Flyash Utilization and Disposal is the Subject for the Hot Topic Hour on December 3 at 10 a.m. CDT (Chicago time)

A recent "60 Minutes" broadcast on coal ash was very distorted and did a real disservice to our economy and environment. Coal ash was depicted as a toxic and hazardous waste with almost no mention of its many great benefits. Actually, by properly utilizing CCPs (coal combustion products), both the economy/infrastructure and the environment have benefited. For example, concrete with 20 percent and up to 40 percent flyash is much more durable and long-lasting than normal concrete. Now the EPA is considering classifying flyash as a hazardous waste, which would be a tragic mistake. Currently approximately half the flyash generated by burning coal is sold for use in a variety of applications. If EPA declares flyash a hazardous material, the utility industry will be literally buried in mountains of coal ash instead of it being used beneficially and will have even greater problems disposing of a "hazardous material." This will result in a higher cost of electricity affecting everyone and require many industries to find and utilize more expensive and frequently less desirable substitutes.

The following speakers will address the beneficial uses of flyash, the "true" hazards of flyash, how flyash can be disposed of safely and the situation facing the utilities if flyash is declared a hazardous waste.

Tom Poole, CEO of Frontier GeoSciences, Inc. states "You've heard what the press has to say about coal ash. Now it's time to see what science is really telling us. Join Frontier GeoSciences to get the results of an exhaustive two year study on metals leaching and availability in coal ash and CCP's."

James (Jim) Niehoff, PE, Practice/Program Leader at Golder Associates Inc. will discuss "The Costly Consequences of an Ash Pond Failure." He will discuss the failure of a major ash pond in Tennessee in December of 2008, including an assessment of the possible causes, and the extent of the damage to neighboring properties and waterways. Further information will be presented on the challenges faced in clean-up, transportation and final disposal of the flyash in a landfill in central Alabama.

Mark D. Rokoff, Principal Project Manager at URS Corp. will discuss "Weathering the Storm Change - Important Changes in CCP Management Certain to Impact the Power Industry." Although this is not the first time CCP materials have caught the attention of the US EPA, it is certainly the most likely to lead to a dramatic change to the industry. The presentation will focus initially on the events prior to the failure at TVA's Kingston Plant before summarizing the significant actions by government, organizations, and the US EPA throughout the year. The direction will then shift to explain and address the possible outcomes of the draft rules (based on publically available sources) and their likely implications (i.e. the effects of a hazardous designation, etc.). Before closing, the presentation will suggest actions to be taken by utilities and discuss what can be expected in the near and long term future for CCP management. However, simply stated, business as usual will no longer be business as usual!

Ms. Ari Lewis of Gradient Corporation will present an evaluation on the safety of CCP beneficial use. The beneficial use of coal combustion products (CCPs) not only conserves natural resources and reduces the need for disposal, but CCPs also improve the quality and performance of many final products. Pending changes in CCP disposal regulation may ultimately lead to greater public awareness and increased safety concerns regarding the beneficial use of CCPs. This presentation will briefly summarize how risk assessment can be used to evaluate the potential risks associated with CCP beneficial use and provide examples of recent evaluations examining potential mercury risks from CCP use in wallboard, concrete, and structural fill.
Tom Adams, Executive Director of the American Coal Ash Association.

To register for the "Hot Topic Hour" on "Flyash Utilization and Disposal" on December 3 at 10:00 a.m. CDT (Chicago time), click on:

Bob McIlvaine
847 784 0012 ext 112