At the Chem Show, McIlvaine organized route maps by specific application. So under Organic Chemicals and Scrubbers you saw the following:

2013 Chem Show Decision Stop

Organic, PetroChemicals Scrubbers






Andritz, Booth #126

Contact: Josh Hannah, Cell: 513-315-5025,

              Jim McGillicuddy, 859-992-7538,

              Mike Hoelzle, Cell: 614-893-4684,


Emerson Process Management, Booth #823

CEMS System Capabilities for the Hydrocarbon Processing Industry


Hydro Carbon Processing, Booth #524


KC Cottrell Inc., Booth # 836

Contact: Mike Widico, Phone: 908-304-2004,

8 Bartles Corner Road, Suite 204, Flemington, NJ 08822
KC Cottrell Profile

KC Cottrell, Inc.
KC Cottrell GSA Description

New precipitator orders and other news from KC Cottrell


MEGTEC Systems, Inc., Booth #337

Contact: Mary Van Vonderen, Cell: 920-360-2170,


MEGTEC products to meet Boiler MACT 

MEGTEC products for gas cleaning and purification of solvents


Spraying Systems, Booth #730


Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies, Booth #344

Contact: Rick Merryman, Cell: 412-915-7539;
              Li An, Cell: 724-719-0130;

Presentation: Veolia ZLD Process for FGD Wastewater










December 2013

No. 474




  • Wärtsilä Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems Selected for Three More Color Line Ships
  • Alfa Laval Wins Repeat PureSOx Systems Order from Danish Ferry Operator DFDS
  • W R Systems Upgrades Emsys to Measure Mass Emissions Rates in Anticipation of the EU’s MRV Initiative
  • Poly Shield Technologies Inc. Prepares for the Company’s Testing of Pre-Production DSOX-15 Fuel Purification Units



  • Eisenmann Wins Shanghai Volkswagen Project
  • Dürr Boosts its Clout in North America



  • EnviTec Biogas Boosts German Biomethane Market with EnviThan
  • Delta Thermo Energy Proposes to Build Energy Generating Facility in Allentown, PA
  • EnviTec Biogas Scores in Italy with EnviFarm Compact



  • China Has Large New Flow Control and Treatment Opportunities
  • Municipal Wastewater Plants Will Spend $1.6 Billion for Air and Water Monitoring Equipment Next Year



  • Calgon Carbon Announces Third Quarter Results
  • BIOREM Announces $1.9 Million of New Orders
  • AmiPur®-PLUS Technology Making New Strides Worldwide
  • HEC Consolidates Operations into Jeffersonville Facility



  • Amendments Proposed for Flexible Foam Production Regulations
  • HBD/Thermoid Inc. Agrees to $371,075 Settlement for Alleged Violations of Clean Air Act at Chanute Kansas Facility
  • U.S. and West Virginia Settle Case Against DuPont Over Clean Air Act Violations at Washington Works Facility


The Scrubber/Adsorber/Biofilter Newsletter is included in two services.

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U.S. Chemicals Exports to Increase from Shale Gas Advantage

Shale Gas Makes U.S. Among Cheapest Places for Plastics Manufacturing

Brazil Ramps Up Fertilizer Production Amid Growing Agricultural Demand



Honeywell to Invest $300 Million to Build New Refrigerant Plant

Formosa Plastics Group Plans $2 Billion Expansion of Texas Operations

Norway’s Yara and BASF Plan Investment in U.S. Ammonia Plant

Solvay Divests PVC and Compounding Businesses

Kumho Petro Produces Carbon Nanotubes


For more information on Scrubber/Adsorber/Biofilter World Markets, click on:





 December 2013



  • United States
  • Asia
  • Australia
  • Japan
  • Mayanmar



  • Austria
  • Czech Republic
  • Dubai
  • France
  • Latvia
  • Saudi Arabia
  • South Africa
  • United Kingdom


AMERICAS - United States

(1.) The U.S. probably expanded faster in the third quarter than initially estimated and weekly jobless claims likely rose a bit, according to economists polled by MarketWatch. Gross domestic product for the July-to-September period is forecast to be revised up to 3.2% from 2.8%, largely because inventories rose even faster than the preliminary report showed. Jobless claims, meanwhile, are predicted to increase to 325,000 in the week ended Nov. 30 from 316,000 in the prior week.

(2.) Austrian school economist Mark Skousen has labored mightily for a quarter of a century to persuade the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) to publish a better measure of economic activity in the United States, and beginning in April, the BEA will start publishing the country’s Gross Output — the GO.

Said Skousen, "Starting [in] 1990, I have made the case that we needed a new statistic beyond GDP that measures spending throughout the entire production process, not just final output. GO is a move in that direction — a personal triumph 25 years in the making."

Ever since the establishment of the international monetary system at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has informed and driven monetary policy, often with unintended and unhappy consequences. By misreading economic activity, interventionist politicians and economists have implemented policies that have later turned out to be too little too late or, more recently, way too much. The GO, on the other hand, measures intermediate economic activity at all stages of production, from raw materials to the retail outlet.

As Skousen explained, "While GDP is a good measure of national economic performance, it has a major flaw: in limiting itself to final output, GDP largely ignores or downplays the "make" economy — that is, the supply chain and intermediate stages of production needed to produce all those finished goods and services.

"This narrow focus of GDP has created much mischief in the media, government policy and boardroom decision-making….

"Since consumer spending [under GDP analysis] represents 70% or more of GDP … the media naively concludes that any slowdown in retail sales or government stimulus is necessarily bad for the economy….

"In short, by focusing only on final output, GDP underestimates the money spent and economic activity generated at earlier stages in the production process….

"Using GO as a more comprehensive measure of economic activity, spending by consumers turns out to represent around 40% of total year sales, not 70% as commonly reported.

"Spending by business … is substantially bigger, representing over 50% of economic activity."

This aligns better with common-sense economic theory as well, that production precedes consumption, not the other way around. GO will also show that the real size of the U.S. economy isn't $16.8 trillion as is commonly acknowledged, but will come in at nearly twice that figure when it is released in April, according to Skousen.

Even so, with the update in place, GO will still leave out enormous parts of the economy, and will fail to measure the unmeasurables, such as quality of life, speed of information via the Internet, and caring for children at home by parents. It will fail to differentiate between "wasteful" spending — i.e., foreign wars and consequent loss of life and limb and destruction of property and war matériel — and "productive" spending. It will fail to measure the potential advantage of obtaining a college degree, or the disadvantage of taking up smoking.

It will count legal fees, repairing of property damage, and medical expenses as positives instead of negatives. It will allow for such silliness as counting the value of a new home being built, as well as the cost of razing it following a flood or a hurricane. It will count disasters as positives and imports of superior goods from abroad (instead of buying inferior ones locally) as negatives. It will continue to count borrowing as a good thing no matter how it is spent or by whom: individuals or governments.   (The remaining text is not included in this sample.)


ASIA - Japan

Japan's economy expanded at a slower pace than initially estimated in the third quarter of 2013, according to the government, sparking concern that the government's "Abenomics" policy mix may fail to help the nascent recovery gain momentum.

The world's third-biggest economy grew at an annualized rate of 1.1% in the three months through September in inflation-adjusted terms, downgraded from preliminary data against the backdrop of a downward revision to capital spending.

The July-September growth in real gross domestic product, the total value of goods and services produced at home, corresponded to a 0.3% gain from the previous quarter, posting the fourth straight quarter of increase, the Cabinet Office said.

The government said in the initial report, released Nov. 14, that the nation's economy expanded an annualized real 1.9% in the July-September period, following a revised 3.6% rise in the April-June period.

The latest figure suggested Japan's economy has been largely supported by public investment, not private sector growth, strengthening the view that the planned 3-percentage-point sales tax hike next April to 8% may weigh on consumer spending and investment, in turn dampening domestic demand.   (The remaining text is not included in this sample.)



Saudi Arabia's gross domestic product grew 3.19% in the third quarter of 2013 in current prices compared with a 2.7% rise in the previous three months, the Central Department of Statistics reported.

The GDP value rose from SR675.19 billion in the third quarter of 2012 to SR696.7 billion. During the same period the GDP rose by 3.05% in real prices, the department said.

In the public sector the GDP fell by 18.52% to SR102.6 billion in current prices, compared to the same period in 2012. However, in real prices it showed a growth of 2.43%.

The private sector, on the other hand, achieved a growth of 6.53% in current prices in the third quarter of 2013 to reach SR244.08 billion compared to the figure of previous year, SR229.13 billion.

The construction and building sector and downstream industries showed big growth at the rate of 9.76% and 7.87% respectively. In stable prices, the sector’s growth rose by 3.31%.    (The remaining text is not included in this sample.)


A complete analysis of GDP and Monthly Updates for individual countries are included as part of Scrubber/Adsorber/Biofilter World Markets.

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Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext 112


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