Subject:  Incinerators and Odor Control Brighten Scrubber Market

The market for scrubbers, adsorbers, and biofilters is looking brighter thanks to activity in incineration and odor control. In the continually updated, N008 Scrubber/Adsorber/Biofilter World Markets, McIlvaine projects a big market in Asia for scrubbers for both incineration and odor control.  Europe is increasing its waste-to-energy expenditures due to new limitations on landfills.  Even the U.S. is starting to look at waste-to-energy again.  Several projects are underway in Pennsylvania and Hawaii.

Odor control is strong in China now.  It is also a major market in the U.S.  McIlvaine is tracking many wastewater treatment plant expansions with odor control as well as retrofit projects in U.S. Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants and People.

The online market report includes a monthly Update with lots of project information. Here are two samples:

10th Five-Year Plan in China Will Include Many Waste-to-Energy Plants

Fifty billion RMB will be put into construction of municipal garbage treatment plants, of which 25 billion RMB is for incineration plants, 20 billion RMB for landfills, 5 billion RMB for garbage compost; 20 billion RMB will be used to centralize treatment of hazardous waste ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$428,000 biofilter for Vero Beach, Fl

Vero Beach, FL, will save about $100,000 a year because of improvements made to the water treatment plant, officials said.  The savings are from replacing membranes used to extract impurities from the city’s drinking water and installing a biofilter to treat hydrogen sulfide.

The improvements were costly, $178,505 for the membrane replacement and $428,560 for the biofilter. But they will be well worth the investment, said John -----------------------

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Bob McIlvaine
