A resurging world economy will help boost sales of industrial valves from just under $40 billion in 2004 to $46 billion in 2008.  This forecast was just issued in the McIlvaine online and continually updated Valves: World Markets. Sales of automatic regulatory and control valves in 2008 will exceed $11 billion. Sales in billions of dollars for other valve types in 2008 will be as follows: ball $10.5, butterfly $4.8, gate and globe $8.l, plug $4.2, and other $8.2.


The U.S. will remain the world’s leading purchaser of all valve types. However, China is closing the gap. Rapid growth in the power, chemical, and wastewater sectors are major growth factors. By 2007 sales of regulatory and control valves in China will be double those in Japan and 60 percent as large as in the U.S.  Purchases for the top countries of automatic regulatory and control valves in 2007 will be:


                        Subject:           Auto Reg. & Control Valves

                                                            ($ Millions)

                                                Country                       2007


                                                U.S.                             2,238

                                                China                           1,328

                                                Japan                              630

                                                Russia                             472

                                                Germany                         440

                                                Canada                           380

                                                U.K.                               304

                                                India                                302

                                                Brazil                               285

                                                France                             270

                                                S. Korea                         266

                                                Italy                                 227

                                                Mexico                            219

                                                Saudi Arabia                   195

                                                Australia                          159



The oil and gas industry will continue as the sector leader with valve purchases exceeding $8 billion in 2007. The refinery industry will be the 2nd largest sector followed by power and chemicals. Wastewater will be the 5th largest sector with purchases exceeding $3.5 billion.


The valve industry will continue to be populated with more than five thousand manufacturers. Consolidations in the west will be balanced by new entries in Asia. The top 15 global companies will only command a market share of 20 percent. However, the trend toward merger of valve, pump, and filtration companies will lead to the participation of more diversified companies in the valve market.


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Bob McIlvaine

