Record All Your Power Point Sales Presentations

McIlvaine is creating a digital route for critical decision making.  It involves LinkedIn discussion groups and webinars where subjects are debated. It includes intelligence systems with case histories and white papers. An important component is the recorded presentation with the same informality but insightful knowledge which your sales people routinely display.  McIlvaine InterWebviews are posted in the Global Decisions Orchard, on YouTube and can be linked from your website.  They are important components in the digital decision systems.

What is important is to create a recording to answer the questions your prospect needs to hear before moving forward with you.  The discussion atmosphere created by the McIlvaine host responding to a focused presentation is invaluable. Your sales people spend thousands of dollars in preparation and travel just to make this type of presentation to one customer. The InterWebviews is a way to permanently leverage this investment.

Informality is winning the day.  The polished corporate brochure is being replaced by the power point presentations being prepared by sales and application engineers.  Your customers are spending a good part of the day viewing text messages with abbreviated words and emails that come directly from the originator and not through a secretary.

This same informality can be applied to your recorded presentations.  Let the sales engineer prepare the power points and make the presentation.  This low-cost approach allows you to make 20 recordings for the price of one polished advertising agency version.  The credibility of an engineer who knows his product rather than a professional presenter resonates with the viewer.

The presentation, prepared in English, can be revised and delivered by a sales person speaking in another language.  Check out the CBI presentation “Mercury in Mandarin” at InterWebviews

As part of the major McIlvaine initiative to build the digital decision systems, we are offering a steeply discounted rate on all InterWebviews for the next three months. The cost will be only $40/minute with a minimum of 15 minutes, so this is only $600.  We recommend short-focused presentations.  This allows you to create recordings for each product in each application in each major language.

For more information on InterWebviews contact Bob McIlvaine at 847-784-0012 ext. 112 or

Gas Turbine Owners Will Spend $313 Billion for Equipment, Repairs and Service Next Year

Gas turbine owners will spend $87 billion for new plants and $226 billion for service and repair in 2017. This is the latest forecast in 59EI Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Program. The Americas and Asia will each spend more than Europe and Africa combined.



GTCC plants are challenged by the rapid cycling required. Wind and solar are playing an increasing role in power generation but their operations are not constant. As a result, the GTCC plants are operated to balance the fluctuating contribution from other sources. Flow accelerated corrosion and other problems are being addressed. Operators are being assisted in dealing with these problems in another McIlvaine service 59 D Gas Turbine and Reciprocating Engine Decisions. Subscribers to the supplier program also receive 59 D at no extra cost.

This service includes webinars, white papers and LinkedIn discussions on components and consumables for both gas turbine and reciprocating engine decisions. The goal of this service is to help purchasers make the lowest total cost of ownership decisions. It is free of charge to any turbine owner worldwide. Suppliers who subscribe have the opportunity to participate in the discussions.

The market forecasts are continually updated in the supplier program. Biweekly updates in the supplier program alert the subscriber to new projects. A database of new projects by start-up date and details on all operating turbine plants provide information needed by the sales team. The LinkedIn groups in the decisions program provide the customer contact and insights for engineering and research.

Daily Project Posting in McIlvaine Oil, Gas, Refining supplier Program – November 2016 – No. 2



This alert is being issued twice per month for suppliers in flow control and treatment who are coordinating market research with targeted pursuit of the larger and longer term orders.

Many of the articles deal with specific projects which have been selected because each will result in millions of dollars of orders for flow control and treatment products. Each project has been rated. The opportunity size is rated from 1-10 with 1 being small and 10 being very large. The timing for flow and treatment orders has been provided by year, e.g. T 16 = timing of order is 2016.

You can access all the data from the home page of Oil, Gas, Shale and Refining Markets and Projects in a number of ways. To see the most current entries just click on “title”. You can search by many different decisive classifications but also with a global search which when you enter any word will display all the articles with that word in the summary.

(Listed by most current date)

LIQVIS Moves Forward with LNG Infrastructure Expansion as Fuel Alternative

Revision Date:  11/30/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, IVECO, LIQVIS, Uniper, Infrastructure, Liquefaction, Expansion, Fueling, Environmental Efficiency, Germany

Whiting Petroleum Enters into Sales Agreements for North Dakota Midstream Assets

Revision Date:  11/30/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Whiting Petroleum Corp, Tesoro Logistics, Gas Gathering System, Crude Oil Gathering System, Water Gathering System, Gas Processing, Water Gathering, Gas Gathering, Purchase and Sale Agreement, Oil Gathering, USA

Development of Coral Field, Area 4, Rovuma Basin, Mozambique (09, T17)

Revision Date:  11/30/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, ENI, Galp Energia, Drillship, Subsea Wells, FLNG, Gas Turbine, Topsides, Turret, Facilities, Hull, Offshore, Onshore, Liquefaction, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Exploration, Drilling, Design, Waste Disposal, Storage, Pipeline, Offloading, Development, Construction, Power Generation, Mozambique

TAQA Enters into EPC Contract with KAR for Atrush Block Pipeline

Revision Date:  11/30/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, TAQA, ShaMaran Petroleum, Pipeline, Pipeline, Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Construction, Iraq

Frontera Wins Bidding for Hydrocarbons E&D in Moldova

Revision Date:  11/30/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Frontera Resources, Frontera Resources International, Agreement, Development, Production, Exploration, Bidding, Moldova

Iraq Oil Ministry Postpones Upstream Bidding Round to Mid 2017

Revision Date:  11/30/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Glencore Exploration Ltd, Dragon Oil, Crescent Petroleum, Mubadala Petroleum, Bidding, Postpone, Planning, Development, Negotiations, Iraq

Subsea 7 Awarded Contract Offshore Egypt

Revision Date:  11/30/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Pharaonic Petroleum Co, Subsea 7, Pipelines, Umbilical Sections, Structures, Contract, Installation, Tie-in, Pipeline, Procurement, Engineering, Construction, Egypt

BLM Final Rule Aims to Curb Venting, Flaring on Federal Lands

Revision Date:  11/29/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, EPA, Independent Petroleum Association of America, American Petroleum Institute, Western Energy Alliance, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Wells, Storage Tanks, Air Quality, Onshore, Inspection, Venting, Regulating, Emissions Reduction, Flaring Reduction, USA

No FID to Be Made on Tanzania LNG Project for at Least Five Years (08)

Revision Date:  11/29/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Statoil, Decision, Onshore, Investment Decision, Construction, Liquefaction, Tanzania

WorleyParsons Awarded EPCM Services Contract for Pearl GTL

Revision Date:  11/29/2016

Tags:  325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, WorleyParsons Qatar, Qatar Shell, Brownfield, Projects, Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Gas to Liquids, Qatar

Black & Veatch Named Owner’s Engineer for Golar Power’s LNG Plant in Brazil

Revision Date:  11/29/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Centrais Electricas de Sergipe, Black & Veatch, GE, Gas Turbine, Equipment, Storage, Monitoring, Combined Cycle, Review, Regasification, Brazil

GE Secures $900 Mln Order for Largest Gas Power Plant in Latin America (08)

Revision Date:  11/29/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Centrais Electricas de Sergipe, GE, Gas Turbine, Steam Turbine, Equipment, Power, Combined Cycle, Brazil

Wärtsilä, Engie Sign MoU for Small-scale LNG Development

Revision Date:  11/29/2016

Tags:  Sorbents 吸附, Wartsila, Engie, Ships, Low-carbon, Technology, Liquefaction, Development, Cooperation, Operations, Maintenance Support, Expansion, Finland, France

IEA Says Gas and Renewables Set for Big Growth. Fossil Fuels Far from Over

Revision Date:  11/29/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, 221112 - Fossil Fuel 化石燃料, 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, International Energy Agency, Low-carbon, Technology, Policies, Renewable Fuel Standard, Natural Gas, Power Generation, Cost Reduction, Pipeline, Renewable Energy, Liquefaction, Demand, Growth, Energy Efficiency, Energy Consumption, Gas Processing, Worldwide

Saipem Wins $1Bln in Offshore Contracts from Saudi Aramco (09)

Revision Date:  11/29/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Saipem, Subsea Systems, Pipelines, Subsea Cables, Umbilicals, Jackets, Platform Decks, Offshore, Contracts, Implementation, Pipelaying, Installation, Construction, Engineering, Development, Design, Procurement, Saudi Arabia

Office of Energy Projects Energy Infrastructure Update for September 2016

Revision Date:  11/28/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, 324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, National Fuel Gas Co, Columbia Pipeline Group, Texas Eastern Transmission Corp, ANR Pipeline, Paulsboro Natural Gas Pipeline, Kinetica Deepwater Express, East Tennesee Natural Gas, Equitrans Midstream Partners, Pipelines, Projects, Energy Consumption, Infrastructure, Onshore, Offshore, Capacity Expansion, Combined Cycle, Approval, Interconnection, Gas Processing, Construction, Expansion, Pipeline, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA

Tullow to Start Four-well Drilling Program in Kenya

Revision Date:  11/28/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Tullow Oil, Wells, Drilling, Exploration, Appraisal, Kenya

Lotte’s Louisiana MEG Plant due ASU Unit (T17)

Revision Date:  11/28/2016

Tags:  325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, Lotte Chemical Corp, LACC, LLC, Matheson Tri Gas, Lotte Chemical Louisiana, Air Separation Units, Ethane Cracker, Pipeline, Technology, Infrastructure, Construction, Construction, Pipeline, Cracking, Operations, Cryogenic Distillation, Air Separation, USA

Curacao Enters MOU for New Operator, Revamp of Emmastad Refinery

Revision Date:  11/28/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, BP, Guangdong Zhenrong Energy, Reformer, Hydro Treatment Units, Catalytic Cracking Unit, Vacuum Distillation Unit, Terminal, MoU, Infrastructure, Emissions Reduction, Refining, Training, Storage, Storage, Modernize, Operations, Upgrade, Construction, Environmental Impact, Curacao

North West Redwater to Recycle Refinery Water with GE’s Wastewater and Chemical Treatment Technologies

Revision Date:  11/25/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, North West Redwater Partnership, GE Water & Process Technologies, Technology, Solutions, Greenfield, Ultrafiltration, Membrane Bioreactor Technology, Recycling, Environmental Impact, Water Treatment, Refining, anada

Black Sea Oil & Gas Announces Award of Midia Gas Development FEED Contract

Revision Date:  11/25/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Black Sea Oil & Gas, Xodus Group, Gas Treatment Plant, Wellhead Platforms, Pipeline, Subsea Wells, Subsea Tie-back, Contract, Offshore, Onshore, Development, Pipeline, Design, Engineering, Gas Treatment, Romania

Mozambique Expects Eni Decision on LNG Investment This Year

Revision Date:  11/25/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, ENI, Facilities, Liquefaction, Investment Decision, Development, Mozambique

Woodfibre to Begin Building Canada LNG Project in 2017

Revision Date:  11/25/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, RS Energy, Woodfibre LNG, Liquefaction, Construction, Proposed, Canada

Ophir Holdings, OneLNG to Establish JOC for Fortuna Project (08, T17)

Revision Date:  11/25/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, OneLNG, Ophir Holdings & Ventures, FLNG, Offshore, Liquefaction, Construction, Financing, Development, Operations, Equatorial New Guinea

Gazprom Says Japanese Lender JBIC May Help Finance Sakhalin-2 LNG Expansion (T19)

Revision Date:  11/25/2016

Tags:  Gazprom, Japan Bank for International Cooperation, Train, Liquefaction, Financing, Expansion, Russia

Subsea Compression is Running Like a Clock on the Asgard Field

Revision Date:  11/25/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Statoil, Subsea Compression Systems, Technology, Energy Consumption, Emissions Reduction, Innovation, Production Capacity, Subsea Compression, Norway

U.S. Delays Dakota Pipeline as Trump Promises Quicker Reviews

Revision Date:  11/23/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Energy Transfer Partners, U.S. Army Corp. of Engineers, Pipeline, Pipeline, Permitting, Delays, Review, USA, USA, USA, USA

Chinese Company Signs MOU with BP on Caribbean Oil Project (08)

Revision Date:  11/23/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, Guangdong Zhenrong Energy, BP, Terminal, MoU, Cooperation, Refining, Construction, Upgrade, Curacao

Slovnaft to Invest $500 Mln by 2020 to Upgrade Petrochemical Unit (07, T20)

Revision Date:  11/23/2016

Tags:  325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, Slovnaft, MOL, Upgrade, Demand, Refining, Diversification, Investment, Slovakia

S. Korea's LG Chem to Double ABS Output at Chinese Petrochem Plant by 2018 (07, T17)

Revision Date:  11/23/2016

Tags:  325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, LG Chem, CNOOC, Joint Venture, Production Capacity, Expansion, Investment, China

China Moves in Natural Gas Sector to Lift Investment, Third-party Access

Revision Date:  11/23/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, National Development and Reform Commission, SIA Energy, IHS Energy, Terminals, Pipelines, Energy, Infrastructure, Expansion, Green House Gas Reduction, Storage, Pipeline, Investment, China

Sunoco, Exxon Combine Pipeline Assets in New Joint Venture

Revision Date:  11/23/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, ExxonMobil, Permian Express Partners, Sunoco Logistics Partners, Gathering System, Terminal, Pipelines, Joint Venture, Assets, Pipeline, Expansion, USA, USA

Industry Groups File Lawsuit over BLM Methane Emissions Rule

Revision Date:  11/23/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Western Energy Alliance, Independent Petroleum Association of America, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Equipment, Wells, Storage Tanks, Regulation, Standards, Regulating, Operations, Venting, Flaring, Emissions Reduction, Replacement, USA

Pemex Hires Bank of America for Refinery Partner Search

Revision Date:  11/22/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, Pemex, Coker, Improvement, Operations, Coking, Maintenance, Refining, Mexico

Mexico's Pemex Plans Crude Processing Ramp-up by Year-end (07, T16)

Revision Date:  11/22/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, Pemex, Processing Units, Refining, Maintenance, Mexico

U.S. EPA Moves to Deny Refiner Requests to Change Biofuels Program

Revision Date:  11/22/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, EPA, Tesoro, Marathon Petroleum Corp, Regulation, Decision, Refining, Regulating, USA

Maire Tecnimont Expands its Footprint in Malaysia (07, T17)

Revision Date:  11/22/2016

Tags:  325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, Maire Tecnimont, Petronas, Tecnimont, PRPC Polymers, Polyethylene Unit, Materials, Equipment, Technology, Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Commissioning, Malaysia

ExxonMobil Awards $40 Mln Polyethylene Plant Automation Service Contract to Wood Group (07, T17)

Revision Date:  11/21/2016

Tags:  325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, ExxonMobil, Wood Group, Process Control System, Construction, Design, Automation Contractor Services, USA


Jacobs Wins Contract for New MEGlobal Production Facility (T17)

Revision Date:  11/21/2016

Tags:  325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, Jacobs Engineering, Equipment, Piping, Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management Services, USA

ExxonMobil to Increase Beaumont Polyethylene Capacity (T16)

Revision Date:  11/21/2016

Tags:  325110 - Petrochemical Manufacturing 石化产品生产, ExxonMobil, Production Units, Expansion, Demand, Construction, USA

Genoil Signs $50 Bln LOI to Develop and Construct Upgrading and Energy Projects (08)

Revision Date:  11/21/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, 211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Genoil, Upgrader, Pipelines, Technology, LOI, Desulfurization, Upgrade, Development, Denitrogenization, Demetalization, Operational Efficiency, Construction, Pipeline, Refinance, Hydroconversion, Refining, Russia

Dresser-Rand to Supply Pipeline Compressor Trains to Mexico (T16)

Revision Date:  11/21/2016

Tags:  211111 - Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction 原油和天然气开采, Fermaca Enterprises, Dresser-Rand, Pipeline, Gas Turbine Compressors, Supply, Compression, Pipeline, Mexico

Indonesia to Amend Development Scheme for Bontang Refinery Project

Revision Date:  11/15/2016

Tags:  324110 - Petroleum Refineries 石油精, Pertamina, Investment, Development, Refining, Planning, Indonesia



Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext. 112