Subject:  Chinese Valve World Market


Here are latest figures on the size of the Chinese market as included in Valves World Markets: market.htm along with forecasts in other flow control segment.   


The soaring power market is a big contributor to the rosy outlook, but every sector is outstripping the growth worldwide.


Can you believe that we once only published these market reports once every three years? With the rapid changes, we have to make adjustments continually.  All our forecasts are in the form of online queries.  So the numbers you saw in the hyperlink are simply queries on China for the total market or a specific product.


The fact that we are forecasting each product in each application, in each country means that it can be used as targets for your field sales people.  They will also find that our project databases will help them meet these targets.


We are making a special offer to all those ordering or renewing their subscription to   Valves: World Markets.  We will provide 60 days free access to two of our project databases.


Details on Valves: World Markets are found at:


Click on the following links for information on the databases which are part of the offer


Consultant Profiles and People:

U.S. Municipal Wastewater Facilities and People:

OEM Networking Directory:

U.S. Industrial Facilities With Water Dischargers:

World Cleanroom Projects:         

World Power Generation Projects:

U.S. Industrial emitters (air):


When you order the market report, just tell us which of these two databases you select for the 60 day access.


Bob McIlvaine
