Weekly selected highlights in flow control, treatment and combustion from the many McIlvaine publications.
• Intel will Spend $2.6 billion for Combust, Flow and Treat Products in 2019
• 2019 Market for FGD Components and Consumables will Remain Flat
• Utility E-Alert Provides Important Weekly News Analysis of Coal Fired Power Developments
Intel will Spend $2.6 billion for Combust, Flow and Treat Products in 2019
Intel will be the semiconductor industry’s top purchaser of Combust, Flow and Treat (CFT) products next year. It has semiconductor fabrication facilities throughout the world. Large facilities are located in Ireland, China, Oregon, Arizona and New Mexico.
The company will spend nearly $1 billion for cleanroom hardware next year and over $100 million for pumps and valves.
Semiconductor CFT Purchases – 2019 - $ millions

Company Total
Further Segmentation Available
Hardware 5500 935 Rooms, HVAC, Devices, Filters, Ceilings, Doors, Walls
Consumables 2800 476 Gloves, Wipes, Disposable and Reusable Garments, Chemicals, Paper, Laundering
Ultrapure Water Systems 900 153 Condensate Polishing, Piping, Disinfection, Filtration, Wastewater Treatment
Oxidizers 240 41 Adsorbers, Absorbers, Biofilters, Nozzles RTO, Catalytic Oxidizers
Pumps 240 41 Centrifugal, Rotary, Diaphragm, Reciprocating
Valves 400 68 Control and Off Valves Each Segmented In 8 Categories
Cartridges 475 81 Membrane, Non-Woven, String Wound, Carbon, Metallic
Other Filters,
Separators 380 65 Filter Presses, Belt Filters, Bag Filters, Clarifiers, Hydrocyclones, Centrifuges
Cross Flow
Membranes 250 43 Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration, Reverse Osmosis
Fans, Compressors 290 49 Multiple Fan Types and Multiple Compressor Types
Treatment Chemicals 420 71 13 Types of Treatment Chemicals from Biocides to Flocculants
Guide 700 119 Process Management and Data Analytics Software
Control 600 102 PLC, SCADA, Edge Technology, Wireless Transmitters, Cloud Software
Measure -Liquids 140 24 Flow, Turbidity, Contaminants, Level, Pressure, Viscosity
Measure - Gases 70 12 Flow, Particulate, Acid Gases, Pressure, Temperature, Humidity
Measure -Powders 40 7 Flow, Quantity, Constituents, Particle Size
Other 2,000 340 Piping, Couplings, Heat Exchangers
Total 15445 2627
The McIlvaine Company provides the overall forecasts on the above subjects for each major semiconductor company in individual market reports. The detailed forecasts for the segments are available on a custom basis.
These forecasts represent the total available market (TAM). Further segmentation by the Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) is also available. SOM is best obtained in parallel with an initiative to achieve the Lowest Total Cost of Ownership Validation (LTCOV) of the supplier product. A combined effort to provide the detailed forecasts and to develop the LTCOVs is recommended. Details on specific purchasers are also available. There is a 33 slide analysis of Intel and its various plants which can be provided. Analyses of the Intel application of IIoT in its own plants and the products it offers to others is also included.
More information on the forecasts is available in each of the market reports
Intel projects are tracked in 80A World Cleanroom Projects
For more information on the custom programs you can contact Bob Mcilvaine at rmcilvaine@mcilvainecompany.com 847-784-0012 ext 112.
2019 Market for FGD Components and Consumables will Remain Flat
The market for FGD components, repairs, and consumables will grow modestly to $20 billion in 2019. However, there are major changes in the rankings and shares of purchasers. The market will be dominated by relatively few end users and suppliers according to the latest forecast in N027 FGD Market and Strategies. The merger of Shenhua and Guodian results in one operator with more FGD capacity than all of Europe and nearly as much as the U.S.

FGD System, Component, Consumables and Repair Purchases in 2019
Company Country Rank % of Total
FGD Purchases in 2019 FGD Purchases
($ millions)
AEP U.S. 8 1.1 209
Datang China 3 7 1,330
Duke U.S. 9 1 190
Enel Italy 12 1 190
Eskom South Africa 5 6 1,140
Guodian- Shenhua China 2 12 2,280
Huaneng China 1 9 1,710
Huadian China 6 6 1,140
J-Power Japan 13 0.5 95
National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) India 4 7 1,330
NRG U.S. 10 1 190
Southern U.S. 11 1 190
Vietnam Power (EVN) Vietnam 7 2 380
Sub Total 10,374
Other 9,626
TOTAL 20,000
The Trump administration’s program to bring back coal is having a negative effect on the market. Existing coal plants which would have had to increase FGD expenditures will not have to do so. No new coal plants are likely to be built as a result of the regulations. Companies such as BHE continue to move away from coal. As long as natural gas is inexpensive there is no financial incentive to increase coal capacity.
One technology development is the first dry scrubber installation for NTPC. This alternative decreases capital costs but increases consumables cost. This is because lime is more expensive than limestone. For more information click on N027 FGD Market and Strategies.
Bob McIlvaine can answer your questions. Just contact him at rmcilvaine@mcilvainecompany.com or call at 847-784-0012 ext. 122
Utility E-Alert Provides Important Weekly News Analysis of Coal Fired Power Developments
Here are some of the headlines in the August 24, and August 31 Utility E-Alerts. These 20 page weekly Alerts provide important analysis and facts for sales and general management of companies supplying combust, flow, and treat products and services.
In the U.S. owners of most of the 225,000 MW of coal fired boilers expected to be in service for the next 30 years are in somewhat of a quandary relative to the Trump roll back of air pollution rules. The Alert provides the latest twists and turns.
There is a very substantial ongoing investment in new coal plants and retrofits of environmental control in Eastern Europe, Turkey, and Asia. The fact that NTPC is selecting dry sorbent injection for four plants is important. It opens the door for some technology other than wet limestone. Japanese and Chinese companies are providing financing and systems for Asian power generators. This gives an edge to CFT suppliers from those two countries.

• Senators Carper and Alexander call on EPA to keep Mercury and Air Toxics Standards Rule in Place
• EPA seeking Public Comment on Texas on BART Rule
• Conemaugh Coal-fired Generating Station utilizes SUEZ’s Mobile Water Solutions to produce Boiler Feedwater

• China's CMEC to complete upgrade of Serbian Power Plant in 2020
• Romania's Hunedoara Energy Holding invests €65.3 Million in Desulfurization System
• India will spend more than $61 Billion for APC Equipment
• NTPC is upgrading existing Power Plants
• Dry Sorbent Injection for Four NTPC Power Plants
• NTPC recent Tenders
• Precipitator and FGD problems at the Lakvijaya Power Plant in Ceylon
• Sembcorp's Indian Plant wins Bangladesh Power Supply Tender
• Clyde Bergemann supports conversion of Taichung Power Plant from Wet Bottom Ash Handling to an Eco-Friendly Dry Ash System using their DRYCON Technology
• MHPS to participate in Vietnam's Nghi Son-2 Thermal Power Project

• Coal-fired Power Plant Owners, Suppliers, Market Researchers and Publishing Companies need to work Together to provide Lowest Total Cost of Ownership Solutions
• EPA proposes Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) Rule
• Energy Department selects additional advanced Combustion Projects to receive $3.3 Million
• Reduce Boiler Corrosion and Chemical Costs with accurate pH Measurement
• Dry Scrubber Users Conference slated for September 18-20
• MEGA Symposium was held this Week
• The Challenge of choosing the Best Coal-fired Power Plant Air Pollution Control Technologies
• Godrej Process Equipment acquires Yuba and Ecolaire Brands from SPX Heat Transfer, USA
The Utility E-Alert can be purchased separately 41F Utility E-Alert or as part of the Utility Tracking System which has details on every coal fired power plant and profiles of the major generators 42EI Utility Tracking System
Bob McIlvaine can answer your questions at rmcilvaine@mcilvainecompany.com 847-784-0012 ext. 122.