Other excerpts in this issue of Cleanroom/Ultrapure Water Insights relate to the other vehicles on the knowledge bridge. You can receive a copy of Cleanroom/Ultrapure Water Insights every two weeks free of charge by registering at: http://www.mcilvainecompany.com/brochures/Free_Newsletter_Registration_Form.htm.

May 2013

Global Semiconductor Sales Remain Ahead of 2012 Pace in February
Intel and Samsung Forecast to Represent 42 Percent of Semiconductor Capital Spending in 2013
North American Semiconductor Equipment Industry Posts February 2013 Book-to-Bill Ratio of 1.10
SEMI Reports 2012 Global Semiconductor Materials Sales of $47.1 Billion
TSMC March Net Sales Show an Increase of 7.2 Percent over February
Seagate Celebrates Milestone: First to Reach Two Billion Hard Disk Drives Shipped
More than 400 Innovative Medicines in Development for Top Chronic Diseases Affecting Older Americans
Jacobs Receives Contract from Sanofi Pasteur for Aguila II Project
The Need to Accelerate Product Time to Market Drives the Medical Device Outsourcing Market
Teva Pharmaceuticals USA to Pay $2.25 Million Civil Penalty for Air, Water, and Hazardous Waste Violations at Mexico, MO Facility
Consumer Confidence Increases in Both Overall Economy and Technology in March
Drop-Off in Chinese Demand Causes Plunge in Global Flat-Panel TV Shipments in February and March
Smartphone, Tablet PC Demand Drive Small/Medium Flat Panel Display Revenue to $71.5 Billion in 2016
Following Decline in 2012, Global TV Market Won’t Recover Until 2015
U.S. TV Market Set for Second Consecutive Year of Decline in 2013
Despite 25 Percent Annual Decline in 2012 Game Console Shipments, There is Still Room for Optimism
HIS Report Forecasts Global PV to Exceed 35 GW in 2013
Japan to Install More than 5 Gigawatts of PV Systems in 2013 — Overtaking Germany and the U.S.
VWR International, LLC Acquires Basan UK Limited

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March 2013
Semiconductor Industry Posts Near-Record Sales Total in 2012
North American Semiconductor Equipment Industry Posts December 2012 Book-to-Bill Ratio of 0.92
China’s Twelve Year Plan Aims to Double Semiconductor Production
Silicon Wafer Revenues Decline in 2012
Semiconductor R&D Spending Rises 7 Percent Despite Weak Market
Power Supply Demand to Drive Growth for Semiconductors in 2013
TSMC Reports January Sales Increased 27.7 Percent from December
Hard Disk Drive Market Revenue Set for Double Digit Decline this Year
Seagate Reports Second Quarter Results
PhRMA and EFPIA Applaud Push for EU-US Trade Agreement
Biopharmaceutical Fill and Finish Contract Manufacturing Study Shows Market Growth and New Opportunities
Double Digit Growth for the Russian Pharmaceutical Industry
Life Science Venture Capital Funding Drops 14 Percent during 2012, According to the Moneytree Report
Strong Month for Life Science Funding Says Burrill & Company
Biopharmaceutical Industry Facing Hiring Difficulties and R&D Talent Gap Finds PwC Report
Bioscience Research Drives Growth in U.S. Academic Lab Space
Consumer Confidence in Overall Economy and Tech Sector Reflect Seasonal Declines According to CEA Index
Tablet Computer Sales, Potential Sales on the Rise, according to CEA’s Quarterly Report
Electronics Contract Manufacturing Business Set for 4-5 Percent Growth this Year
Automotive Display Demand to Reach 70 Million by 2016, According to NPD DisplaySearch
Fifteen Million Computing Devices will be Shipped Into the Education Market in 2013
PV Industry to Enjoy Robust Installation Growth in 2013, But Revenue Dip Poses Challenges for Solar Companies
SEMI and U.S. Photovoltaic Manufacturing Consortium Sign MOU to Enable Focus on Standards and Roadmap Development
AAF NELIOR Filtration Technology for Enhanced Performance of Critical Processes
Sartorius Stedim Biotech Launches Sartoguard NF Prefilter Series
Franklin Adhesives Introduces FilterFAB 150 Sealant for Panel Filters
Filtrona Porous Technologies Launches New Website for Lymtech Scientific Brand Emphasis

Many projects are detailed in monthly updates under Industry Analysis in this Report’s Chapters.

Disk Drives
Flat Panel Display
Other Electronics

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GE Competing with Ecolab, Flowserve, Xylem and Pentair for Top Spot in
Fluid Treatment Market
The Ecolab/Nalco and the Pentair/Tyco mergers underline the growing realization that the flow control and treatment market can be pursued in entirety. No one company has as much as two percent of this $330 billion market. Five companies with over a one percent market share are GE, Ecolab, Flowserve, Xylem and Pentair. These market shares are included in the McIlvaine report, Air/Gas/Water/Fluid Treatment and Control: World Markets. (www.mcilvainecompany.com) GE boosted its market presence with the acquisition of Dresser. It has a number of divisions which participate in many product and application segments.

GE Product Segment Activity
Product Power Fluid Municipal Industrial and Other Residential/
Sedimentation/ Centrifugation
Cross Flow Membranes
Water/Wastewater Chemicals
Filtration/Purification *
Fabric Filter
Fans and Compressors
Air Monitoring
Water Monitoring
* includes vacuum bags and face masks as well as HVAC

Current coverage

Purchased as part of EPC activity

Areas recently withdrawn from due to sale of precipitator and air monitoring divisions
As shown in yellow it is a full participant in many areas. In others, it acts as an engineering, procurement and construction contractor and purchases equipment from others. For more information on Air/Gas/Water/Fluid Treatment and Control: World Markets, click on: http://home.mcilvainecompany.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=71

GDP UPDATE Headlines
May 2013

United States


Czech Republic

United States
The recently released gross domestic product quarterly report shows a sluggish but improved economy. Markets responded with a day that saw little change in value.
The advance estimate of real GDP expanded at a seasonally-adjusted annualized rate of 2.5%, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce, falling short of analysts’ expectations of 3%, but much improved over the previous quarter’s 0.4% growth. GDP measures the nation's total output of goods and services. The Commerce Department will release an adjusted first quarter report on May 30.
BBVA Compass, a financial services firm, estimated a first quarter GDP growth of 2.3 or 2.4%. “We are more pessimistic than the majority of analysts,” Kim Fraser, an economist at BBVA Compass, said. “Personal consumption and employment were strong in January and February, but slowed dramatically in March. Employment was down drastically,” she said.
The increase in the first quarter was due to rises in personal consumption, business inventory, equipment and software, and housing investment, according to the Commerce Department’s report.
“Consumption was stronger than expected, and housing was a strong mover,” Fraser said.
Imports increased, which resulted in a lower GDP, but economists like Fraser see an upside to this. “Imports may be an encouraging sign,” she said, referencing the fact that they indicate an increase in consumer spending.
Another factor responsible for lower than expected GDP growth was a decrease in spending by local, state and federal governments.
Most of the effects of sequestration, the drastic across the board cuts to federal spending, have yet to be felt in the economy, but defense spending declined 11.5%, which kept the first quarter GDP growth from reaching 3%, according to BMO Capital Markets Senior Economist Sal Guatieri. “Federal defense spending carved 0.6 percentage points from growth,” he wrote in a report.
Both Fraser and Guatieri believe the sequestration cuts will have more of an effect in the second quarter. Despite this, Guatieri predicted, “While sequestration will slow GDP in Q2, we still expect growth to top 3% in the second half of the year amid improved household finances, pent-up demand for autos, and the long-running housing market recovery.”
The outlook for economic growth and inflation in Latin America's second-largest economy this year has deteriorated among private-sector economists, according to a Bank of Mexico survey.
Analysts see the country's economy expanding 3.35% in 2013, according to the average estimate of the central bank's April survey, down from the 3.46% expected in the previous month's poll.
Mexico's annual inflation is seen rising 3.9% this year, up from the previous estimate of 3.75%. Thirty-three local and foreign banks and consultancy firms responded to the April survey.
The central bank's survey showed economists maintain a glum view of Mexico's growth as sluggish global demand, particularly in the U.S., is already affecting Mexico's export engine.
The government itself sees first-quarter GDP growth slowing to an annual rate of 1%, the lowest since the recession of 2009, with an economic recovery expected to happen in the second half of the year.
Price worries have recently increased in Mexico after 12-month inflation rose to 4.72% in the first half of April, the highest level in seven months. The central bank has said it is a temporary uptick caused by volatile agricultural prices.
Lower growth and higher inflation led Mexico's central bank to stand pat on rates in its last policy meeting in late April, keeping a neutral tone. The bank already cut the key overnight interest rate by 50 basis points to 4% in its March decision.
Projecting a modest pick-up in economic activity in the coming months, Reserve Bank today pegged GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth rate for the current fiscal year at 5.7%, significantly lower than the Finance Ministry's forecast of 6.1 to 6.7%.
"The Reserve Bank's baseline projection of GDP growth for 2013-14 is 5.7%. The bank's current assessment is that activity will remain subdued during the first half of this year with a modest pick-up in the second half, subject to appropriate conditions ensuing," RBI said in its annual monetary policy review for 2013-14.
India's economy grew by 5% in the last fiscal year, lowest in a decade, because of poor performance of manufacturing, agriculture and services sector.
The RBI's current fiscal year's growth estimate of 5.7% is much lower than the finance ministry's growth projection of 6.1-6.7% and Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council's growth projection of 6.4% for 2013-14.
It is also lower than the World Bank's growth projection, which predicted the Indian economy to grow by 6.1% in 2013-14 on account of robust domestic demand, strong savings and investment rate.
Not happy with RBI's growth projection, Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia had described its outlook as 'pessimistic'.
"Reserve Bank is clearly more pessimistic than the government is. I think that the government forecast as of now is feasible. Critically what matters is, how effective we are in restoring the momentum of investment in the large projects", the Plan panel deputy chief said. The Reserve Bank today cut the key interest rate by just 0.25% to 7.25% …….. (Remaining text not included in this sample.)
A complete analysis of GDP and monthly updates for individual countries are included as part of
The World Cleanroom Markets. For more information, click on: http://home.mcilvainecompany.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=73

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Collaboration is the Key to the Full Utilization of the Digital Universe
The European Trade Fair Industry is built on a thousand year old tradition of annual or bi-annual gatherings to bring buyer and seller together. The advent of the printing press in 1440 started the evolution in mass communication. The telephone and telegraph some 400 years later created the next big step toward better buyer-seller communication.
Improvements in the postal service and written communications were steady but not spectacular until the development of high speed telefax systems in the late 1980s.
From this point forward, digital communication technology has grown so rapidly that it has obsolesced many sales tools and approaches. The problem is that most companies have not been able to take advantage of these advances.
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Customer Relationship Management, Business Intelligence and Sales Intelligence systems all provide ways to organize the mountain of digital information. But unless they supply the right information, they are not of much use. If the individuals within the organization do not collaborate to divide and analyze the mountain appropriately, the system will fail.
It takes a system which combines Knowledge + Organization + Collaboration (KOC) to maximize sales and technical opportunities. The McIlvaine KOC strategy integrates on all three requirements. For more information, click on:

KOC Sales Strategy
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