Calcium Reagents is the Hot Topic on March 5th at 10 a.m. CST

Calcium in many different forms including limestone, hydrated lime, and quick lime in various sizes and purity is used to control both air and water pollution at coal-fired power plants. 

It is fairly certain that when the new rules replacing CAIR & CAMR are established, and many more plants are forced to install new or upgrade old control systems, many will use a calcium reagent. Which type of calcium compound should they use?  The answer to this question is very complex and involves both economics of acquiring the calcium (product cost, transportation, material handling and grinding) and the control methods utilized to achieve the pollution reductions required.  The assumed need to make a plant CO2 capture ready or even to reduce CO2 emissions will further complicate the situation because this will require even more efficient scrubbing of SO2.  But even after all the factors are considered, the equation may change.  With the demand for calcium products rising significantly and the price probably with it, the best choice may not seem so obvious.  Are there alternatives?  Are there ways to reduce consumption of calcium and obtain the same results?  What is the future projection for price and availability of calcium compounds?

The following speakers will address these issues:

Mike Schantz, Director, New Business Development, Lhoist/Chemical Lime Company

Kevin P. Furnary, CEO, LEEP Holdings, LLC & President, Balkrete, Inc. will discuss advancements in lime slaking technology.


Bob McIlvaine, McIlvaine Company will discuss a range of issues impacting the choice of calcium reagents including anticipated BACT requirements in new CAA amendments from Congress next year.



We are still looking for an additional speaker.  If you would like to volunteer or recommend a speaker, please contact us.


To register for the “Hot Topic Hour” on Thursday, March 5th at 10:00 a.m. CST, click on: .


Bob McIlvaine

847 784-0012