Ozone Reduction Through Efficiency Improvement – Free Webinar on September 21

Even if the ozone ambient standard was aborted, power plants still have to face the tough 2008 limit. Every one percent improvement in efficiency results in a one percent reduction in ozone producing chemicals as well as mercury, toxic metals, SO2, HCl and CO2. The first step in meeting the upcoming Utility MACT is to investigate efficiency improvement.  On September 21 we are conducting a free webinar to discuss some of the approaches to improved efficiency. Dave Earley from AMC Power will discuss how the continuous measurement of and the control of burner line coal flows can improve combustion. The continuous measurement of the coal particle velocities can also help improve flame stability and PA control and thus help improve NOx, LOI, slagging/fouling, coal layout and more: When combined with the AMC IBAMS for on line measurement and control of burner SA, air/fuel ratios can be more tightly controlled to help reduce CO, improve O2 distribution and thus improve NOx and boiler efficiency.  You can register for this free webinar at: http://www.mcilvainecompany.com/brochures/hot_topic_hour_registration.htm.


 Dry Scrubber Users Conference Starts September 12

The Dry Scrubber Users Association Annual Conference and Exhibit is scheduled for September 12 to 15. The following week on Sept 22, we will conduct a Hot Topic Hour to summarize and analyze the information discussed at the conference.  Jim Downey has a great assembly of panelists slated. This session will be free to the Dry Scrubber Conference attendees and association members.  Otherwise, it is our standard arrangement which is free for Tracking System and Air Quality Decisions subscribers and $125 for non qualifiers.  You can register for this webinar at: http://www.mcilvainecompany.com/brochures/hot_topic_hour_registration.htm.


 B&W Utility MACT Emissions Monitoring Forum is September 28 to 30th, followed by a McIlvaine Utility MACT Webinar on October 4

We are moving our Utility MACT webinar to October 4 in order to coordinate with the B&W MACT monitoring webinar. Participants in the B&W webinar will be able to participate free of charge in the McIlvaine webinar. The McIlvaine webinar will be a discussion of equipment and monitoring.  Insights from the B&W session will be solicited.

B&W is hosting the 2011 B&W’s Utility MACT Emissions Monitoring Stakeholder Forum at the Hyatt Regency in Baltimore, MD September 28-30, 2011. Here are some of the topics:




Regulatory Update with Focus on Utility MACT and CSAPR

Environmental Protection Agency

Regulatory and Emissions Measurement Updates


Utility MACT – Proposed Requirements, Challenges and Implications for Industry

Trinity Consulting

ICR Data Collection

CK Environmental

Requirements, Applications and Experience with Mercury CEMS – Preparing for Compliance with EPA MACT Regulations


Update and Advances in Mercury CEM Technology (includes Field Results from Low Level Monitoring)


Compliance Monitoring and RATA using Sorbent Traps for Coal-fired Utilities and Cement Kilns

Ohio Lumex

Mercury CEMS Maintenance


Field Hg Monitoring Experience

Duke Energy – First Energy

B&W Value Added Hg Installation


Report out on Detroit Edison Monroe Trials; Utility MACT Monitoring Requirements


PM CEMS vs. Method 5 A Stack Tester’s View of PS-11 Correlation Testing


Practical Adventures with PM and Mercury CEMs Highs-Lows and What’s Next?

Public Service Electric and Gas

PM from a CFB Perspective

Northampton Generation Co.

BetaGuard PM


Utility MACT Software Application


PCME PM Monitoring for Wet and Dry Sources


Mercury Maintenance and PM CEMS Selection Process

Pennsylvania Power & Light

HCl Monitoring using Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy


HCl Solution


Practical Solutions for PM and HCl CEM Requirements


Sorbent Trap Monitoring; A Supplier’s Perspective

Clean Air Engineering, Inc.

Using Mercury Sorbent Trap Systems for Continuous Data



Determination of FTIR HCl Measurements – Expected and Possible EPA Performance Specification Requirements, Typical CEM System Design Needs


For more information click on this event,




How to Determine Whether Obama was Right or Wrong on Ozone?

Was President Obama right or wrong in deciding to abort the proposal to reduce the ambient ozone level from 0.075 ppm to 0.060 or 0.070 ppm?   The answer is neither.  The reason is that there are no absolutes, nor should there be.  Some employed people would have benefited more by the ozone reduction than if the funds were used for other purposes.  Some unemployed people would benefit more if the funds were used in a way that stimulates jobs. But what if there were a solution that both reduced ozone and stimulated job growth?  Fortunately there is.  But the argument for it is based on understanding the important factors in making the best decision.  There are three of them:

1- To make the best decisions we need to discount the present value of future benefits. Ozone regulation will result in benefits some years from now, so it has to be discounted when compared to a similar benefit which would be immediate.  President Obama is telling us that there are some immediate benefits for the funds which are greater than the future ozone benefits discounted to the present.  It is important to realize that the air pollution control effort is progressive.  Here is the history of the ambient ozone rule:

1979:  0.12 ppm (1-hour)

1997:  0.08 ppm (8-hour)

2008:  0.075 ppm (8-hour)

2010 proposal: 0.06 – 0.07 ppm (8-hour)

We have been ratcheting down the ozone levels every 10 to 15 years. This new initiative could logically be promulgated a decade from now rather than during a time of economic crisis. But some would make the argument that the future health benefits are so large, that even when discounted to the present, the value is high. How do we weigh this argument against that made by the President?  We can only do it by developing a common metric to measure all harm and good.

2- Quality Enhanced Life Days (QELD) - the common metric to measure all harm and benefits.  McIlvaine has developed a common metric which is really not unique since it uses the same principles individuals use hundreds of times per day in making life choices. What is unique is that these are identified and aggregated. The result is we can compare QELD for ozone reduction against that of new jobs or alternate uses of the funds. But to do this we still need to rely on one more factor.

3-Important Event Odds Diversion of funds from ozone to job creation is not going to create full employment. Likewise, failure to ratchet down ozone is not going to result in catastrophe. It is important to fairly assess the odds and to create a statistical result which takes into account the uncertainties. This approach is necessary to avoid the confrontational impasses which we see in Congress today.

An Unexpected Conclusion Using all these tools and weighing the options, there is a surprising and serendipitous alternative - Replacement of old coal-fired power plants with new ones.  Any new power plant using ultra supercritical technology will use 30 percent less coal per megawatt/hour than the old power plant.  It will reduce ozone generating contaminants by 30 to 80 percent and it will create more jobs than almost any possible alternative. Best of all there is little or no cost associated with it.  The savings in coal and O&M costs will offset the depreciation on the new capital, so the price of electricity will not have to rise.

It is time for a fresh new approach to our energy and environment choices.  More information on this is found at:  Sustainability Universal Rating System.


Here are the Headlines for the September 2, 2011 – Utility E Alert


#1040– September 2, 2011


Table of Contents









§  Alstom to upgrade Turbines at 500 MW Gas-fired Ruwais Power Plant in UAE



§  Metso to provide Bubbling Fluidized Bed for Coal-to-Biomass Conversion at Plant in Poland


§  DOE Selects 16 Carbon Capture Research Projects for $29 Million in Funding

§  Polishing Unit for Ferrybridge CCS Project Supplied by ERG










For more information on the Utility Environmental Upgrade Tracking System, click on: http://www.mcilvainecompany.com/brochures/energy.html#42ei.


Fluid Treatment Company Profits Soar 53 Percent

Companies involved in fluid treatment and control are increasing sales and earnings at an impressive rate this year.  The average growth in earnings has been 53 percent.  This is the recent finding reported in Fluid Treatment and Control: World Markets.  The following companies are large players with more than half of their revenues generated in the fluid treatment and control business.

2011 Income ($1000s) for Selected Fluid Treatment Companies




Net Income


Net Income











June 30






May 29






July 31






June 30






June 30






July 31






April 30

Parker –






June 30






July 3












July 3






June 24








Only two of the companies did not report healthy increases for 2011 to date compared to 2010. In the case of Met-Pro earnings were flat but the company had a record second quarter for new order bookings. The SPX decline was due to order slowdown for high margin dry cooling systems and not in fluid treatment and control.

Nearly half of the Lydall income was from discontinued operations, but even with that deducted, the gains were impressive. Parker Hannifin profits nearly doubled compared to last year. Thermo Fisher enjoyed a 65 percent increase.  Clarcor net income rose 41 percent. Donaldson was not far behind with a 36 percent gain.

The demand in Asia for pumps, valves, filters and instrumentation is growing rapidly. There is a big market for air pollution control in both new and existing power, steel and chemical plants.  Infrastructure investment is accelerating.  New municipal water and wastewater plants are being constructed in many Asian countries to meet the demands of an increasingly urban population.

Thousands of companies participate in the $381 billion fluid treatment market.  The top company accounts for only one percent of the revenue.

Top Five Treatment & Control Companies

Global Sales (Billion $/Year)












For more information on: Fluid Treatment and Control: World Markets click on:



Biomass Projects Flourish Around the World

 Biomass projects around the world are reported on in the monthly Renewable Energy Update from the McIlvaine Company. These projects are then incorporated into Renewable Energy Projects. Excerpts from a recent update follow.

Metso will supply automation and environmental technology to control five biomass power plants to be built by Dalkia in France. The investments are part of France’s national green energy program, which aims at reducing carbon dioxide emissions and curbing climate change.

The first plant will be built in Limoges and is due to start up in February 2012. The other ones in Angers, Orleans, Tours and Rennes will be completed later in 2012. The plant in Limoges in west-central France will have a capacity of 7.5 MWe of electricity and 17 MWt of district heat. It will supply electricity to the national grid and district heat to the neighboring urban areas in Limoges.

Metso’s delivery will consist of a Metso DNA distributed control system and an emission monitoring/reporting system for gas emission control.



Last year represented a significant milestone on the road to Bord na Móna’s 2015 target to co-fire their Edenderry power plant to a 30 percent level with biomass. In 2010, 110,000 tonnes of biomass material passed through the plant, representing a 12 percent co-firing rate. This leaves Bord na Móna on track to hit a 15 percent level this year, which will be the fourth year of co-firing leaving them confident that the 30 percent target will be achieved by 2015.



 DTE Energy Services, Inc. (DTEES) recently received approval from the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District in California to convert an existing coal-fired power plant at the Port of Stockton to operate on biomass fuel.

The plant, known as the Port of Stockton District Energy Facility (POSDEF), will be converted to burn 100 percent biomass fuel, primarily wood fuel derived from urban wood waste, tree trimmings and agricultural residues. It will produce about 45 MW of power. 


Addax Bioenergy S.A., a subsidiary of the Swiss-based energy group, The Addax and Oryx Group Limited (AOG), announced the signing of a loan agreement with seven European and African development institutions for an integrated renewable energy and agriculture project near Makeni, in Sierra Leone.

The investment includes the development of a Greenfield sugarcane plantation, the construction of an ethanol refinery and a biomass-fueled power plant. Sugarcane, which is widely recognized as the most efficient and sustainable crop for biofuel production, will be converted into bioethanol to meet demand in European and domestic markets, helping replace dependence on fossil fuels and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The power plant will provide renewable electricity for the ethanol refinery and will supply approximately 20 percent of Sierra Leone’s national grid. In addition, the project incorporates measures to contribute to food security and socio-economic development in one of the poorest regions in the country.




Metso will supply Vaskiluodon Voima Oy in Vaasa, Finland, with a 140-MW biogasification plant. Vaskiluodon Voima’s total investment is about €40 million, over half of which is attributable to Metso’s delivery. The biogasification plant is scheduled for commissioning in December 2012. Metso’s full-scope solution includes fuel handling, a drying plant and a circulating fluidized bed gasifier, modification work on the existing coal boiler, and automation and IT systems.

The biogasification plant will be constructed as part of the existing coal-fired power plant. The plant will be fueled primarily with wood-based biomasses, particularly forest residue, and the produced gas will be combusted along with coal in the coal boiler. The delivery includes the drying plant where biomass will be dried to the proper level for gasification. As a result of the new solution close to 25-40 percent of the coal can be replaced with renewable energy, which will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 230,000 tons per year. This is the first time in the world that biomass gasification is being adopted on such a large scale.

For more information on Renewable Energy Projects and Update please visit




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Bob McIlvaine
847 784 0012 ext 112




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