4 Lane Knowledge Bridge to the End User 

Cleanroom Consumable Expenditures to Rise $350 Million This Year

In 2013, Cleanrooms around the world will purchase consumables valued at $7 billion. This represents an increase of $350 million above the 2012 level. East Asia will account for 56 percent of the total.  This is the conclusion reached by the McIlvaine Company in its World Cleanroom Markets.  (www.mcilvainecompany.com)

($ Millions)

World Region






 East Asia


 Eastern Europe


 Middle East




 South & Central America


 West Asia


 Western Europe




Cleanrooms in the semiconductor, pharmaceutical, flat panel, memory, food and other industries must utilize clothing and wipes which will not contaminate the air in the workspace. People are the largest source of contamination. Therefore, the selection of gloves, gowns, shoe wear and other clothing is critical. Furthermore, wipes, swabs, mops, stationery, disinfectant chemicals and other disposable products must not shed particles, off gas undesirable compounds or reduce the sterility of the space.

The growth of cleanrooms in East Asia has doubled that of other regions.  Most of the flat panel display manufacturers are now in East Asia. Semiconductor growth has been higher in East Asia than in other regions. The use of cleanrooms to manufacture photovoltaic panels has grown at double-digit rates in recent years.  Much of the growth has taken place in China and other East Asian countries.

The suppliers of consumables for cleanrooms include many of the world’s top companies. ITW is a leading supplier of wipes. Kimberly Clark and DuPont are suppliers of the fabrics for gowns. Cantel Medical is a leading supplier of disinfectants.  Laundries to clean and purify reusable gowns require expensive cleanrooms where the actual laundering takes place.  As a result, a few large companies with multiple facilities capture a significant portion of the revenues. Aramark is a leader along with Prudential Overall.

World Cleanroom Markets also provides forecast of hardware, rooms, employees and cleanroom space.   For more information on World Cleanroom Markets, click on:




June 2013


Global Semiconductor Sale Outpace Last Year through First Quarter of 2013

Slight Decrease in First Quarter 2013 Silicon Wafer Shipments

Fabless Suppliers Play Increasing Role in IC Market

Worldwide Semiconductor Foundry Market Grew 16.2 Percent in 2012

Worldwide Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment Spending Declined 16 Percent in 2012

North American Semiconductor Equipment Industry Posts March 2013 Book-to-Bill

Ratio of 1.14

Eleven Companies Move Up in First Quarter 2013 Top Twenty Semi Supplier Ranking

Worldwide Semiconductor Assembly and Test Services Market Grew 2.1 Percent in 2012

TSMC Reports April Sales Increase

Top Industrial Electronics Semiconductor Suppliers Suffer Declining Revenue in 2012

Bluetooth Chip Shipments to Nearly Double by 2017, Driven by Demand for Integrated Parts in Mobile Devices


PhRMA Member Companies Invested $48.5 Billion in R&D in 2012

Merck Opens New Manufacturing Facility in Hangzhou, China

Thermo Fisher Scientific to Acquire Life Technologies Corporation

Biotech Industry has Implementation Gap around Demonstrating the Value of Products under Development

iBIO and Ernst & Young Unveil Report that Reveals Midwest as the Most Vibrant Bioscience Hub in the United States


Combo MEMS Inertial Sensors Motor their Way to Brisk Growth in the Automotive Market

Annual Sales Records Continue for Acceleration-Yaw Sensors


Consumer Confidence in Technology Increases in April, According to CEA Indexes

Mobile Devices Lead Electronics Purchases

Tablet Ownership Rates Continue to Increase

Smartphone, Tablet PC Demand Drive Small/Medium Flat Panel Display Revenue to $71.5 Billion in 2016

Gartner Says Asia/Pacific Led Worldwide Mobile Phone Sales to Growth in First Quarter of 2013

China Becomes World’s Leading PC Market in 2012

Net Loss for Netbooks, Once High-Flying Product Set for Extinction by 2015

Dimming PC Prospects Spur Inventory Reduction in Computer Supply Chain

Post-Lunar Letdown: Drop-Off in Chinese Demand Causes Plunge in Global Flat-Panel TV Shipments in February and March

NMI to Establish Power Electronics Technology Roadmap for the UK


SEMI Releases Fourth Quarter 2012 Worldwide Photovoltaic Equipment Market Statistics Report

PV Inverter Supplier Base Fragments in 2012 – Minimal Impact from Recent M&A Activity in 2013


Proposed Vacuum Cleaners Standard to Cover HEPA Filtration

Nilfisk CFM Presents New Vacuums for Pharmaceutical and OEMs

For more information on World Cleanroom Markets, click on:

Cleanroom Consumable Expenditures to Rise $350 Million this Year



June 2013




United States


Latin America











United Kingdom



United States

Real gross domestic product (GDP), the total output of goods and services in the U.S., increased at an annual rate of 2.4% in the first quarter of 2013, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced.

This is the first revision for Q1 GDP and a slight decrease from original estimates of an annual growth rate 2.5%.

"With the second estimate for the first quarter, increases in private inventory investment, in exports, and in imports were less than previously estimated, but the general picture of overall economic activity is not greatly changed," the report reads.

"The increase in real GDP in the first quarter primarily reflected positive contributions from personal consumption expenditures (PCE), private inventory investment, residential fixed investment, nonresidential fixed investment, and exports that were partly offset by negative contributions from federal government spending and state and local government spending," the report adds.

Imports, a subtraction in the calculation of GDP, also increased according to the report.

The increase in Q1 GDP – unlike Q4’s paltry 0.4 – was driven by accelerations in private inventory investment, PCE, decreases in fed spending, and an upturn in exports that were "partly offset by an upturn in imports" and a "deceleration in nonresidential fixed investment."

Real personal consumption expenditures increased 3.4% in the first quarter, compared with an increase of 1.8% in the fourth, the report notes…………Remaining text not included in this sample.



"Just as the financial crisis triggered an atypical recession, the recovery cycle is unusual," Mr. Poloz said in prepared remarks for the House of Commons Finance Committee. "We need to see the reconstruction of Canada’s economic potential, and a return to self-sustaining, self-generating growth."

Mr. Poloz’s remarks were broad, offering little insight on whether he will push for a shift in the central bank’s current policy stance. He called the central bank’s inflation target "sacrosanct" and echoed long-standing central bank doctrine the exchange rates should be determined by market forces.

There is a view among some market participants that Mr. Poloz could take a different view on the dollar than his predecessor, Mark Carney, whose tenure at the Bank of Canada ended on the weekend. Mr. Poloz, who was leading Canada’s export finance agency when he was selected to lead the central bank, has boasted of visiting some 70 executives in 2012. That closeness to exporters has caused some to wonder if the new central bank governor might have more sympathy for their concerns about a stronger currency.

If that’s true, it wasn’t evident. Mr. Poloz said the exchange rate has little impact on the sales because those are determined by contracts between buyer and seller. If the exchange rate changes in the meantime, the "only thing that changes is the amount of money the company gets," in other words, profit margins, Mr. Poloz said.

The committee hearing offered the first opportunity for financial markets to assess Mr. Poloz, a surprise choice over Tiff Macklem, the No. 2 at the Bank of Canada who had built a sterling reputation as one of Canada’s most effective performers during the financial crisis. When Finance Minister Jim Flaherty introduced the new governor of the Bank of Canada last month, he offered no detailed explanation of why he had determined that Mr. Poloz was best suited for the job.

Questions from Conservative members of Parliament offered a clue. Brian Jean from Alberta and Cathy McLeod from British Columbia remarked on Mr. Poloz’s experience at Export Development Canada, which he joined in 1999 as chief economist, rising to chief executive in 2011. "I can’t think of anyone better suited for the job," said Mr. Jean. "You’re quite a success story."…….Remaining text not included in this sample


Latin America

Mexico’s economy will grow 2.96% this year, according to the median estimate in the central bank’s monthly survey published today, compared with the 3.35% estimated in the previous poll. Brazil economists cut their growth forecast for a third week to 2.77 percent, according to the central bank’s weekly survey of about 100 analysts.

Growth in the two economies that make up almost two thirds of Latin America’s gross domestic product slowed in the first quarter as exports weakened and domestic demand remained sluggish. Mexico’s central bank will probably cut interest rates for a second time this year, while Brazil is raising rates as inflation accelerates, said Marcelo Salomon, the co-head of Latin America economics at Barclays Plc.





Australia's economic growth was sluggish in the March quarter, and that pace is likely to continue as the peak in mining investment looms.

Gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 0.6% in the first three months of the year, the Australian Bureau of Statistics said, below the market forecast of 0.8%.

The annual pace of growth was 2.5%, the first time it was below 3% since the last quarter of 2011.

There is evidence from the data that Australia's mining boom is moving into a new phase.

In recent years, a lot of mining and resource projects have been under construction, which was the main driver of economic growth.

That boom is expected to peak sometime in the next 12 months, but those new projects will start production and there will be a lift in exports.

It is also hoped there will be a lift in other sectors of the economy like home construction and retail spending, helped by the falling Australian dollar and lower interest rates.

JP Morgan chief economist Stephen Walters said the contribution from mining investment in the March quarter was fading with output in the mining state of Western Australia diving.

Economic growth got a boost from a lift in mining exports, helped by a temporary rise in commodity prices and a small lift in consumer spending.

"In fact, without the big boost from net exports, the economy would have contracted last quarter," Mr Walters said.

"The lack of acceleration in output growth last quarter will be unwelcome news for policy makers keen to see activity outside mining lift.……………Remaining text not included in this sample



Global brokerage Morgan Stanley said the Indian economy has come out of the trough and will grow at 6% in the current fiscal.

Sounding bullish on the stock markets, it pegged the Sensex target at 23,000 by December.

"We are confident that the economy has come out of the furrow, though the recovery will be gradual beginning the second half, and will close the fiscal at 6%," Morgan Stanley Asia Pacific economist Chetan Ahya said.

He has based his optimism on the recovery in exports which have been rising since January, apart from the election-related spends that will help drive consumption. He also pointed to the positive vibes since September last, which could help revive investments…………...Remaining text not included in this sample

A complete analysis of GDP and monthly updates for individual countries are included as part of the World Cleanroom Markets.

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The free news options from McIlvaine have been narrowed in number but expanded in content. The net result is increased value. There are two types of bi-weekly publications.  One type is industry focused. There are (7) seven of these including:

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Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext 112

191 Waukegan Road Suite 208 | Northfield | IL 60093
Ph: 847-784-0012 | Fax: 847-784-0061