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The 53DI OEM Networking Directory lists many thousands of companies who buy valves.  It is important that we list your products correctly.  There is no charge. So please review your present listings and send us any corrections.  You can view your current listing at:

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It is now possible to precisely segment and predict markets, identify the prospects, and track the most important projects.

A few hundred companies make most of the flow control and treatment purchasing decisions.  McIlvaine is identifying them and reporting on their activities.

Detailed forecasting of markets, prospects and projects provides the following benefits:

Improve decisions on allocation of direct sales, promotion and development expenditures

Increase orders cost effectively

Review strategy with better insights as to improvement

Find out the details with:    Power Point Presentation

300 Large Oil and Gas Projects Account For 80 Percent of the Flow Control and Treatment Purchases


Some oil and gas projects include hundreds of millions of dollars of pumps, valves, filters, compressors and other flow control and treatment equipment.  The top 300 projects each year account for more than 80 percent of the purchases.  McIlvaine tracks these in the bi-weekly Oil, Gas, Shale, Refining E-Alert.


October 30  Oil and Gas E Alert covering two week period

Project Name


Total Amount

$ Millions




$ Millions





Canadian pipeline





Pipeline in Peru





FLNG off Cameroon




Saudi Arabia's PetroRabigh

Petrochemical and refining complexes




Dung Quat Refinery

New refinery in Vietnam






New refining and petrochemical complexes in Eastern Russia




10 additional large projects

LNG, refining, extraction









Sixteen projects reported in the latest bi-weekly issue account for close to $2 billion of purchases of flow control and treatment equipment.  The scope includes oil and gas extraction, LNG, gas-to-liquids processing, and tar sands processing.

The Alert is available separately but is also available as part of N049 Oil, Gas, Shale and Refining Markets and Projects, which provides a complete program for detailed market, prospect and project forecasting.   For more information on Oil, Gas, Shale, Refining E-Alert: click on: 

Track All the Coal Activity in India, China, Vietnam and Indonesia

Here are some of the headlines from our Utility E Alert:


§  60 GW of New Capacity in Indonesia over the 10 Years ending 2022

§  Precipitators and some FGD Systems are installed on Indonesian Coal-fired Power Plants

§  PLN is among the Top 500 Flow Control and Treatment Purchasers

§  KEL, Chinese Firms sign Deal for 700 MW Coal-fired Power Plant

§  1,320-MW Coal-fired Power Plant underway in Karachi, Pakistan

§  Krabi Coal-fired Power Plant 'will have Little Environmental Impact'

§  Gayatri Projects JV TPCIL commissions 1320 MW Power Plant in Krishnapatnam

§  New Chinese Power Plant Projects

§  More than 1100 New Coal-fired Power Plants are in Planning or Construction

Four Asian countries will purchase more new coal-fired power plants than exist in the U.S. and Europe combined over the next 10 years.  The weekly Utility E Alert is only 950/yr.  Check it out at:   41F Utility E-Alert

430 Companies and Projects Will Account For 41 Percent of Industrial Scrubber Purchases

Sales of industrial scrubbers will be $6.8 billion in 2015.  Suppliers who focus on 433 purchasers, engineering firms and large projects will be addressing 41 percent of the total potential.  This is the conclusion reached by the McIlvaine Company in N008 Scrubber/Adsorber/Biofilter World Markets.


Top of Form

The scope of the report includes both wet and dry scrubbers as well as carbon adsorbers and biofilters. More than 40 percent of the market totaling $3 billion is concentrated in a few industries.  Of a total scrubber market of $500 million in oil and gas, $300 million can be identified with 40 companies and projects.

There are thousands of purchases of scrubbers.  Many of the projects are quite small.  However, 60 large companies and projects will address 20 percent of the chemical industry market of $80 million.  Average purchases for the 50 will be $2.7 million creating an opportunity of $160 million.

In the “other industry” sector, 205 companies/projects have been identified whose purchases will average more than $9 million each.  This includes large mining projects and steel complexes as well as the companies who own them.

There is a concentration among purchasers.  For example, BASF will account for 1.8 percent of the scrubber purchases in the chemical sector.  The top 10 chemical companies will account for 10 percent of the purchases.  In the electronics sector, Samsung will be the leading purchaser.  In the metals sector, ArcelorMittal which produces 6 percent of the world’s steel will be the leader.

In the oil and gas sector, five companies will account for 50 percent of the scrubber purchases.  Ten engineering companies will be specifying or buying 30 percent of the scrubbers.  There are some very large gas-to-liquids and refinery projects which will account for 20 percent of the scrubbers purchased for the sector.  In many cases, the large purchasers are using the engineering firms who are designing the large projects, so there is an overlap.  The result is that 40 companies and projects will account for scrubber purchases of $300 million.

Large prospects, OEMs and large projects comprise a big share of the market.  It varies by industry.  In the oil and gas industry, the large purchasers account for 50 percent of the market.  The large OEMs are addressing 30 percent.  The large projects also address 30 percent.   There is overlap with some large projects also involving large OEMs and large purchasers.  The result is that the combination addresses an adjusted 60 percent of the total.  By contrast, pulp and paper is 40 percent.

It is recommended that scrubber suppliers create specific programs to address this combination of companies and projects.  The relatively small number of large opportunities makes a proactive approach possible.  McIlvaine has created a unique route to market by combining the detailed forecasting in N008 Scrubber/Adsorber/Biofilter World Markets with McIlvaine project tracking services.

For more information on contact Bob McIlvaine at


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Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext. 112