4 Lane Knowledge Bridge to the End User

Decisive Validation is the Route to Better Decision Making in the Developing World

It is easy to buy the lowest cost product. It is very challenging to select the best product with the lowest life cycle cost. The buyer has to evaluate supplier claims. This is difficult and made even more difficult in developing countries where there are language problems and lack of experience.

There has been no organized system to help the buyer make the necessary evaluations. In contrast, the buyer can be assured that the supplier will adhere to quality management standards in the manufacture of the product through ISO 9000 and other ISO standards.

Decisive Validation is a process which will make it easy for the buyer to make the best purchasing choices. It involves a whole system with a decisive classification sequence. At each step along the way there is a decisive classification of the options and validation that the supplier product is the right choice.

An example of purchasing options for NOx reduction is displayed in the McIlvaine Global Decisions Orchard

DeNOx Decisively Classified Options for Coal, Cement, Incineration.

In addition to the conventional SCR and SNCR, there are three other options presented including ozone injection, hydrogen peroxide injection and the use of a catalytic filter. It is shown that the disadvantages of the chemicals are the operating cost, whereas, the disadvantage of the catalytic filter is lack of experience.

Each application is unique.  In the case of the chemicals, it is necessary to show that in a specific application the cost of the chemicals will be more than offset by the lower capital cost.  In the case of the catalytic filter, there is the need to show that there is ample commercial experience to satisfy the purchaser.

Decisive Validation with independent third party analysis using niche experts is the way to provide convincing evidence.

Niche Expert System  

An additional challenge is to communicate the validation results to the purchaser.  If his native language is Chinese, then the essence of the results along with the decisions sequence need to be provided in Chinese. The Global Decisions Orchard is a mechanism to make these results known.


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Validation costs can range widely. However, when the benefits of validation are compared to those for conventional sales efforts it is clear that validation should be a major undertaking.   One example of the benefits of validation is the white paper on use of single use vs. reusable surgical gowns.


·         Single Use Surgical Apparel


Hospitals were leaning toward reusable gowns with the belief that they were greener.  An extensive analysis showed that the water use and contamination aspects of reusables outweighed the greenhouse gases resulting from single use gown manufacture.

For more information on Decisive Validation contact Bob McIlvaine at: rmcilvaine@mcilvainecompany.com or call 847 784 0012 ext. 112.

For more information on World Cleanroom Markets, click on: http://home.mcilvainecompany.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=73

Boost Sales by Convincing the Prospect You Can Solve His Specific Problem

Customers are looking for suppliers who have already solved a problem identical to their own.  Their industry has an NAICS code. So, if they can click on that code on your website and can be convinced that you have the experience, you are very likely to create an active prospect.

McIlvaine can help you create a child web to display these as shown below. We can also link your success stories and relevant product information in the Global Decisions Orchard which is drawing heavy internet traffic.


More details on the entire program are found at:

4 Lane Knowledge Bridge to the End User























(1.) Barclays has cut its second-quarter GDP trading estimate to 1.0% from 1.6% after the trade deficit widened in May. In a note to clients, Barclays blamed the larger-than-expected increase in imports in the month for the downward revision. A higher trade deficit is a drag on GDP. Earlier, the Commerce Department reported that the May trade gap rose 12% to $45 billion in May, well above economists' forecast of a deficit of $40.3 billion. 

(2.) The U.S. economy suddenly looks weaker, after the government revised its data for the first quarter. Gross domestic product -- the broadest measure of economic activity -- rose at a mere 1.8% annual pace between January and March………..(remaining text not included in this sample.)



The Chilean economy this year will grow at a slower pace than forecasted in March, as local activity and demand decelerated more than anticipated in the first quarter of 2013, according to the central bank.  

In its second Monetary Policy Report for the year, the central bank downwardly revised its gross domestic product growth outlook to a range between 4% and 5%, from a range of between 4.5% and 5.5% it had estimated in its first report in March.  

The bank also downwardly reviewed its 2013 copper price estimate to an average $3.25 a pound, from $3.50 in the previous report. Lower copper prices will widen the current account deficit to 4.7% of GDP, the bank said .……….(remaining text not included in this sample.)





A Chinese think tank has opined economic growth will be steady in the second half of the year, with a GDP growth rate of 7.6 percent.  

In a report by the State Information Center, it cited the government's "stabilizing economic growth" measures will have a positive effect. 

However, the report cited risks of bad local government loans, slowing growth of central government revenue, diminished export competitiveness and industrial capacity are growing. 

Chinese markets are recovering from a crunch in the domestic financial markets that saw short-term money rates spike to record highs and stock markets swoon in recent weeks.……….(remaining text not included in this sample.)



Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER) is set to revise its initial economic growth forecast for 2013 at a mid-year review on slumping exports and slower private consumption. 

The think tank had in January projected that the Malaysian economy will expand 5.6% this year.

"Our export performance in recent months is a major concern,'' executive director Dr Zakariah Abdul Rashid said.

"It would be very difficult for Malaysia to achieve the targeted growth this year if exports continue to shrink,'' he told reporters. 

Zakariah said the growth target would probably be lowered soon after reviewing the country's performance in the first half of the year.

He also said that the latest round of lending curbs by Bank Negara Malaysia would also have a "negative .……….(remaining text not included in this sample.)



The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said it expects Philippine GDP to grow 7% this year thanks to strong domestic consumption. 

"The economic growth momentum here (Philippines) is higher. The region's growth has been softer than expected, but the Philippines is an outlier," IMF resident representative Shanaka Peiris said during a briefing.……….(remaining text not included in this sample.) 




The National Statistics Committee of Belarus has carried out the second evaluation of Belarus’ gross domestic product in the first quarter of 2013. The evaluation has revealed that GDP made up Br129 trillion in current prices, up by 3.8% in comparable prices over the first quarter of 2012, BelTA learned from the National Statistics Committee.

The first evaluation estimated Belarus’ GDP at Br123.3 trillion, up by 3.5% compared to January-March 2012. The previous evaluation was tentative, because it was based on the data obtained via statistical surveys, expert analysis and indirect calculations, the National Statistics Committee informed.

The second evaluation of Belarus’ gross domestic product in the first quarter of 2013 was conducted using three methods: the production method, the method based on the sources of income and the method based on the use of income.……….(remaining text not included in this sample.)



As crisis-hit Italy struggles to stimulate growth, new figures released recently showed that the country's economy was in decline. 

According to the Italian central bank, national public debt reached 127% of gross domestic product (GDP) last year, up from 120.8% in 2011, placing the country second in the European Union (EU) after Greece. 

Tax burdens continued to be a major obstacle to recovery, increasing to 44% of GDP in 2012, up from 42.6% in 2011.……….(remaining text not included in this sample.)



Budgetary rigor demanded by international lenders may be the proximate cause of Portugal's political crisis, but Lisbon is also paying the price for not whipping its economy into shape in better times. 

The survival of Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho's centre-right coalition was hanging by a thread as the rightist CDS-PP party debated whether to withdraw its support and leave the government without a majority. 

Like ordinary Portuguese, the CDS-PP is resisting further spending cuts needed to keep Portugal on track to meet the debt-reduction goals laid out in its 78 billion euro (66 billion pounds) bailout program with the European Union and International Monetary Fund.……….(remaining text not included in this sample.)



Britain's powerhouse services sector grew at the fastest pace in two years in June, completing an economic hat trick after upbeat manufacturing and construction data reports and putting the country "well on the road to recovery".  

Strong services data could signal the end on calls for more quantitative easing.  

Economists estimated that the UK grew by "at least 0.5%" in the three months to June, building on the 0.3% growth in the first quarter, with more to come.………..(remaining text not included

A complete analysis of GDP and monthly updates for individual countries are included as part of

The World Cleanroom Markets,  for more information, click on:  http://home.mcilvainecompany.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=73


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Bob McIlvaine
847-784- 0012 ext 112

191 Waukegan Road Suite 208 | Northfield | IL 60093
Ph: 847-784-0012 | Fax: 847-784-0061