Subject: $6 billion scrubber/adsorber market in 2008


The sales revenues for suppliers of particulate scrubbers, biofilters, dry scrubbers, absorbers and adsorbers will exceed $6 billion in 2008 up from $4.8 billion in 2004. This is the latest forecast in the online McIlvaine report, Scrubbers/Absorbers: World Markets.


The largest purchaser of this category of air pollution control equipment is the municipal wastewater treatment industry.  Odor control has become a necessity, not only in the U.S. Europe, and Japan, but also China and other developing countries.  Carbon adsorbers, biofilters, and absorbers are all used for odor control.  Biofilters require no chemicals but are sensitive to operating conditions.  Carbon adsorbers are cost effective when odor levels are low.  Absorbers are the choice when concentration levels are high.


The chemical industry is a big user of absorbers.  With the rapid growth of the chemical industry in Asia, the absorber revenues on this continent will grow the fastest.  The steel industry uses particulate scrubbers for furnaces, metal cleaning, and material handling. Pollution control regulations have been implemented in many Asian countries.  So many new steel and metal working plants are being equipped with air pollution control equipment.


The market for scrubbers and adsorbers is strong in the waste-to-energy segment.  Rules limiting the use of landfills in Europe are steering EU member companies toward waste-to-energy plants.  Many of these plants use two scrubbers and one adsorber for the separate capture of hydrochloric acid, sulfur dioxide, and dioxins.  Alternatively, dry scrubbers are also used in this application.  Many new waste-to-energy plants are under construction in Asia.


The market for scrubbers and adsorbers in the electronics industry has surged, and demand for chips and flat panel displays has accelerated.


Refinery activity in the U.S. is primarily driven by the settlements of lawsuits for violations of New Source Review requirements of the Clean Air ACT.  However, one new refinery is now in the planning stage.  Scrubber activity for Chinese refinery projects is growing.  Particulate scrubbers are used on fluid catalytic crackers.  Absorbers are used for process applications.  Adsorbers are used to capture fugitive volatile organic compounds.  China plans to speed up refinery expansion projects over the next five years, sparked into action by the pressure on its refining system from rising oil demand in the world's fastest growing major economy.


The pulp and paper industry potential is strong in Eastern Europe including Russia and South America.


The U.S. will continue to be the largest purchaser of scrubbers and adsorbers but China will be closing in on the top spot by 2007.  South Korea will move into the fourth spot ahead of Germany.

                                               Scrubber/Adsorber Revenues

($ millions)

 Country              2007

                                                       United States         725

                                                       China                    645

                                                       Japan                    305

                                                       South Korea          189

                                                      Germany                166


The scrubber/adsorber industry is comprised of mostly small suppliers.  Few companies exceed $50 million in scrubber revenues.  Hundreds of companies are in the $1-10 million sales category.


For more information click on Scrubber/Adsorber World Markets .



Bob McIlvaine
