Power Plant Air Quality Custom Training Course Now Available

With just a few hours per month for six months, interns and experts can substantially improve their ability to make decisions in any aspect of power plant air quality.  The curriculum is based on use of Power Plant Air Quality Decisions http://www.mcilvainecompany.com/brochures/air.html#44I. This is a complete total knowledge system with decision trees, weekly alerts, recorded webinars, newsletters, networking directories, and an online library.

This is not just a training program.  It is an introduction to a whole new approach to decision making.  It demonstrates the power of a total knowledge system which provides the 4As (Alerts, Answers, Analysis and Advancement).  It is the gateway to substantially increased productivity.

There are six monthly live 90 minute interactive webinars.  Each focuses on a pollutant (SO2, NOx, Particulate, HAPs, Mercury, and CO2).  A unique flexible approach allows the student to focus on subjects about which he is likely to make decisions in the future.  So someone oriented toward environmental coordination might focus on regulations, whereas an engineer oriented toward operations and maintenance would focus on related topics.

There are two options: Basic and Mentored.  The Basic option includes group interaction with the instructors.  The Mentored option supplements this with individual instructor assistance and, if needed, a final report by the instructor to the students sponsor.

For more information on Power Plant Air Quality Custom Training, click on: 




Bob McIlvaine

