China Air Pollution Control is the Hot Topic for July 30
An important Hot Topic Hour starting at 10 a.m. CDT will discuss the Chinese air pollution market and the impact on world pricing of equipment and consumables; the potential for China to become a major exporter of hardware and consumables; the impact on the world in terms of greenhouse gases; SO2 and other pollutants; and the specific market mechanisms now at play. The session will be led by Bob McIlvaine with input on a discussion basis from experts in the area.
Chinese air pollution control activities are important to everyone because of the rapidly growing power sector in China. For purchasers of SCR catalyst, FGD slurry pumps, or alloy plates the Chinese demand will be critical in determining prices of these products. China will be purchasing more than half of the new air pollution control equipment in the next few years. Its demand for catalyst in 10 years will be greater than the entire world supply capability as it exists today.
Chinese suppliers through licenses now have a tremendous experience base from which to export technology and systems. They have installed more FGD systems than the rest of the world combined in the last five years. The costs of these systems have been only a fraction of the costs incurred in the U.S. and Europe. How reliable are these systems? What is the performance and maintenance experience? How exportable is this technology? What hardware and consumables are being exported now?
What are the longer range emissions of CO2, NOx, SO2, PM2.5 and other pollutants? How will this impact air quality in the rest of the world? What are per capita emissions compared to the rest of the world? Both China and India assert that per capita emissions is a more fair way to assess greenhouse gas as well as other problems. What are the opportunities for offshore suppliers in China? Will the market change as continuous monitoring requirements and other regulatory initiatives change the performance requirements?
Join us on July 30 for this one to two hour session. To register click on:

Bob McIlvaine
847 784-0012 ext. 112