Hot Topic Hour January 25 Silica Scale Issues


Join us on Wednesday, January 25 at 10 a.m. central time to hear and participate in a discussion of silica scale issues and answers for the power industry. Silica scale can cause problems in cooling towers and other equipment based on:

We will be covering geothermal as well as fossil-fired power applications.


Bill Harfst of Harfst Associates will co-host the session along with Bob McIlvaine of McIlvaine. Power plant operators with scale problems will be encouraged to ask questions. Suppliers of chemicals and equipment will be encouraged to provide answers. We will also encourage the experts from the consulting companies to join in as well.


There are three types of silica scale causing problems, Magnesium Silicate (the most common), Aluminum Silicate and Iron Silicate.


The improvement in filtration and the need for chemical treatment go hand in hand. The number of cooling tower cycles can be increased with better side stream filtration, but the greater the number of cycles, the greater the concentration of silica. Thus, preventing or dissolving the silica scale is needed to enjoy the benefit of better filtration.


The session will be free of charge and open to everyone. You can register at:




"Hot Topic Hour" January 26 "Limestone Size Reduction and Regional Grinding"

The Utility MACT, Cross State Air Pollution (transport) Rule (CSAPR) and the revisions to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) will assure that another 100,000 MW of scrubbers are installed over the next seven years, most of them wet. These rules will also drive operators of existing scrubbers to achieve the maximum performance and efficiency from their scrubbers to reduce their emissions without the need for added equipment and to reduce operating cost.

The sizing of limestone figures into the equation for both emission reduction efficiency and operating cost. Regional grinding has been utilized by some facilities to reduce cost and with many more scrubbers coming online in the next few years may be a solution for others.

Greg Andersen, Manager of FGD Commercial Development at Mississippi Lime Company will describe what is new in this field and to address the economics of on-site versus regional grinding of limestone and the advantages or disadvantages of each. He may also address the mechanics of grinding – equipment types available and the capital and operating costs, maintenance issues and reliability associated with each method of grinding, selection of stone size for initial feedstock, wet versus dry grinding and any other issues that need to be considered when making decisions relative to obtaining the proper quantity and size of crushed limestone for a particular FGD system’s reliably and at the lowest cost.


To register for the Hot Topic Hour on January 26, 2012 at 10 a.m. (central time), click on:



Here are the Headlines for the January 13, 2012 – Utility E-Alert



#1057 – January 13, 2012



Table of Contents















For more information on the Utility Environmental Upgrade Tracking System, click on:


Power-Gen 2011 Interviews

Pictured below, from left to right are: Chaun Trenary, Vice President, Denali Sales and Marketing and Tom Pilcher, President, Ershigs, Inc.

Ershigs designs, fabricates, installs and maintains custom-made, corrosion-resistant products made of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP), Thermoplastic and Armourplastic such as piping & duct systems, tanks, scrubber, absorbers, chimney liners and stacks.





Below, from Clyde Bergemann, Pat Gallen, Business Development Manager is pictured on the left. On the right is Christopher Caiazzo, Business Manager at Clyde Bergemann Bachmann.

The Clyde Bergemann Power Group is a globally active enterprise supplying systems and solutions for the energy services market. CBPG is world market leading in several business fields and is mainly active in the following areas: Boiler efficiency solutions; On-load boiler cleaning systems; Materials handling systems for fly and bottom ash; Air Pollution Control; Air-Gas Handling; Vacuum belt filter systems for gypsum treatment; Combustion optimization and emission control; Heat exchanger technology; Industrial burner and heating systems. Used mainly in fossil fired plants, their technology makes an important contribution for an optimized, more efficient and clean energy generation. CBPG has locations worldwide and employs more than 1,600 people including 450 in the United States.






From Hitachi Power Systems America in the photo below is Robert Nicolo, AQCS Product Director (left) and Anthony (Tony) C. Favale, P.E., Director - SCR Products (right).

Hitachi is a leading supplier of equipment and services for Power Generation Markets including Thermal, Nuclear, and Hydroelectric facilities. Products include advanced Pulverized Coal Boilers, HRSGs, Steam, Gas and Hydro Turbines and Generator, Substation Equipment and AQCS. Hitachi is the Global Center of Excellent for the emissions control market including fabric filters, ESP, FGD, mercury removal systems and SCR technology. Services include operation and plant assessments, engineering studies, emissions improvement, equipment replacement and upgrades.





Pictured below from left to right are Rick Burns, Wood Processing, Area Sales Manager and Alvaro Timotheo, Recovery Boiler Division, Sales Manager, both with Andritz Pulp & Paper.

Andritz Pulp & Paper is a reliable and committed technology and service partner for the production of pulp, paper, tissue, board, fiberboard and power generation products.

Their range of technologies includes full lines for the processing of logs and annual fibers; production of chemical, mechanical, and recycled fiber pulps; recovery and reuse of chemicals in the pulping process; generation of energy from biomass and other fuels; stock preparation; paper, board and tissue machine approach flow; production of paper, tissue, and board; coating and finishing; and handling of reject materials and sludges. Their services include complete mill maintenance, equipment optimizations, upgrades and rebuilds, engineered wear products, replacement parts, and technical field support.



China to Spend $100 Billion Per Year on New Coal-fired Power Plants for the Next Decade

China is planning to expand its coal-fired capacity from 646,000 MW in 2010 to 1,030,000,000 in 2020 according to the latest five year plan.  This will result in annual capital investment of $100 billion. It will include $10 billion per year for air pollution control equipment.  Coal-fired generation investment will exceed that of gas, nuclear, solar or wind according to the latest forecasts in the McIlvaine continually updated Fossil & Nuclear Power Generation: World Analysis & Forecast.

India and a number of other Asian countries will be investing far more in coal-fired power generation than in alternatives. Carbon sequestration is not planned for the vast majority of the planned power plants.  However, there will be many ways that coal-fired power plants will become green.

The Spiritwood Plant of Great Rivers Energy is an example of how green coal can become.  The coal-fired power plant will use municipal wastewater for cooling; the low pressure steam will be used for grain drying and for the production of cellulosic ethanol. The residue from the cellulosic process can then be used to replace some of the coal in the steam generation.

One of the problems in maximizing co-location of ethanol and municipal wastewater treatment plants is the need to change the design to take advantage of low pressure steam.  In the case of cellulosic ethanol, the use of steam at lower temperatures than are optimum will require larger process equipment. In the case of municipal wastewater treatment plants, there needs to be a re-design to take advantage of plentiful low cost heat to accelerate the biological processes and dry the sewage sludge.

For more information on Fossil & Nuclear Power Generation: World Analysis & Forecast, click on:



Small Wind Projects Have Their Place

Large scale wind projects grab many of the headlines but small scale wind turbines are popular as well. A recent issue of McIlvaine’s Renewable Energy Update described some recent installations.


 The Bergey Excel 10 is a 23 ft diameter horizontal-axis turbine designed to provide the annual energy requirements for homes, farms, and small businesses. More than 2,000 Excel turbines have been installed in 46 states and more than 50 countries. It has only three moving parts, requires no annual maintenance, and was the first small wind turbine to carry a 10-year warranty. Excel owners include hundreds of homeowners and farmers, schools, museums, state and federal parks, all branches of the U.S. military, major corporations, and a number of celebrities. One very happy customer is Gus Sansone of Oak Hills, CA, "I installed my Bergey 10 kW in 2001. I haven’t paid an electric bill since the turbine was installed and it’s paid for itself. It’s the best investment I ever made."

Bergey Windpower, the nation’s oldest manufacturer of small wind turbines, announced that its best-selling BWC Excel 10 wind turbine is the first to receive full certification to the new "AWEA Small Wind Turbine Performance and Safety Standard". "This new standard is the most significant milestone in the history of the small wind industry because it provides, for the first time, third-party verification of real world performance and a highly technical review of a turbine’s strength and safety," said Mike Bergey, President of Bergey Windpower and the 2011 President of the Distributed Wind Energy Association. "This is huge for consumers because it addresses the "hucksters and hype" problem in the small wind marketplace. We are very proud to be the first to achieve this game-changing certification."



Mass Megawatts Wind Power, Inc. announced that the company has recently started the production of its wind power units in a manufacturing facility located on Highway 8 in Morrison, CO. The new facility is located near our initial target market in Colorado near Denver. The state is known for its leadership in the field of renewable energy, including wind power.


The first wind power system built at the facility will be installed by a dedicated team working during the harsh Rocky Mountain winter.  The installation site is near another small wind power unit built on site during November. The wind power system leverages the patented, wind augmenter technology that increases the wind velocity directed toward the wind turbine.


As many remote locations do not have access to traditional utility-power, the wind power system offered by Mass Megawatts provides a cost-effective solution for onsite power generation. The company is currently in negotiations with agricultural, mining, and resort locations that are seeking an efficient, low-cost, power source.

The company expects the wind system to generate power at a cost that is directly competitive with fossil fuel methods. The system is also capable of operating in lower, wind-speed locations, with reduced maintenance costs.



Xzeres Corp., designer, developer and producer of distributed generation, wind power systems and power management and power efficiency devices for the renewable and clean energy markets, announced that it has consummated a Dealer Agreement with Weole Energy, the largest distributed wind energy dealer serving the French marketplace. 


"Besides France, we have also expanded our reach throughout other European Community countries and anticipate additional prominent Distributed Wind Energy Dealers to execute similar agreements with us in the near future, including Germany, Italy and beyond.  In addition we will continue our penetration in Asia and expansion into other global markets such as South America and Australia.  All of these successes will also provide global channels through which we will be able to grow and leverage our power management and power energy efficiency devices as well," said Frank Greco, CEO and President.


Siemens Industry Inc.'s Drive Technologies Division has launched a pilot program partnership with Boston-based Eastern Wind Power to test several new solutions for decentralized power generation in the small-mid range.


Siemens will provide drive train solutions for small-scale or micro power generation projects between 30 kW and 900 kW.  "This is an extremely fast moving business segment, and our Drive Technologies Division is well-positioned to provide complete drive train solutions for OEMs targeting decentralized power generation," says Razvan Panaitescu, business development manager of the distributed power generation and microgrids sector for Siemens Drive Technologies Division. 


Siemens partnered with Eastern Wind Power for a proposed six-month pilot program in which the two parties integrated a Siemens 55 kW permanent magnet generator and Energy Conversion System within the first prototype of Eastern Wind Power's Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT).


The project is being conducted at Martha's Vineyard Airport in Edgartown, MA where the airport manager and staff have enthusiastically lent their support.  Eastern Wind Power believes its Sky Farm™ concept of mounting between 10-20 50 kW VAWT's on the roofs of commercial or residential high-rise buildings is the most efficient way to produce on-site distributed green energy in urban areas which are land-poor but building-rich.

For more information on Renewable Energy Projects and Update please visit


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