Subject:  Scrubber Opportunities in Various Industries      


Hundreds of precipitators and scrubbers on coal, wood, bark, and other solid fuel fired industrial boilers will have to be upgraded to meet the particulate emission requirements promulgated in the new industrial boiler MACT regulation.  The need to remove HCl and mercury increases the scrubber opportunity.  Each industrial boiler along with the details on the present equipment and fuel being combusted is identified in the McIlvaine U.S. Industrial Emitters database. You can also view scrubber and absorber installations on other sources.  Click on: .


Odor control for municipal wastewater plants continues to be big business.  Every month McIlvaine identifies a number of projects at existing facilities and projects for expansions at new facilities.  U.S Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities and People also has details on existing scrubbers and biofilters, but also has the names and contact information for the important decision makers. U.S. Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities and People click on: .


A number of refinery catalytic cracker facilities around-the-world will be considering scrubbers.  Tail gas scrubbers will also be purchased for SO2 removal.  The market for refinery scrubbers and other air pollution control equipment in each country is covered in Refinery Air Pollution Control: World Markets click on: .




Bob McIlvaine
