng Holding Group, Huanqui Contracting and Engineering Corp, Luoyang Petrochemical Engineering Corp, Construction, Design, Refining, Environmental Approval, China
NextDecade Files FERC App for Rio Grande LNG, Rio Bravo Pipeline (T18)
Revision Date: 5/18/2016
Tags: 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, NextDecade LLC, FERC, Pipeline System, Liquefaction, Export, Application, Site Evaluation, Construction, Operations, Pipeline, Investment Decision, USA
Nine Gas Transport Offers for Interconnector Greek-Bulgarian Pipeline (T16)
Revision Date: 5/18/2016
Tags: 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, DEPA, Bulgaria Energy Holding (BEH), Pipeline, Joint Venture, Investment Decision, Bidding, Interconnection, Pipeline, Construction, Greece, Bulgaria
Transnet Interested in $25 Bln Investment in African Pipeline, Port Projects
Revision Date: 5/18/2016
Tags: 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Transnet, Pipeline, Modernize, Pipeline, Expansion, Investment, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania
Idemitsu, AltaGas Suspend Triton LNG Project in Canada
Revision Date: 5/18/2016
Tags: 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, AltaGas, Idemitsu Kosan, Joint Venture, Liquefaction, Suspension, Canada
France Studying Possible Ban on Import of U.S. Shale Gas
Revision Date: 5/18/2016
Tags: 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Engie, EDF, Hydraulic Fracturing, Import, Ban, Environmental Impact, France
EPA Issues Final Rules Cutting Oil, Natural Gas Methane Emissions
Revision Date: 5/18/2016
Tags: 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, EPA, Wells, Greenhouse Gas, Regulation, Technology, Drilling, Emissions Reduction, Methane Emissions Compliance, Monitoring, Inspection, USA
China Enviro Protests Force Halt to Studies for Industrial Park Project
Revision Date: 5/17/2016
Tags: 325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, Singapore Jurong International Holdings, Nanshan Group, Environmental Standards, Health, Feasibility Study, Cancellation, Environmental Impact, China
China Firm Wins $620 Mln Contract to Build Cambodia's First Oil Refinery (06, T16)
Revision Date: 5/17/2016
Tags: 324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精炼, China National Petroleum Corporation, Northeast Refining and Chemical Engineering Co, Cambodian Petrochemical, Engineering, Construction, Cambodia
America's Newest Refinery in North Dakota Falls Victim to Oil Price Slump
Revision Date: 5/17/2016
Tags: 324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精炼, MDU Resources, Calumet Specialty Products, Review, Demand, Refining, Slowdown, USA
Saudi's SABIC Eyes U.S. Shale as Top Gas Source for Petrochemicals
Revision Date: 5/17/2016
Tags: 325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, SABIC, Industrial, Growth, Oil-to-chemicals, Coal to Chemical, UK
Saudi Aramco Extends Bid Date for Clean Fuels Project
Revision Date: 5/17/2016
Tags: 324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精炼, Saudi Aramco, Naphtha Hydrotreater, Environmental Standards, Sulfur Removal, Refining, Bidding, Upgrade, Hydrotreating, Saudi Arabia
Oil Sands Fared Well Through Canada Fire, but Restart a Challenge
Revision Date: 5/16/2016
Tags: 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Suncor Energy, Canadian Natural Resources, Syncrude, ConocoPhillips, CNOOC, Equipment, Restart, Production, Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage, Shutdown, Canada
EagleClaw Midstream Commissions Toyah I Cryogenic Processing Plant, Toyah II Plant Is Underway
Revision Date: 5/16/2016
Tags: 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, EagleClaw Midstream Ventures, Honeywell UOP, Pipeline, Gas Processing, Pipeline, Gas Gathering, Cryogenic, Compression, USA
Bechtel’s ThruPlus® Delayed Coking Technology Selected for Egyptian Refinery
Revision Date: 5/16/2016
Tags: 324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精炼, Bechtel, Egyptian General Petroleum Corp, Delayed Coking Unit, Design, Delayed Coking Process, Upgrade, Refining, Egypt
Oil Refiners, Gas Producers Face Higher Costs from Climate Laws
Revision Date: 5/16/2016
Tags: 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, 324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精炼, Investment Leaders Group, Cost, Utilities, Refining, Gas Processing, Production, Emissions Reduction, Carbon Pricing, UK, Spain, Germany, Canada, USA
ExxonMobil to Expand Australia’s Altona Refinery to Supply More Diesel, Jet Fuel (T16)
Revision Date: 5/16/2016
Tags: 324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精炼, ExxonMobil Australia, Refining, Energy Efficiency, Production Capacity, Australia
Owner of Moroccan Refiner Samir Pledges to Inject $680 Mln to Reverse Liquidation
Revision Date: 5/16/2016
Tags: 324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精炼, Corral Petroleum Holdings AB, Samir, Financial, Shutdown, Financing, Refining, Morocco
These projects are covered in more detail and are integrated in a database which is part of Oil, Gas, Shale and Refining Markets and Projects. This semi-monthly report is available as part of this service or as a stand-alone subscription.
The Oil/Gas/Shale/Refining E Alert is issued twice per month to registered subscribers. It is not to be resent to others. Each subscriber must be registered. The first subscription is $950/yr. and additional subscribers are $90/yr. The newsletter is free for those who subscribe to N049 Oil, Gas, Shale and Refining Markets and Projects.
There is a 30 percent discount for those building an Opportunity Creation package with one or more of the market reports and one or more of the E Alerts.

Evoqua supplying Carbon adsorbers for Sohar Refinery
Evoqua has been chosen to provide carbon adsorption equipment for the $2.1 billion Sohar Refinery Improvement Project (SRIP) in Sohar Port, Liwa, Sultanate of Oman.
Scheduled for commissioning in late 2016, the SRIP project will add five new units to the Sohar refinery, improving its production volume, environmental performance and ability to process heavier Omani crude oil. Evoqua will provide the equipment to an energy contractor of the EPC directing the project for Orpic, the owner of the refinery.
Evoqua has been asked to provide Vent-Scrub® Vapor Phase carbon adsorption systems. The systems will be used for removing hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans and other sour gases created as byproducts of the refining process.
The contract includes eight Vent-Scrub VSC-200 units, four VSC-2000 units, and two VSC-8000 units, to be manufactured at Evoqua's facility in Red Bluff, CA and distributed through Evoqua’s Singapore operations. In addition, Evoqua will supply nearly 15 tons of its sustainable VOCarb 48C coconut shell-based granular activated carbon (GAC). The granular shape of this GAC maximizes its geometric surface area, significantly increasing its ability to adsorb VOC’s.
Absorption at AWWA
There were a number of papers and exhibits devoted to water and wastewater gas phase treatment at AWWA held last week in Chicago. However, since the odor control problems are primarily in wastewater and the AWWA focus is drinking water, the primary focus was carbon to remove taste and other contaminants from the water phase. Granular activated carbon has been determined to be one of the best ways to remove PFOA.
PFC Type and % Removal Efficiency
Treatment Option PFNA PFOA PFOS
Activated Carbon >90 >90 >90
Membrane Filtration >90 >90 >90
Anion Exchange >67 10-90 >90
Advanced oxidation <10 <10 <10-50

Evoqua was displaying the full range of odor control treatment solutions from both the water and gas phases.
Odor Control Solutions Description
Liquid Phase Odor Control Solutions
Prevent and remove hydrogen sulfide at the source, protecting the system from harmful odors and corrosion.
ZABOCS® Biological Odor Control Systems
Capture and eliminate odors from wastewater process air streams at 3x the volume of conventional systems.
ZABOCS® Bio-Trickling Filter (BTF) Systems
Deliver optimal odor control performance with over 99% H2S removal without chemicals.
WHISPER™ Biofilter Rental Systems
Reduce capital costs and achieve 99% H2S removal with quiet operation for residential locations.
LO/PRO® Wet Scrubber Systems
Target a range of compounds in a single system with a low profile design and compact footprint.
RJ-2000 Emergency Chlorine Scrubber Systems
Protect systems from accidental leaks of toxic gas, such as chlorine and sulfur dioxide.
Carbon Adsorption Tower Systems
Reduce low to moderate odor levels with carbon systems.
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Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext 112