Total Solutions is the Best Path for International Air Pollution Control Equipment Suppliers
The number of regulated air pollutants, stringency of regulations and technology are all changing rapidly. No one would have predicted that direct sorbent injection would be a success twenty years ago. In the preceding decade, lots of research money had been spent in the U.S. on the assumption that 60 percent SO2 removal would be sufficient. When the regulators ultimately opted for 90 percent efficiency, dry sorbent injection (DSI) was taken off the table. Now, with new hydrated lime technology and the willingness of power plants to spend lots of money for sorbent to avoid capital investments, the outlook for DSI is very promising.
Today, plant owners must consider technologies that remove particulate, acid gases, mercury, CO, CO2, NOX and organics. Some technologies create new air and water pollutants which must also be addressed.
Various industries have unique challenges. They also have many identical needs. Cement plants should pay attention to developments in the coal-fired power sector and vice versa. McIlvaine just hosted a webinar which concluded that ionic liquid impregnated pellets designed for natural gas mercury removal could have wide applicability in power, waste-to-energy and other industries.
McIlvaine publishes a number of specific market reports and databases on each technology and industry. It also publishes 5AB Air Pollution Management to guide executives making strategic decisions for their companies. One of the recommendations is to be a “Solutions Provider” whether you are selling complete systems or just a component.

Air Pollution Control Solutions
Sub Process
Air Pollution Control

Let’s take an example. A typical valve controlling compressed air is a commodity product. One application involves pulsing air to clean filter bags. Pentair has become the world leader in this specialty niche by understanding the dust collection cleaning process and the variations needed for different industries. Pentair supplies not only the valves but the headers and the controls to optimize the cleaning process.
W.L. Gore has developed a number of innovative solutions based on process and industry knowledge. Most power plants have wet flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems. There are new rules to reduce mercury. Wet FGD systems will remove most of this mercury with the right treatment chemicals. The conventional solution to remove the remainder of the mercury is to use activated carbon upstream. The problem is that any mercury removed by carbon reduces the amount captured in the scrubber. W.L. Gore developed a module that can be installed after the scrubber and efficiently remove remaining mercury.
This technology fits particularly well into the processes employed at sewage sludge incinerators and power plants. It is less attractive in some other industries. The reasons have to do with the sub processes, processes and the specific industries. The air pollution control solutions provider who understands all these aspects is in a position to offer the product with the lowest total cost of ownership (LTCO). This knowledge is the key to success in the international market. In fact, owners and operators in developing countries are in greater need of these insights than those in developed countries.
For more information on 5AB Air Pollution Management, click on:
Flow Control and Treatment Component Solutions provide a $500 billion Market
The market for components used in flow control and treatment will be $395 billion in 2017. However, component suppliers have the opportunity to increase sales by 20 percent and gross margins by 40 percent by providing solutions which give the customer the lowest total cost of ownership (LTCO). This the latest prediction in N064 Air/Gas/Water/Fluid Treatment and Control: World Market.
Function Component Examples 2017
World Revenues
$ Billions
Flow Control Liquids Pumps, Valves 160
Flow Control Air/Gases Compressors, Fans, Dampers 45
Filtration and Separation of Liquids Filters, Centrifuges, Clarifiers, Cross-flow Membranes 50
Oxidation and Destruction Treatment for Liquids Biological and Chemical Treatment including Digesters, Aerators, Treatment Chemicals, etc. 60
Indoor Air and Stack Gas Treatment Filters, Scrubbers, Catalytic Reactors, Nozzles 80
Total 395
Component sales in 2017 will be just under $400 billion. However, if component suppliers were to pursue the solutions approach, the potential expands to well over $500 billion. This is easier said than done. The component supplier needs to understand the customer needs. In turn, this means understanding the sub process, the process and the industry.

The Role of Components in Solutions
Sub Process
The LTCO Valve

If the supplier thoroughly understands the customer needs, he can tailor his product to best fit those needs.
Let’s take an example. A typical valve controlling compressed air is a commodity product. One application involves pulsing air to clean filter bags. Pentair has become the world leader in this specialty niche by understanding the dust collection cleaning process and the variations needed for various different industries. Pentair supplies not only the valves but the headers and the controls to optimize the cleaning process.
Many industries need evaporation processes. Mechanical Vapor Recompression (MVR) is one sub process which minimizes total energy consumption. Colfax Howden has a number of blowers and fans to offer depending on the flow and temperature increase needed. However, it has also developed the ExVel® fan specifically for this unique application. The impellers are suited to abrasive and corrosive conditions encountered as the steam is recompressed.
W.L. Gore has developed a number of innovative solutions based on process and industry knowledge. Most power plants have wet flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems. There are new rules to reduce mercury. Wet FGD systems will remove most of this mercury with the right treatment chemicals. The conventional solution to remove the remainder of the mercury is to use activated carbon upstream. The problem is that any mercury removed by the carbon reduces the amount captured in the scrubber. W.L. Gore developed a module which can be installed after the scrubber and efficiently remove remaining mercury.
Flowserve is a major supplier of pumps for reverse osmosis (RO) processes. Desalination of seawater is a big potential market. High energy cost is one of the major factors reducing the market potential. Flowserve understood that a solution was energy recovery and acquired a company to provide it. (Calder DWEER™)
Most flow control and treatment equipment will be purchased in countries with less application experience than in the past. This means that international suppliers have a great opportunity to develop and sell solutions to ensure that the customer selects the lowest total cost of ownership (LTCO). For more information, click on: N064 Air/Gas/Water/Fluid Treatment and Control: World Market
Utility E-Alert Tracks Billions of Dollars of New Coal-fired Power Plants on a Weekly Basis
Here are some headlines from the Utility E-Alert.
#1272 – May 13, 2016
Table of Contents

• Fuel Tech awarded Air Pollution Control Orders totaling $2.2 Million


• Ghana to start building China funded $1.5 Billion Coal-fired Power Plant in 2017
• 500 MW Expansion for Ekibastuz-2 Power Station in Ekibastuz, Kazakhstan
• Orascom proposes Ultrasupercritical Hamarawein Port Power Station in Egypt
• Shenhua Group completes upgrades to Coal-fired Power Plants in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
• Indian, Sri Lankan Officials meeting on Sampur Power Project
• Asian Development Bank providing $900 Million Loan to Pakistan for Coal-fired Power Plant at Jamshoro
• Tanzania's U.S. $2 Billion Coal, Iron-Ore Projects to Start Soon
The 41F Utility E-Alert is issued weekly and covers the coal-fired projects, regulations and other information important to the suppliers. It is $950/yr. but is included in the $3020 42EI Utility Tracking System which has data on every plant and project plus networking directories and many other features.
McIlvaine Hot Topic Hours (HTH) and Recordings
Explanation Applicable Services Schedule & Registration Sponsored Webinars
McIlvaine conducts periodic webinars which are in a discussion format and are free of charge to all participants. The displayed material and recordings are free to purchasers of the products and services and by subscription to others.
Format: 50-90 minute recorded discussion using McIlvaine display material. The session will be free of charge to all participants but registration is required.
Approach: There are two types of webinars. One is focused on Markets and directed to suppliers. The other is focused on aiding purchasers make the best Decisions relative to purchases of flow control and treatment equipment and services.
Markets HTH
The general overviews of the market including size and major variables will be discussed with heavy emphasis on technology and regulatory drivers. The presentation will be based on the latest information appearing in McIlvaine multi-client reports. Questions and views from both subscribers and non-subscribers are encouraged.
Decisions HTH
McIlvaine has been publishing information systems on pollution control since 1974. Each subject is organized by the pollutant control technology e.g. fabric filter, scrubber, etc. There are search capabilities to retrieve information on any application. The newest addition has been slide deck systems displaying the issues and options relative to a specific applications. Coal-fired power, cement, steel and waste combustion decision slide decks are continually updated.
The continually updated slide decks are displayed on the applicable decision system. It is recommended that participants view the slide deck in advance of the session and be prepared with questions and views.
Value to purchasers and specifiers: Your questions and interests will be prioritized in the discussion. You will get a monthly newsletter and have continuing access to the system and multiple ways to interface in the future along with a networking directory of suppliers.
Value to Suppliers: You have the opportunity to provide data to be considered at no charge. If you are also a subscriber you will see the summaries in advance and be able to shed light on issues and options not properly covered in the slide deck. If you are a subscriber you will receive the monthly newsletter and continuing yearly access to the system including networking directories.
44I Power Plant Air Quality Decisions includes 1ABC, 3ABC, 4ABC, 9ABC decision services but not 2ABC. So those with multiple technologies and at least partial focus on power will find this combination most cost effective.
Applicable Services for Hot Topic Hours**

Industry Fabric Filter
(1ABC) Scrubber
(2ABC) Precipitator
(4ABC) FGD & DeNOx
(3ABC) Air Pollution
(9ABC) Gas
11, 2016 Coal X X
Sewage X X X
Cement X X
Natural Gas*
March 24, 2016 Coal X X
Incineration X X
Steel X X
Cement X X
Gas Turbine X X
Hot Gas
Filtration Coal X X X X
Cement X X X X
Steel X X X X
Incineration X X X X
Coal Gas X X X
GT Intake X
FGD and Acid Gas
June 16, 2016 Coal X X
Sewage X X
Cement X X
Steel X X
*Included in custom system
** Many of the decision guides also are displayed in the relevant market reports. Power Plant Air Quality Decisions includes 1ABC, 3ABC, 4ABC, 9ABC
Dates for the next 6 meetings are firm; the others will be held in sequence at approximately two week intervals. Unforeseen developments could dictate the insertion of new subjects.
June 16, 2016
Decisions FGD and Acid Gas Separation - Issue and options for SO2 and other acid gas separation from coal fired power, cement, steel, and waste incineration plants. Click Here to Register
Markets Desalination - Thermal vs. Membrane; energy recovery, pump, valve, compressor and chemicals options; power/desalination combinations.
Markets Oil, Gas, Refining - Supply and demand; impact on flow control and treatment products; regional impacts e.g. subsea in North Atlantic vs. shale in the US vs. Oil Sands in Canada.
Markets Food - Analysis of 12 separate applications within food and beverage with analysis of valve, pump, compressor, filter, analyzer and chemical options; impact of new technologies such as forward osmosis.
Markets Municipal Wastewater - Quality of pumps, valves, filters, and analyzers in Chinese and Asian plants; new pollutant challenges; water purification for reuse.
Markets Mobile Emissions - Reduction in CO, VOCs, and particulate in fuels, oils, and air used in on and off road vehicles; impact of RDE and failure of NOx traps and the crisis in Europe created by the focus on diesels.
Click here to Register for the Webinars
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Hot Topic Hour Recordings
See and hear recordings of past Hot Topic Hours (Free for subscribers, $95.00 for non-subscribers)
• Chronological
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Free Sponsored Webinars
• Albemarle - Cement MACT
• AMC Power
• Aquatech
• GE - Mercury Capture
• Honeywell
• Midwesco - Bagfilter Performance Analyzer
• Neundorfer
• Pavilion
• Sick Maihak - Cement MACT
• Tekran Instruments - Cement MACT
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Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext. 112