The refinery industry is a big market for particulate scrubbers, SO2 absorbers, and VOC adsorbers.  EPA has settled lawsuits with some refineries resulting in commitments to spend over $1.5 billion for air pollution control. Other refineries, that all have violated the New Source Review requirements, are also agreeing to install control equipment.  Another revenue generator is the upgrades of the refineries to reduce sulfur in the fuel. Still another revenue generator is the 15 million bbd of new capacity, which will be needed in the next ten years to accommodate the world demand for gasoline and other petroleum products. This market is covered in two reports. If you want to learn about the refinery opportunities as part of the entire scrubber/adsorber opportunity you can sign up for the online Scrubber/Adsorber World Markets


If you want to concentrate just on the refinery sector and also find out about the opportunities for NOx and particulate control then you can opt for Refinery Air Pollution Control: World Markets.  This report has the added benefit of contact names at refineries around the world Refinery Air Pollution Control .


Both of these reports include monthly updates with revisions of forecasts and tracking of new projects. See the Refinery Update at Sales Intelligence .


One of the big opportunities for scrubber sales is in the municipal sector. We are identifying all the opportunities at U.S. facilities in a biweekly Update of U.S. Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants and People .  Two sample reports covering many opportunities are actually posted free of charge on the web site under Sales Intelligence.


Another service that will help you sell scrubbers for municipal applications is Consultant Profiles and People. You can not only quickly obtain the titles and contact information for thousands of engineering and design personnel at the consulting companies, but also learn which conferences they attend, and even obtain the specific titles of the papers they are presenting. This service works well with the U.S. Municipal Plants in that the updates identify which consultants are working on which project. Consultant Profiles and People .


Bob McIlvaine
