Cement Industry Fluid/Gas Treatment and Control Purchases Downgraded from $10.5 Billion in 2012 to $8.4 Billion

The U.S. EPA issued proposed changes to the already promulgated air toxics rule for cement plants. The net effect is to reduce the 2012 market worldwide by $2.1 billion. This is the latest McIlvaine forecast derived from extracting information from a number of McIlvaine market research reports.

The impact of the rule is not to eliminate, but just postpone expenditures based on an extension from 2013 to 2015 for compliance with the standard.  There is no impact on the long-term market for mercury and hydrogen chloride reducing systems. There are some reductions in the long-term market for hydrocarbon and particulate control based on the following changes and alternative processes for VOC capture.


Emission Limit for:           2010 Limits for                  Proposed Limits          2010 Limits for             Proposed Limits

                                                Existing Source                    for Existing                  New Source                    for New Source

                                                      Kilns                                   Source Kilns                     Kilns*                                Kilns* 

Particulate Matter             0.04 pounds per                  0.07 pounds per              0.01 pounds per               0.02 pounds per

(as a surrogate for                ton of clinker,                     ton of clinker,                  ton of clinker,                   ton of clinker,

toxic metals other                averaged over 30               three-run stack                averaged over 30             three-run stack

than mercury)                      days                                      test                                     days                                    test

(major and area


The McIlvaine forecast includes replacement and repairs as well as new capital equipment.  The revised forecast is for purchases of $8.4 billion.


Cement Industry World Environmental Purchases 2012

$ Millions




Previous Forecast

New forecast


Fabric Filter
















Air and Water Monitoring




Liquid Flow Control and Treatment




Air/Gas Movement/Control









The overview of this market is shown at:

Fluid/Gas Treatment and Control: World Markets: http://home.mcilvainecompany.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=71

The following reports also address the industry: 

World Fabric Filter and Element Market:

Electrostatic Precipitators: World Market:

FGD World Markets:

Air and Water Monitoring World Markets:

Scrubber/Adsorber/Biofilter World Markets: 


McIlvaine Cement Updates




Air Quality Permit Issued to Carolinas Cement


Largest Cement Mill in Europe Commissioned

Italcementi’s Bulgaria Cement Plant Undergoes Reconstruction And Modernisation Process


Lafarge Zimbabwe Plans to Spend $4.5 million

Dangote Cement Plans 46.3 Million Tons Output by 2015


Southeast Asian Cement Market

Lafarge Sees Innovation, Expansion for India Growth

Ambuja Cements to Expand Production Capacity in India

Cemex to Build Waste Heat-to-Energy Facility in the Philippines

KHD Awarded Contract to Build New Cement Plant in Malaysia

Bangladesh Cement Industry/ New Projects

Hoang Mai Cement to Invest in New Line, Vietnam

Tabuk Cement New Ready-Mix Venture, Saudi Arabia

Ghorahi Cement to Come On-stream in April, Nepal


Tyco has a wide range of products for the cement industry

The typical cement plant has a number of Tyco valves.  Large numbers are found in the pulse jet collectors used to capture the cement dust.  Filter cleaning nozzles are also available. Air cannons are used to dislodge all types of dust which stick to the walls of hoppers and the bottom of silos. These are more efficient than 'fluidification' and 'vibration' systems especially with particularly sticky dust. The air cannons feature a Mecair diaphragm valve with an extremely high flow rate and also an air accumulator. The air cannons come in a range of sizes to suit customer requirements.

The particulate monitoring probe is based on AC-coupled triboelectric technology. It is useful for the monitoring and recording of particulate emissions and identification of broken filters. Complete emissions monitoring systems to measure SOx, NOx, HCl and other parameters are also available.

Tyco knife gate valves are used in the flue gas desulfurization scrubber recycle loop. Other Tyco valves are used in various gas and liquid applications in cement plants around the world.

Thermo Fisher measures mercury from the beginning to end of the cement process

Thermo Instruments is measuring mercury from the beginning to the end of the cement process. The mercury in the raw limestone is measured with X-ray spectrometry.  The stack gas mercury is measured by the Thermo mercury CEM system.  Cement plants are forced to use the limestone in the vicinity of the plant as a raw material.  Transportation costs are too high to consider imports from other areas. The amount of mercury in the limestone varies greatly from one locality to another.  When the limestone is heated virtually, all the mercury is vaporized and would exit in the stack except for capture in the air pollution control equipment.

At the Achema show in Frankfurt, Germany last week, we learned about the extensive use of Thermo XRF spectrometers in cement plants. Here is the unit on display:



Characteristics of the instrument were explained by Franz Mollekopf, regional sales manager, Central Europe for OES & XRF-Spectroscopy, Scientific Instruments, Thermo Fisher Scientific. The ARL PERFORM’X is a highly precise system that offers users a choice of analyzed area size ranging from 35 mm to 0.5 mm. By measuring the standard chemical composition of samples, the system facilitates elemental small spot analysis, enabling analysts to pinpoint focus on specimen sections as small as 0.5 mm. The advanced X-ray mapping and sample visualization capabilities of the instrument also enable users to identify and characterize previously unidentifiable elemental inclusions, defects and gradients in samples. The ARL PERFORM’X has the capacity to handle samples of many sizes and types including solids, liquids, powders and thin films, providing laboratories with advanced versatility.

ARL PERFORM’X helps solve composition problems in demanding industrial process and quality applications, making it ideal for analytical laboratories in the geochemistry, chemical, petrochemical, materials science and process control industries where speed, reliability and flexibility are essential. With dual sample loading, the ARL PERFORM’X processes more than sixty samples per hour, offering rapid and precise analysis of up to eighty-four elements. The system also provides an innovative sample recognition capability that ensures easy and safe loading of solids and liquids. In addition, the instrument offers long-term stability and repeatability of results.



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Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext 112


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