Corporate identification number and international scope add great value to McIlvaine OEM Networking Directory
The McIlvaine Networking Directory is a central information source for companies buying products and for anyone wanting to determine which Chinese name matches the English name.
We are looking for your input to check whether the products we list for you are correct but also to make sure we have the English and Chinese equivalent. Here is one supplier:
Zhejiang Tiantai Industrial Cloth Factory 701 浙江天台县工业用布厂
This corporate identification number is 701 and distinguishes it from the other 40 companies listed below whose names begin with Zhejiang:

Company Classification
English Company Name Corporate
Parent Corporate
Number Chinese Company
Zhefiang Langyou Pump Co., Ltd. 21939
Zhejian Hangmin Industry 24345
Zhejiang Dafu Pump Industry Co., Ltd. 4775
Zhejiang Dayuan Pumps Industry Co., Ltd. 4776
Zhejiang Dewei Valve Co. 28580
Zhejiang Dongshan Pump Co., Ltd. 4777
Zhejiang Energy Group 1289 浙江能源集团有限公司
Zhejiang Fenghua Haibo Pneumatic Component Plant 24582
Zhejiang Fengqiu (Group) Co., Ltd. 4778
Zhejiang Great Wall Reducer Co. 28618
Zhejiang Haiyue Co 7458
Zhejiang Hangzhou Boiler Group 1290 浙江杭州锅炉集团有限公司
Zhejiang Hengda Cloth 24529
Zhejiang Hengji PV-tech Energy Co. Ltd. 26149
Zhejiang Huading Net Industry 707 浙江华顶网业有限公司
Zhejiang Jiali Science & Technology Development Co. 4779
Zhejiang Jinggong Valve Factory 5299
Zhejiang Kai'er Industry Co. 23238
Zhejiang Kertice Hi-Tech Fluor-Material Co., Ltd. 3067
Zhejiang Langyou Pump Co., Ltd. 4780
Zhejiang Number One Valve Co. Ltd. 5300
Zhejiang Oviko Valve 27760
Zhejiang Papermaking 24421
Zhejiang People Pump Industry Co., Ltd. 4781
Zhejiang Petrochemical Valve Co. Ltd. 5301
Zhejiang Province Power Company 23747
Zhejiang Pujiang Fuda Metal 24530
Zhejiang Rongda Electric Equipment Mfg. 23536
Zhejiang Satellite Petrochemical Co 7454
Zhejiang Seisun Pumps Co., Ltd. 4782
Zhejiang Shaoxing Fuling Industrial Group 7451
Zhejiang Shimge Pump Industry Co., Ltd. 4783
Zhejiang South-West 24523
Zhejiang Theoborn Auto-Control Valves Co. Ltd. 5302
Zhejiang Tiandi Environmental Protection Engineering 1291 浙江天地环保工程有限公司
Zhejiang Tianlun Environmental Protection Equipment Co. 23239
Zhejiang Tiantai Industrial Cloth Factory 701 浙江天台县工业用布厂
Zhejiang Tiantai Nonwoven 24342
Zhejiang Tiantai Wenxing Non-woven Cloth Industry 680 浙江天台文星无纺布业有限公司
Zhejiang Tri-Star Special Textile 778 浙江三星特种纺织品有限公司
Zhejiang University 28438
Zhejiang Unversity-Thermal Pwr Engineering 23721
Zhejiang Yicheng Environmental Protection Engineering Co. 23237
Zhejiang Yicheng Mechanical Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 23548
Zhejiang Yongjia Zhonggong 19854
Zhejiang Zhaohui Filter Technology 694 浙江朝晖过滤技术股份有限公司
Zhejiang Zhengqiu Valve Co., Ltd. 5303
Zhejiang Zhongtai Valve Co. 28601
Zhejiang Zhuji Jinhai Sanxi 24509
Zhen Jiang Great Pump Co., Ltd. 26436
Zhengchang Group 23218
For all Products and Services

Company Name: Zhejiang Tiantai Industrial
Address: Wujialin Pinggiao Town
City: Tiantai County, Zhejiang 317203

Country: CHINA

Service Product
Fabric Filter WOVEN

(Link to Interest Areas) Title Email Telephone Fax Source
Pang Guo Nuan
86-576-3682505 86-576-3682500 General Entry 11/08 to 5/09

All subsidiaries are listed based on the corporate number. Here is Ahlstrom:

• Ahlstrom - KY, USA, 1
• Ahlstrom Air Media - OH, USA, 1
• Ahlstrom Aquaflow - NY, USA, 1
• Ahlstrom Barcelona, S.A. - SPAIN, 1
• Ahlstrom Corporation - FINLAND, 11
• Ahlstrom Engine Filtration LLC - SC, USA, 3
• Ahlstrom Engine Filtration LLC/Fiber Composites Dv. - IL, USA, 1
• Ahlstrom Filtration - TN, USA, 8
• Ahlstrom Filtration LLC - CA, USA, 2
• Ahlstrom Filtration LLC - OH, USA, 1
• Ahlstrom Filtration LLC - PA, USA, 10
• Ahlstrom Glassfibre Oy - FINLAND, 3
• Ahlstrom Italy SpA - ITALY, 2
• Ahlstrom Korea Co. Ltd. - KOREA, 0
• Ahlstrom Korea Co. Ltd. - KOREA, 1
• Ahlstrom Lystil Oy - FINLAND, 1
• Ahlstrom Monterrey, S. de RL. De C.V. - MEXICO, 1
• Ahlstrom Nonwovens, LLC - SC, USA, 2
• Ahlstrom Tampere Oy - FINLAND, 3
• Ahlstrom Turin SpA - ITALY, 4
• Ahlstrom Windsor Locks LLC/ Filtr. N. Amer. - CT, USA, 7
For all Products and Services
Company Name: Ahlstrom Corporation
Address: Salmisaarenaukio 1, Box 329
City: 00180 Helsinki
Country: FINLAND

Telephone: 358-10-888-0
Fax: 358-10-888-4709

Ownership: PUBLIC
Year-End: 12/31
Stock Exchange: NASDAQ-Helsinki
Stock Symbol: OMX
Last Annual Report:

Comments: Head Office

Service Product
Cartridges MEDIA
Cartridges NON WOVENS
Fabric Filter FABRICS
Fabric Filter NONWOVEN
Fabric Filter P 84
Indoor Air PAPER
Liquid Filtration FILTER MEDIA
Liquid Filtration NONWOVEN MEDIA

(Link to Interest Areas) Title Email Telephone Fax Source
Jan Kaukopaasi
General Interest from 5/2014 to 11/2014
Jan Laeng
President & CEO
General Interest 5/2013 to 11/2013
Jukka Tuominen
Manager/Products HRSG
General Interest 5/05 to 11/05
Laura Raitio
Sr. V-P/Glass& Ind'l.Nonwovens
358-10-888-4766 General Entry from 5/09 to 11/09
Liisa Nyyssoenen
358-10-888-4757 General Interest 5/2013 to 11/2013
Paul H. Stenson
Exec. V-Pres./Prodt.&Tech. Dev
General Interest 5/3/2011 to 11/2011
Rami Raulas
Sr. Vice-Pres./Sales & Mrktg.
General Entry 11/08 to 5/09
Risto Anttonen
Sr. VP/ Advanced Non-wovens
358-10-888-4166 358-10-888-4709 General Entry from 11/09 to 5/10
Seppo Parvi
Exec V-Pres/Food & Medical/CFO
General Interest 5/2013 to 11/2013
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Here are some Headlines from the Utility E Alert

 Turkey adding 65,000 MW of Coal-fired Power to replace Russian Gas
 Engie to sell stakes in Paiton and Meenakashi
 New and Expansion Power Plant Projects in Japan
 China moving forward with Coal-to-Gas Program
 Coal-Gas and impact on World Gas Prices
 Should the U.S., Europe, and Japan build New, efficient Coal-fired Power Plants to replace some of the Existing Fleet?
 German Cabinet passes Coal-fired Power Reserve Law
 Meralco readies Three New Coal-fired Power Plants
The Utility E Alert is issued weekly and covers the coal-fired projects, regulations and other information important to the suppliers. It is $950/yr. but is included in the $3020 Utility Tracking System which has data on every plant and project plus networking directories and many other features.
42EI Utility Tracking System
Investment Plans for LNG Exceed $1 Trillion
Many areas of the world are without adequate natural gas supplies. They can import coal but prefer gas because of its environmental advantages. Renewables do not offer quantities of energy at reasonable cost in the near term. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) can supply the growing energy needs of the developing world. These needs have resulted in plans for LNG gasification, transport and regasification investments exceeding $1 trillion. This is the conclusion reached by the McIlvaine Company in N049 Oil, Gas, Shale and Refining Markets and Projects.
Over the next five years, owners will invest in new facilities generating 120 million tons per year of LNG. Investment costs will vary greatly from site to site depending on location and process. Construction at regasification sites (brownfields) could be as low as $500/ton of annual capacity. Floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) could exceed $1800/ton.
At an average of $1200/ton, annual purchases will be $29 billion and the five year totals will be $144 billon. Equipment will represent 30 percent of the total or $6.6 billion per year. Nearly 800 MTPA (million tons of LNG per annum) of capacity is in the proposal stage representing investment of nearly $1 trillion.
Demand is expected to grow on an average of more than 5 percent through 2030.
U.S. projects at existing regasification plants have a competitive edge compared to other proposed projects globally. More than 50 liquefaction projects have been announced. Proposed capacity in the U.S. stood at 269.6 MTPA as of the first quarter of 2015, mostly located in the Gulf of Mexico. Proposed capacity in Canada reached 345 MTPA, including nearly 160 MTPA proposed in 2014 alone.

There are non-economic factors affecting decisions. They include security of supply and political considerations that will impact the investments in many regions. China is a notable example.
In November 2015, China approved a $20 billion pipeline for transporting gasified coal from northern and western China to cities throughout the country. It is designed to handle 30 BCM (billion cubic meters per year). The use of gasified coal will reduce demand for LNG in China. The longer term plan is for as much as 200 BCM. If China is able to gasify coal reliably and economically, there would be a big negative impact on the world LNG market.

McIlvaine will continually evaluate the potential impact of the Chinese coal gasification program and other potential impacts on the market. McIlvaine will also adjust forecasts for filters, pumps, valves, treatment chemicals and other products based on the LNG forecasts. This analysis is then used to analyze the potential of projects reported daily in the program. Here is an example:

• Petronas Selects Axens Technologies for Malaysia’s RAPID Project
• Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS), has selected Axens as a technology provider for PETRONAS’ Refinery and Petrochemicals Integrated Development (RAPID) project located in Pengerang, Johor, Malaysia. RAPID is part of PETRONAS’ Pengerang Integrated Complex (PIC) development, which includes six major associated facilities namely the Pengerang Co-generation Plant, Re-gasification Terminal 2, Air Separation Unit, Raw Water Supply Project, Liquid Bulk Terminal as well as central and shared utilities and RAPID is estimated to cost US$16 billion while the associated facilities will involve an investment of about US$11 billion. PIC is poised for its refinery start-up by early 2019.
• Regasification terminal will generate a cryogenic pump opportunity of $1 million and butterfly valve opportunity of $0.5 million. Total flow control and treatment opportunities for the project are over $200 million.
For more information on N049 Oil, Gas, Shale and Refining Markets and Projects, click on:
Top 50 Companies Sell 41 Percent of the Valves While 16,000 Companies Sell the Balance
Sales of industrial valves in 2014 were $56 billion. The top 50 companies generated revenues of $22,900 billion representing 41 percent of the total.
Market shares and sales are continuously compiled by the McIlvaine Company in N028 Industrial Valves: World Market. These rankings are based on the latest 12 month determinations. For public companies, the rankings are based on the latest fiscal year report. For private companies, the rankings are based on the year ending December 31, 2014 or for the most current 12 months as specifically analyzed. Smaller companies are analyzed less frequently than large ones.
The aggregate sales of the individual companies are integrated with market forecasts by valve type, industry and geography. The total sales of aggregated companies equal the total sales in the McIlvaine valve forecast. So actuators and repair parts included as valve revenue by valve suppliers are included in the market totals. On the other hand, actuators or parts sold directly to users by third parties are not included.
The rankings are based on U.S. dollars. So American based companies reporting sales in dollars have moved up in the rankings due to the stronger U.S. currency.
The top five valve companies have average sales of over $1.6 billion each and account for 15 percent of the total sales. The next five companies account for 7 percent of the sales. Therefore, the top 10 companies have 22 percent of the market.

Large valve companies are expanding through acquisitions and organic growth. Purchasers are also expanding geographically and need the support of international valve suppliers. This need is greatest for high performance valves. McIlvaine predicts the concentration of the industrial valve industry generally and particularly for high performance valves will continue.
For more information on N028 Industrial Valves: World Market click on:
$100 Billion Annual Gas Turbine Market
Worldwide installations of new gas turbines will average 74,000 MW per year over the next five years. The system sales revenue will be $75 billion per year. GE, Siemens and the other turbine vendors will generate revenues of $20 billion/yr. just for the turbine equipment. This is the latest projection in 59EI Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Program published by the McIlvaine Company.
The worldwide installed gas turbine capacity is 1.5 million MW. Purchases of repair parts consumables and upgrades at existing power plants will average $30 billion/yr. Part of this investment will be a result of greenhouse gas initiatives. The least expensive way to reduce the carbon footprint is to make the existing gas turbine more efficient. Adding the steam cycle makes the biggest difference but there are other options as well. Inlet filter replacement for existing units will be more than $500 million. Another $460 million will be spent for SCR systems and catalyst per year. The market for replacement parts for pumps and valves will be significant.
The gas turbine equipment suppliers purchase most of the components they furnish as part of turbine packages. Complete turnkey systems, including the gas turbine, steam turbine, cooling towers, HRSG, SCR, etc. are sold by a number of companies who do not manufacture turbines. Despite the fact that the purchaser could be an end user, a system supplier or an EPC, the number of companies purchasing filters, treatment chemicals, instrumentation, pumps and valves is very limited.
Those suppliers selling hardware for new power plants need to contact the operators, the system suppliers and the engineering companies. Those selling consumables have a more limited target.
It terms of end users, there are less than 100 power plant operators who will buy most of the equipment and consumables. E.ON has 23,000 MW of gas turbines in operation while Calpine has 26,000 MW. Together they have over 3 percent of the world’s installed capacity. The number of system suppliers and engineering companies is also limited. Black & Veatch, Burns & McDonnell, Sargent & Lundy, Bechtel, Kiewit and a few other U.S. based architect engineers do a lion’s share of the engineering work.
The number of equipment vendors is even more limited. GE had a 49 percent of the global gas turbine market last year, followed by Siemens with 23 percent, Mitsubishi Hitachi with 17 percent and Alstom with 2 percent. With the purchase of Alstom, the GE share will rise above 50 percent. In addition, GE has made a huge investment in a new more efficient design which may boost their share well above 50 percent.
GE’s new flagship, HA Turbines, will be the largest and most efficient in their class. The first delivery was to EDF’s Bouchain combined cycle power plant in France in August and is now being installed. The first U.S. order is from Exelon. Four 7HA turbines intended for expansions at the Wolf Hollow and Colorado Bend plants in Texas are expected to come online in 2017.
The 50-hertz 9HA and 60-hertz 7HA both come in two different models. The 9HA.01 is rated at 397 MW in simple cycle mode and 592 MW in 1 x 1 combined cycle mode, while the 9HA.02 is rated at 510 MW in simple cycle and 755 MW in combined cycle. The 7HA.01 and 7HA.02, meanwhile, are rated at 275 MW and 405 MW and 337 MW and 468 MW, respectively.
Both designs can achieve better than 41 percent efficiency in simple cycle and more than 61 percent in combined cycle. GE says the 9HA.01—the model slated for Bouchain—can reach full power in 30 minutes and ramp at 60 MW per minute.
GE already has $1 billion in firm orders for 7HA and 9HA turbines—16 units so far—and 53 potential projects around the world have opted for the turbines. GE hopes to sell up to 500 of the new design by 2030, which could represent up to half of its gas turbine sales.
For hardware purchased directly by gas turbine suppliers, one company represents more than 50 percent of the potential and three companies combine for 90 percent.
Most suppliers have a direct sales force for large customers and a network of sales representatives or distributors for the balance of sales. Since 70 percent of the sales will be to less than 100 large operators, equipment suppliers and engineering companies, it is important to focus on the direct sales effort. McIlvaine has developed a Detailed Forecasts of Markets, Prospects and Projects which is included along with 59EI Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Supplier Program.
For more information on this program contact Bob McIlvaine at
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Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext. 112