Cement MACT will be Webinar Hot Topic on September 16, 2010

The cement industry faces a multibillion dollar expenditure to meet the new air toxic rule.  It has only three years to accomplish these major additions at over 140 plants in the U.S.  At 10 a.m. on Thursday, September 16 experts will analyze the task ahead and spearhead a discussion on the subject

Aaron Heneriskon, Manager of consulting services for Trinity Consultants will provide a summary of the key tasks facilities will need to accomplish on the path to compliance with the NESHAP.  Some of these tasks include determining future NESHAP limits, developing data collection strategies for evaluating current compliance and evaluating the impact of new limits that apply during startup and shutdown.  The impact anticipated control equipment may have on compliance with recently promulgated air quality standards will also be discussed. 

David Gossman, President of GCI Solutions will discuss the mercury limits and CEMS requirements under the new ruling.  David provided details on a dry scrubber installation in one of our previous “cement” webinars.

Tom Box, President of Box International will discuss a multi pollutant technology which could be an attractive alternative to the combination envisioned by EPA in the background to the ruling.

Bob McIlvaine, president of McIlvaine Company will provide an overview of the investment requirements and timing dictated by the ruling.  He will review the various options and combinations for removing mercury, HCl, particulate and organic HAPS.  The capabilities of the supplier industry to meet the three-year timeline will also be addressed.  He will also review the information available on a free site which comprehensively covers the technology and regulatory aspects.

To register for this webinar, click on:





Bob McIlvaine


847 784 0012 ext 112

