Mobile Devices and Route Maps Will Enrich Your Chem Show Experience

If you will be attending the Chem Show, you can participate in discussions on many subjects.  If you are an exhibitor, also be sure we have the best reference material. If you are a visitor, make sure we have your e-mail and contacts for networking.

Route maps and mobile devices are allowing exhibition visitors to make much better use of their time.  McIlvaine is integrating these tools as part of an ambitious effort to allow flow and treatment purchasers access to much more comprehensive information. The entire concept is explained at:

Global Decisions Positioning System™  (GDPS)

At two shows last week visitors could quickly determine who they wanted to see and make advance contact to ensure a trip to the stand was worthwhile.

GDPS Mobile Links for November shows:

  Filtration 2013          Filters – Coal     Turbine Air     HVAC     Oil and Gas

  Power Gen 2013       MATS       Turbine Air       CCR/ELG       Drives       Pumps     Valves   


The Chem Show is being held December 10-12, 2013 in NYC.  The route maps will be particularly useful to attendees because the show covers a number of different industries which are only vaguely related under the chemical industry umbrella.

Some flow and treatment needs are unique and some are common.  Power, intake water treatment, cooling water treatment and HVAC air treatment are common.  However, the wastewater, air exhausts and process flow and treatment needs are likely to be substantially different from one plant to another.

The Chem Show industries can be broadly divided into four main categories as shown below. There are significant numbers of exhibitors in each of nine product categories:


           Flow and Treatment Route Maps and Decision Stops for the Chem Show


Process Fluids/Gases and Wastewater

Common  Processes


















Thermal Treatment







Particulate Removal




Heat Exchange





Liquid-Solid Separation


There will be a decision stop for each product in each of the vertical road maps.  Discussion groups will also be encouraged and reported.  Here is an example:


Decision Stop: Food - Thermal Treatment


Durr, stand #610 name, e-mail, mobile

Megtec, stand #337 name, e-mail, mobile

Eisenman, stand #827 name, e-mail, mobile


Decision Stop: Organic Chemicals - Thermal Treatment


Durr, stand #610

Megtec, stand #337 name, e-mail, mobile

Eisenman, stand #827 name, e-mail, mobile


Decision Stop:  Pharmaceuticals - Thermal Treatment


Megtec stand #337 name, e-mail, mobile:


Power-Cogen Route Map

Chemical plants with boilers must meet the new MACT standards by 2016. Scrubbers and particulate upgrades will be needed at most plants burning coal.   The route map will lead you to those exhibitors with solutions.  


Decision Stop Scrubbers for Power-Cogen


Korea Cottrell Stand #                       Contact:  Mike Widico    e-mail          cell

(Link to GSA power point presentation)


Industrial Boiler Air Pollution Control Systems and Components

Day time Location Korea Cottrell Stand #     contact: Mike Widico e-mail cell

Participants will include xxx of KC on scrubbers, xxx of KC on precipitators xxx of XXX on scrubber nozzles xxx of xxx on stainless housing materials, xxx of xxx consulting on system design and MACT.  

Magazine Integration into the Route Maps

A number of influential magazines will have stands.  Typically the key personnel are roaming and the stand is primarily to supply free samples. We will include mobile contacts for the roaming personnel and links to relevant articles in the publications related to specific decision stops.


Decision Stop   Organic Chemicals - Liquid/Solid Separation


Water & Wastewater Digest     stand # 810    Don Heidkamp    

Cell: 847.858.5840


Decision Stop   Organic Chemicals - Distillation/Evaporation


Chemical Engineering stand #113


Troubleshooting and Solving a Sour-Water Stripper Problem

The science of droplets

An economical way to distill large volumes of products


Decision Stop:  Pharmaceuticals: Thermal Treatment


Durr stand #610 name, e-mail, phone


Petro-Chemicals Scrubber


Andritz  stand #126   contact   xx  e-mail xx   mobile xxx


Organic/Petrochemicals –Liquid Solid Separation


Andritz  stand #126   contact   xx  e-mail xx   mobile xxx

GEA Filtration stand #319 name, e-mail, mobile


Inorganic Chemicals - Liquid Solid Separation


Andritz  stand # 126   contact   xx  e-mail xx   mobile xxx


Agrochemicals, soda ash, ammonium sulphate, ammonium chloride, citric acid, other chemicals

Krauss Maffei Supplies Three Systems to Zeneca Agrochemicals (McIlvaine newsletter)


Pharmaceuticals/Cosmetics- Liquid Solid Separation


Andritz  stand #126   contact   xx  e-mail xx   mobile xxx

Antibiotics, vitamins, intermediates, other pharmaceuticals

GlaxoSmithKline Installs Krauss Maffei Peeler (McIlvaine newsletter)

GEA Filtration stand #319  name, e-mail, mobile


Food Industry – Liquid Solid Separation



Andritz  stand #126   contact   xx  e-mail xx   mobile xxx


FG Separation & Filtration Systems  stand #240 name, e-mail


Flottweg Separation  stand #340  name, e-mail, mobile


GEA Filtration stand #319  name, e-mail, mobile



Pharmaceutical Industry – Instrumentation


Mettler Toledo stand #308   name, e-mail, mobile


Intake, Cooling Water - Pumps


Peerless Pump stand #112



If you are a supplier and want some content added, please provide it along with your contact information.  If you are a visitor and would like to network on any of these subjects during the show, please indicate which decision stop and provide your mobile number and e-mail.  Send these to:  (Bob at: 847 784 0012)

Investment of $790 Billion in Fossil and Nuclear Plants This Year

Fossil and nuclear power plants will invest $790 billion on new equipment and repair parts in 2013.   Fifty-six percent of the investment will be in coal-fired power plants. This is the latest finding in Fossil & Nuclear Power Generation: World Analysis & Forecast published by the McIlvaine Company. (

2014 Fossil-fired and Nuclear Power Generation Market





Gas Turbine

















Total Investment

$ Billions







Combined New and Existing


$ Billions







* Added industrial gas turbines which were not included in previous forecast.

Despite the virtual moratorium on new coal-fired power plants in the U.S., the rest of the world will spend $200 billion on new coal-fired power plants in 2014. This contrasts with only $100 billion for gas turbine systems. Repair parts and upgrades of existing coal-fired power plants will generate revenues of $240 billion. Chinese and U.S. power plants have major pollution control programs.

The future competition among these three major fuels will be shaped by a number of factors. The greatest variable is the quantity of shale gas which can be economically produced.  The U.S. has potentially enough shale gas to meet present requirements for thirty years. China has even greater reserves, but they are located deeper and will be more expensive to extract. Furthermore, the Chinese shale gas industry is in its infancy. Even with its most ambitious plan, China’s gas production would only be eight percent of that in the U.S. in 2020.

The efforts to reduce greenhouse gases will virtually eliminate new coal-fired power plants as an option in certain countries.  This sets up a chain of events whereby production of products requiring lots of energy input will be increased in countries which burn the cheaper coal. As a result, the fleet of world coal-fired power plants will keep growing. 

Nuclear generation growth will also be highly regionalized. Some countries will not only avoid building new nuclear power plants, but will phase out existing ones. Other countries will be big investors in nuclear power. Nevertheless, this fuel option will continue to remain in third place far behind coal.


For more information on Fossil & Nuclear Power Generation: World Analysis & Forecast, click on:


Power Plant Operators Will Spend $8.5 Billion on Precipitators Next Year

Operators of coal-fired power plants will spend $4.5 billion on new electrostatic precipitators in 2014 and $4 billion for upgrades and repairs.   This is the latest forecast in the continually updated Electrostatic Precipitator World Market published by the McIlvaine Company.  (


2014 Fossil-fired and Nuclear Power Generation Market



Coal-fired Power

Plant  Investment

Precipitator Expenditures













Total Investment

$ Billions





Combined New and Existing


$ Billions





For the last decade, China has led the world in precipitator purchases. It is continuing to build new coal-fired power plants and for the present is investing tens of millions of dollars for precipitators at each power plant. However, new regulations limiting particulate emissions will very possibly force operators to purchase fabric filters instead of precipitators in the future. 

It is not all bad news for precipitator suppliers. Upgrades to existing precipitators can make them much more efficient.  So, while the new equipment market will stagnate in coming years, the market for upgrades and repairs will continue to steadily grow.

For more information on: Electrostatic Precipitator World Market, click on:


Renewable Energy Briefs


GM Gets Steamy with Detroit Renewable Energy

General Motors and Detroit Renewable Energy announced a renewable energy project to turn solid municipal waste from Metro Detroit into process steam that will be used to heat and cool portions of GM’s Detroit-Hamtramck assembly plant.

When the project is operational, 58 percent of the plant’s energy needs will come from renewable energy, making Detroit-Hamtramck the top GM facility in the world by percentage of renewable energy used.

"We have 107 landfill-free facilities across the globe that recycle or reuse their waste, with some of it turned into energy," said Rob Threlkeld, GM’s global manager of renewable energy. "It made sense to explore this option with DRE at Detroit-Hamtramck, given their quality work in helping us manage our energy use at some of our other GM plants."

Detroit Renewable is able to process more than 1 million tons of municipal solid waste into electric power and steam while also recycling nearly 40,000 tons of metal annually.

The steam will travel 8,300 feet through a pipe originating at Detroit Renewable Power and ending at the Detroit-Hamtramck plant.

The steam pipe will provide 15.8 megawatts of renewable energy to the plant, which equates to 12 percent of GM’s overall goal of putting 125 megawatts of renewable energy into its energy portfolio by 2020.

Construction of the new steam line and associated energy infrastructure will begin later this month and become operational next spring.

Scuderi Group, Inc. and ECS Sign Agreement for Hydro Powered Generation and Energy Storage System

Scuderi Group, Inc. announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Agawam, MA-based environmental consultants ECS to build and install a combined heating and power (CHP) generation system with compressed air energy storage (CAES) capabilities in an effort to lower energy costs at its Nonotuck Mill property. This will be the first Scuderi Engine to be designed and built to utilize hydropower.

According to the agreement, Scuderi Group will build a CHP and energy storage unit to be installed at ECS's headquarters, a 150,000 square-foot revitalized mill property that also houses a dozen environmental-based businesses and organizations. Taking advantage of the adjacent Mill River, the system will be designed to provide heating and power. The energy storage capability will enable ECS to store power efficiently during the night, and then provide less costly electricity to during the day when the building's power demands are very high. The unit will also act as a backup generator.

The Scuderi Split-Cycle Engine incorporates a unique and highly efficient power generation and compressed air energy storage capability that combines the energy of the high-pressure compressed air with the kinetic energy of the fuel to create a significant efficiency gain. When applied to properties with large power demands, the system has the capability to reduce electricity consumption up to 20 percent.

Google & KKR Partner to Invest in Portfolio of Solar PV Projects from Developer Recurrent Energy

Google, KKR and Recurrent Energy announced that Google and KKR are making an investment in six solar photovoltaic (PV) facilities that are currently being developed and will be managed by Recurrent Energy. The solar facilities, located in California and Arizona, have a combined production capacity of approximately 106 megawatts (MW) and will provide clean electric power to local utilities and municipal offtakers under long-term Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs).

Capital for the projects was provided by equity investments from Google and KKR, as well as debt financing.

The three companies made a similar announcement in December of 2011, when Google and KKR invested in four utility-scale solar facilities near Sacramento, CA, developed by Recurrent Energy.

The solar facilities include five projects in Southern California and one in Arizona and will provide power to three offtakers, including Southern California Edison. In aggregate, the facilities will generate enough clean solar electricity to power over 17,000 U.S. homes. The six projects are expected to be operational by January 2014.

This is Google's 14th renewable energy investment; to date the company has committed over $1 billion to renewable energy across a wide range of technologies, from off-shore transmission to the world's largest wind and solar power projects.

ReneSola Wins 53.5 MW Utility Scale Project in Southern Texas

ReneSola Ltd. announced it will deliver more than 178,000 PV modules, which will be used in a 53.5 MW project being developed by leading solar PV project developer, OCI Solar Power. The modules will be installed in a project named Alamo II in San Antonio and another upcoming Texas development approximately two hours west of San Antonio.

The multi-stage project will total 400 MW and provide power to CPS Energy, the municipal utility for the City of San Antonio, upon completion in 2016. A portion of the large-scale solar project will include ReneSola's 300W high-efficiency polycrystalline modules.

ITT’s Goulds Pumps Brand to Equip Stanford University Sustainability Program

Twenty-five large double-suction pumps from ITT's Goulds Pumps brand will provide Stanford University's innovative new energy facility with the high-efficiency pumping required by the Stanford Energy System Innovations (SESI) program, a $438 million investment to enable the university to have one of the most energy-efficient power systems of any major research university in the world.

Three different Goulds Pumps brand models were selected by Stanford as part of a comprehensive district heating plan that will replace a current natural gas-powered cogeneration plant with an electricity-powered heat recovery plant. Studies have shown that the campus can recover up to 70 percent of the heat now discharged from the cooling system to meet at least 80 percent of simultaneous campus heating demands, significantly reducing fossil fuel and water use in the process.

Scheduled for completion in 2015, Stanford's facility will be key to reducing campus carbon emissions by up to 50 percent, lowering its water use by up to 18 percent and saving an estimated $300 million over the next 35 years. The 125,000 gross-square-foot facility will allow the university to regenerate the waste heat that the cogeneration plant discarded. Capturing and distributing the heat requires high-efficiency pumping systems and replacement of about 20 miles of piping across the campus.


For more information on Renewable Energy Projects and Update please visit:



Headlines for the November 15, 2013 – Utility E-Alert      


#1151– November 15, 2013 


Table of Contents 


  • Groundwater Contamination from Coal Ash at TVA Power Plants
  • TVA to Shut Two Units at Paradise, Five Units at Colbert and One Unit at Widows Creek
  • LG&E settles Complaints about Coal Ash and Scrubber Sludge Handling
  • Indiana Michigan Power gets permission to use DSI at Rockport Power Plant
  • 62 MW Fair Station in Iowa Closed



  • Bin Qasim 3 and 3 to be converted to Coal-firing
  • Bid submission Dates for Odisha, Tamil Nadu UMPPs (India) extended
  • Construction to begin on 3,239 MW of New Power Plants in Bangladesh
  • Kenya: 980 MW of Power expected from Kitui’s Mui Basin



  • 600 MW Marshalltown has Siting Certificate



  • Siemens to deliver 20 SGT-800 Gas Turbines to Thailand



  • Emerson to modernize Control Systems at Belchatów 2
  • Emerson to automate Two 1,050 MW Ultra-supercritical Units at Taean Power plant in South Korea



  • 10 MW Heat and Power Plant in Babina Creda, Croatia



  • Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant expansion put on Hold
  • Vietnam plans Eight More Nuclear Power Plants by 2030
  • Egypt to issue Tender for Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant in January 2014
  • Horizon pushing ahead with Wylfa Newydd Nuclear Power Plant in UK



  • URS offers SBS Injection for SO3 and Mercury Control
  • Emerson and Mitsubishi Power Systems Americas extend Alliance for Turbine Retrofit Projects
  • Touring Power-Gen and Filtration this Week with the McIlvaine Mobile GDPS Route Maps
  • Mercury Removal Market Could Grow from Less than $1 Billion/Yr to Over $10 Billion in the Coming Years
  • Air Pollution Control Supplier Revenues to Exceed $44 Billion in 2014



  • "Wet vs. Dry ESP" is the "Hot Topic Hour" on Thursday, November 21, 2013 at 10 a.m. CST
  • Upcoming Hot Topic Hours



For more information on the Utility Tracking System, click on:



"Application of U.S. Mercury Control Technology in Other Countries" is the Free "Hot Topic Hour" on Thursday, December 5, 2013

On December 5, McIlvaine will offer a free Hot Topic Hour covering the potential for ROW to adopt the mercury control technologies developed to meet the MACT and MATS rules in the U.S.  There are two segments which will be addressed:

·         Timing and size of the market in other countries

·         Routes to market


The potential at power plants, industrial facilities, mines, waste-to-energy plants and other emission sources will be addressed.  Particular attention will be paid to the large potential Chinese market in the utility power, industrial power and cement sectors.

U.S. based companies have developed technologies which are unique. So there is a rare opportunity to pursue the international markets without local competition.  In order to assure that ROW understands the U.S. technology as well as its cost and performance advantages, McIlvaine is offering a free Mercury Decisions System to any power, cement, or industrial plant operator.  The content of this system will be reviewed with attendees.  Ramifications including the acceleration of regulations in other countries will also be discussed.

Other tools to help U.S. companies pursue this market will be covered.  For example, a numerical system is used to identify potential purchasers. The reason is that there are multiple spellings of many non-English names and, therefore, uncertainty as to exactly who the prospect is.

To register for the free December 5, 2013 "Hot Topic Hour" on "Application of U.S. Mercury Control Technology in Other Countries" at 10:00 a.m. CST, click on:


McIlvaine Hot Topic Hour Registration

On Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Central time, McIlvaine hosts a 90 minute web meeting on important energy and pollution control subjects. Power webinars are free for subscribers to either Power Plant Air Quality Decisions or Utility Tracking System. The cost is $125.00 for non-subscribers. Market Intelligence webinars are free to McIlvaine market report subscribers and are $400.00 for non-subscribers.


Non-Subscribers Cost


 Webinar Type

December 5, 2013


Application of U.S. Mercury Control Technology in Other Countries


December 12, 2013


Update on Gasification Projects and Technology


December 19, 2013


Selecting FGD Scrubber Components


January 9, 2014


Air Preheaters & Heat Exchangers


January 16, 2014


Corrosion Issues and Materials for APC Systems      


January 23, 2014


Co-Firing Sewage Sludge, Biomass and Municipal Waste      


January 30, 2014


Impact of Ambient Air Quality Rules on Fossil Fueled Boilers and Gas Turbines      


February 6, 2014


Review of EUEC      


February 13, 2014


NOx Catalyst Performance on Mercury and SO3      


February 20, 2014


CFB Technology and Clean Coal (Update on CFB Reactor Technology)      


February 27, 2014


Dry FGD: Spray Dry vs. CFB vs. DSI      


March 6, 2014


Update on IGCC (Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle)      


March 13, 2014


Update on Oxy-Fuel Combustion      


March 20, 2014


Improving ESP Performance


March 27, 2014


Mercury Control and Removal      


April 3, 2014


HRSG Design, Operation and Maintenance Considerations     


April 10, 2014


Measurement and Control Instrumentation for Power Plants      


April 17, 2014


Measurement and Control of PM2.5      


April 24, 2014


Status of Carbon-to-Liquid Projects and Technology      


May 1, 2014


Renewable Energy, Status, Options, Technology Update      


May 8, 2014


Valves for Power Plant Steam and Cooling Water      


May 15, 2014


Water Treatment During Gas and Oil Production      


May 22, 2014


Advances in Coal Blending     


May 29, 2014


Clean Coal Technologies      


June 5, 2014


Material Handling in Fossil Fueled Power Plants      


June 12, 2014


Industrial Boiler MACT - Impact and Control Options      


June 19, 2014


Multi-emissions Control Technologies     


June 26, 2014


Next Generation of Coal Combustion Technologies     


July 10, 2014


Compliance Strategies for PM2.5


On Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Central time, McIlvaine hosts a 90 minute web meeting on important energy and pollution control subjects. Power webinars are free for subscribers to either Power Plant Air Quality Decisions or Utility Tracking System. The cost is $125.00 for non-subscribers. Market Intelligence webinars are free to McIlvaine market report subscribers and are $400.00 for non-subscribers.

To register for the "Hot Topic Hour", click on:


You can register for our free McIlvaine Newsletters at:


Bob McIlvaine
847-784-0012 ext 112


191 Waukegan Road Suite 208 | Northfield | IL 60093
Ph: 847-784-0012 | Fax; 847-784-0061