Catalyst Selection for NOx and Other Gases is the Hot Topic Hour on Thursday, November 29, 2012 at 10 a.m. CST

As air pollution regulations for basically all regulated pollutants including NOx become more stringent, power plant operators are looking at all options to economically meet these new limits. SCR catalysts that enhance mercury oxidation and minimize SO3 formation can be a cost effective solution for power plants with existing control equipment and those power plants considering addition of an SCR.

With the proper catalyst, SCRs can convert a good amount of elemental mercury to oxidized mercury in the flue gas when sufficient halogens are present.  Scrubbers for SO2 control are typically very effective at removing the oxidized mercury. This is good news for many coal-fired power plants equipped with SCRs, because compliance-level mercury removal can often be achieved without adding mercury-specific controls.

The following speakers will describe the catalyst technologies currently available and under development with a discussion of their applicability to various plant configurations, their NOx reduction capabilities, their affect on mercury, SO3 and other pollutants and the key issues to be considered when selecting a catalyst.

Randy Sadler, Director of Marketing & Sales, CoaLogix/SCR-Tech, will present catalyst selection options for coal-fired applications. He will describe the primary types of catalyst and advantages of each one. He will discuss other options for keeping your SCR performing well after the catalyst has been selected. SCR-Tech is the world's largest SCR management and regeneration company.

W. Scott Hinton, Ph.D., P.E., Principal Consultant, W.S. Hinton & Associates, will discuss the beneficial effects of SCR on mercury speciation as an integral part of many utilities' mercury control strategies.  Catalyst selection and management can have a substantial effect on the achievable level of mercury oxidation and the resulting mercury capture.  The presentation will discuss various aspects of catalyst management to maximize mercury oxidation at minimum cost, while maintaining DeNOx and SO2 conversion performance.

Kyle Neidig, SCR Catalyst Product Manager at Hitachi Power Systems America, will discuss new catalysts being developed by Hitachi that not only enhances the performance of the SCR, but will also help to minimize the cost impact of new MATS emission limits. As MATS imposes new stringent mercury emissions limits for coal-fired generators, utilities must adapt by either adding additional AQCS equipment or by modifying the operation of their generating units to improve the performance of their existing AQCS equipment in order to achieve mercury co-benefits and MATS compliance.  Many utilities will be asking their SCR and catalyst to do more than ever before to help meet these new challenges.  With an average catalyst layer remaining in operation for eight years, the decisions that utilities make on catalyst today will impact emissions reduction performance well into MATS compliance.  Selecting a catalyst design that optimizes mercury oxidation now can provide significant savings on MATS compliance.  Hitachi continues to develop new catalyst that not only enhances the performance of the SCR, but helps to minimize the cost impact of new emission limits.  These catalyst improvements present significant cost savings for compliance by either reducing or eliminating the need for new air pollution controls on utility coal-fired generating units.

Balaji Krishnakumar, Ph.D., a Senior Computational Analyst at Niksa Energy Associates LLC, will present "Analytical Management of SCR Catalyst Lifetimes and Multi-pollutant Performance." SCR catalysts are deactivated by several mineral and metallic trace elements at highly variable rates determined by fuel quality and furnace firing conditions. Since no operating SCR was designed for Hg oxidation and since different monoliths have been combined as layers in particular units, the Hg oxidation performance of any particular SCR fleet is largely unmanaged.  The analysis in this presentation directly relates a measurement or manufacturers forecast on the deterioration in NOx reduction with age to corresponding estimates for oxidation of Hg on full-scale SCRs.

To register for the Hot Topic Hour on November 29, 2012 at 10 a.m. (CST), click on:

McIlvaine Hot Topic Hour Registration

On Thursday at 10 a.m. Central time, McIlvaine hosts a 90 minute web meeting on important energy and pollution control subjects. Power webinars are free for subscribers to either Power Plant Air Quality Decisions or Utility Environmental Upgrade Tracking System. The cost is $125.00 for non-subscribers.

Market Intelligence webinars are free to McIlvaine market report.







November 29

Catalyst Selection for NOx and Other Gases


December 6

Boiler Feed and Cooling Water Treatment


December 13

Co-firing Sewage Sludge, Biomass and Municipal Waste





January 10

Update on Oxy-fuel Combustion


January 17

Production of Fertilizer and Sulfuric Acid at Coal-fired Power Plants                  


January 24

Gypsum Dewatering


January 31

Filter media (forecasts and market drivers for media used in air, gas, liquid, fluid applications, both mobile and stationary).



February 7

Valves for Power Plants, Boilers and Water Treatment Facilities


To register for the Hot Topic Hour, click on:

Here are the Headlines for the November 16, 2012 – Utility E-Alert


#1101– November 16, 2012    

Table of Contents


§  What Impact will the Election have on Coal-fired Power Plants in the U.S.?




§  Kiewit to design, build 569 MW Natural Gas-fired Cherokee Power Plant




§  KRB to execute FEED Study for Jazan IGCC Power Plant in Saudi Arab

§  KESC to add 27 MW to Korangi II in Pakistan






For more information on the Utility Environmental Upgrade Tracking System, click on:

Marine Energy Projects Move Forward

Many schemes exist to harness the power of the sea for power generation. McIlvaine Renewable Energy Projects and Update covers developments in this field.

Ocean Power Technologies to Work with U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Wins New Autonomous PowerBuoy Grant

Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. announced that it has entered into a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science & Technology Directorate (S&T) to perform a new round of in-ocean tests on its Autonomous PowerBuoy® to further demonstrate its use for ocean surveillance.

Specifically, the DHS S&T Borders and Maritime Security Division will collaborate with OPT to demonstrate the effectiveness of its long duration maritime vessel detection platform. This will involve the redeployment of an APB-350 Autonomous PowerBuoy off the coast of New Jersey, where previous work through the U.S. Navy’s Littoral Expeditionary Autonomous PowerBuoy (LEAP) program last year produced extremely positive results, including higher-than-predicted power harvesting capability and survivability during Hurricane Irene and its 50-foot high waves.

In tandem with the CRADA, OPT has been awarded a new $75,000 grant from the Maryland Technology Development Corporation (MTDC) via a joint technology transfer initiative to show how the Autonomous PowerBuoy can be used with multiple surveillance technologies. OPT will leverage its experience from the LEAP program in surface vessel detection to demonstrate an enhanced tracking technology covering a wider variety of vessels. This technology will feature an acoustic sensor system in addition to the existing HF RADAR. This will allow the PowerBuoy to collect data for ocean observing applications at the same time as it performs its enhanced surveillance duties, demonstrating the dual use of the PowerBuoy technology.

Maine Deploys First U.S. Commercial, Grid-Connected Tidal Energy Project

Energy Secretary Steven Chu recognized the nation’s first commercial, grid-connected tidal energy project off the coast of Eastport, ME. Leveraging a $10 million investment from the Energy Department, Ocean Renewable Power Company (ORPC) will deploy its first commercial tidal energy device into Cobscook Bay this summer. The project, which injected $14 million into the local economy and has supported more than 100 local and supply chain jobs, represents the first tidal energy project in the U.S. with long-term contracts to sell electricity.

Initially, ORPC’s Cobscook Bay pilot project will provide enough clean, renewable electricity to power between 75 and 100 homes. In addition to this Energy Department-supported pilot, ORPC plans to expand its Maine project and install additional tidal energy devices to power more than 1,000 Maine homes and businesses. 

Sea Wave Power Plant No. 2 Goes to China

SDE is in the final stages of building the second power plant in a series of 3 power plants that will be built on Chinese soil. The deal that SDE signed with their local partners is worth a total of 1.2 million dollars.

The 150 kW sea wave power plants will be installed in the province of Guangzhou, in the city of Dong Ping. The power plant will be manufactured in Israel, except the buoys part of the system that will be assembled in China. The third model will be a 500 kW power plant that will be executed in Guangzhou.

This 150 kW power plant would be the 12th power plant SDE is constructing over all, and the second one that will be assembled in China. The company also has a large module of its unique system in its factory in Israel that stimulates wave movement and electricity production using a hydro-pneumatic system.

The company was started 16 years ago, by the inventor of the system and acting CEO of the company Mr. Shmuel Ovadia. Since it was founded, SDE has built 11 power plants of its unique technology, and has established 11 JV with local partners around the world, including in countries such as: Chile, Mexico, Tanzania, Kenya, and of course China.

SDE has a unique invention for generating electricity from sea waves and was recently ranked by a team of independent scientists on PESWiki, an extension of Wikipedia as the world's first technology for electricity from sea waves and between 100 of the world's leading green technology companies. The technology advantages include storm resistance (the system is only 10 percent on water, and 90 percent on land), low productions costs of only 2 cents per kW/h, full utilization of wave energy, from coming and returning tidal and more.

RME Files FERC Preliminary Permit Application for Alaska Wave Energy Project

RME filed an application for a preliminary permit at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for the proposed Yakutat Wave Energy Project to be located on state submerged lands in the Gulf of Alaska off the coast of Canon Beach in Yakutat, AK. The permit will allow RME to identify the optimal location for the project, conduct studies to aid in the preparation of a license application and most importantly, gather input from state and local resource agencies and other stakeholders to ensure that the project is developed in a manner that will maximize benefits to the local community.

BioPower Systems Receives New Funding of $5.6 Million from the Australian Government

The Austialian Federal Minister for Resources and Energy, Martin Ferguson AM MP, announced a $5.6 million grant for BioPower Systems’ $15 million bioWAVE Pilot Demonstration Project off the coast of Victoria.  These funds add to the $5 million recently awarded to the project by the Victorian Government, confirming all funds required to complete the project are now in place.  BioPower Systems, and several project partners, are also contributing funds, equipment, or services, in support of the $15 million project.

The 250 kW bioWAVE pilot is scheduled for deployment in late 2013, with a planned operating and testing period of 21 months.  The pilot will be connected to the national electricity grid, and is expected to supply enough power for up to 250 homes.  Planning, site development, permitting, and engineering design are all underway, and construction of the bioWAVE unit is expected to commence within months.

Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) R&D Project Promotes First Power Generation from Ocean Waves

The first Brazilian generation of power from ocean waves was obtained in a prototype of the Research and Technological Development Program of the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL). The generation lasted 10 minutes on June 24th, and powered the auxiliary systems of the plant — lighting and air conditioning. Operations and trials continue in order to generate power for a longer time.

Located at Porto do Pecém, in São Gonçalo do Amarante (Ceará), the plant is part of the R&D project called "Deployment of Onshore Waves Converter Prototype on Sea Conditions of the Northeast of Brazil", initiated in March 5th, 2009.

The project had Tractebel Energia S.A as proponent company and University of Rio de Janeiro’s Foundation of Project Coordination, Research and Technological Studies (COPPE, in Portuguese) as executor institution. The project will last 36 months at a total cost of R$ 14.4 million.

The prototype that converts waves into electric power is two modules consisting of floater, branch and pump that, once fixed on breakwater, contributes to a single set of turbine, generator and hyperbaric chamber to generate 50 kW of electric power. The proposed converter was developed in COPPE Submarine Technology Laboratory.

The advantage when compared to others available on the market is related to the easy production, with great potential of participating in the national industry. Other benefit is its easy coupling to the system of desalinization by reverse osmosis, which consists on a very efficient process of obtaining drinkable water from the sea.

The still initial small generation of power represents great progress, as the Brazilian coast presents good conditions for energy use, due to its proximity to the consumers composed by high population density cities. Also, the use of ocean resources presents promising perspectives such as extensive areas, great worldwide ocean distribution and mostly in areas of potential generation of power, the biggest among all renewable sources.

For more information on Renewable Energy Projects and Update please visit

Networking at Power-Gen 2012

Over the next several weeks prior to Power-Gen, McIlvaine will be working to make sure that those with questions can network with the people with the answers. This will include identification of the speakers and their availability during the show in person and by mobile phone.  A number of companies working with McIlvaine have stands at the show. We will provide information relative to the schedules of various knowledgeable people and their mobile numbers.  We also plan to schedule informal gatherings at certain stands during the cocktail hour.  One example is Ovivo. We will schedule a gathering relative to water treatment at their stand (1462) during either the Tuesday or Wednesday cocktail hour.

McIlvaine subscribers who wish to network but are just visitors, can send us information including their availability, subjects on which they are focused and their mobile numbers.

We will be taking pictures and conducting interviews during the show. If you have any suggestions relative to subjects let us know.

Here are the lists of McIlvaine clients/subscribers with stands and the speaker information relative to the McIlvaine services:

Power-Gen 2012

4A – Particulates and the Importance of Multi-Pollutant Control 1:30-3:30 p.m. Tuesday 12/11/12 (Room S320A)

ESP VS. Fabric Filter Comparison

Gary Grieco PE, Co-author

Mick Chambers, Speaker

Comparson of Air Pollution Control for Coal-fired Power Plant in China and United States- Current Status, Legislation and Technology

Chiqian Lin, Co-author

Jinlang Zheng, Co-author

Tao Xu, Co-author

Yujian Jin, Co-author

Jianchun Wang, Speaker

5A – Hg Control Technologies for Coal-Fired Power Plants 1:30-3:30 p.m. Tuesday 12/11/12 (Room S320E)

Field Demonstrations of Fixed-Structure Sorbents for Mercury Emission Control from Coal-Fired Flue Gas

Brandon Looney, Co-author

Carl Richardson, Co-author

Charles Bullinger, Co-author

Diane Stockdill, Co-author

Jared Pozarnsky, Co-author

Jeff Kolde, Co-author

Jonas Klingspor, Co-author

Morris Hummel, Co-author

Noah Meeks, Co-author

Ramsey Chang, Co-author

Richard Gebert, Co-author

Stephen Stark, Co-author

Xiao-Chun Lu, Co-author

Tom Machalek, Speaker

An SCR Can Provide Mercury Removal Co-Benefits

Kyle Neidig, Co-author

Peter Jin, Co-author

Yoshinori Nagai, Co-author

Tony Favale, Speaker

Recent Developments in Concrete Compatible Sorbents

Robert Nebergall, Speaker

Full-Scale Trials of Non-Halogenated Activated Carbon for Mercury Capture

Ameena Khan, Co-author

Caitlin Gross, Co-Author

Christine Foster, Co-author

David Mazyck, Co-author

Heather Byrne, Co-author

Jack Drwiega, Co-author

William Naylor, Speaker

Results of Mercury Emission Testing at a Coal-Fired Power Plant while Using Fuel Additives, Activated Carbon and Evaluating Mercury Re-emission

Ajay Jayaprakash, Co-author

Casey Smith, Co-author

John Faber, Co-author

John McLeod, Co-author

Steve Katzberger, Co-author

Paul Farber, Speaker

6A – Technical Challenges for Environmental Retrofits 1:30-3:30 p.m. Tuesday 12/11/12 (Room S320H)

An Integrated Approach to AQCS Retrofit Draft Systems Design

Henry Wong, Co-author

Fred Rosse, Speaker

Retrofit Dry Scrubbing for Mercury Plus Sulfur and Nitrogen Oxides

Anupam Sanyal, Co-author

William Walsh Jr., Speaker

Things to Watch for When Converting Once-Through Cooling to Closed-loop

Mo Massoudi PhD, PE, Co-author

Miroslav Cerha PE, Speaker

Common FGD Absorber and Boiler Operation Safety

Phillip Wang, Co-Author

Henry Sierk, Speaker

7A – Advanced Combined Cycles – Technical Considerations 1:30-3:30 p.m. Tuesday 12/11/12 (Room S322)

State of the Art Makeup Water and Wastewater Treatment Methods for Combined-Cycle Plants

Brad Buecker, Speaker

12B – Effective Maintenance Strategies 9:30-11-30 a.m. Wednesday 12/12/12 (Room S310H)

Air Preheater Sealing Advances with Adaptive Brush Design

Pavan Ravulaparthy, Speaker

3B – NOx Solutions 9:30-11:30 a.m. Wednesday 12/12/12 (Room S320B)

Achieving Ultra Low NOx Emissions in Boiler Burner Retrofits

John Guarco, Co-author

Rex Isaacs, Co-author

Bill Gurski, Speaker

Minimization of Capital and Operational Costs for DeNOx Technologies in New and Existing Combustion Facilities

Enrique Bosch, Co-author

Enrique Tova, Co-author

Francisco Rodriguez, Co-author

Miguel Delgado, Co-author

John Sale, Speaker

Innovative Optimized SCR Solution Achieves NOx Reduction Target

Robert Taylor, Co-author

Keith Morris P., Speaker

Threading the Needle with 2000 Tons of Steel

Brooks Webber, Co-author

Doug Johnson, Co-author

John Sulsona, Co-author

Josh Hanes, Co-author

Vincent Forcellini, Co-author

Mike Brumage, Speaker

Sunflower Electric Power Low-NOx Burner (LNB) Retrofit at Holcomb Unit 1

Paul Reynolds, Co-author

John Van Woy, Speaker

5B – Compliance Control Strategies and Technologies 9:30-11:30 a.m. Wednesday 12/12/12 (Room S320E)

The MATS Conundrum.  It’s Been a Year Already

Robert Fraser, Co-author

Peter Belmonte P.E., Speaker

Coal’s Triple Challenge for Air Regulation Compliance: Technology, Measurement and Commercial

Anesha Rumble, Co-author

Dennis Johnson, Co-author

Michael Martin C.E.P., Co-author

James Brown PE, PMP, Speaker

Developing a Low Cost MATS Rule Compliance Strategy by Leveraging Existing Assets

Danielle Flagg, Co-author

Kurt Sangster, Co-author

William Cain, Co-author

Willard Boward, Jr, Speaker

PM Control for Utility MATS: Staying Within the Footprint

Gary Grieco PE, Speaker

Keep’em Running: Low-Cost FGD in Response to New Regulations

Ira Brodsky PE, Co-author

Ray McLaughlin PE, Co-author

Lesley Baker PE, Speaker

3C – Water Regulatory Compliance and Operations 1:30-3:30 p.m. Wednesday 12/12/12 (Room S320B)

Water Supply Development for KCP&L’s Iatan2

Gary Brown, Co-author

Patrick Higgins, Co-author

Jason Eichenberger, Speaker

Mercury Removal Using Wet Scrubber and Wastewater Treatment Technologies

Rakesh Gupta, Co-author

Kenneth Braunstein P.E., Speaker

The Current and Future Use of Deep Injection Well Technology in the Power Generation Industry

David McNabb PG, Co-author

Mark McNeal, Co-author

Edward McCullers, Speaker

Cooling Tower Water Reduction – Use Municipal Reclaim Water, High Cycles of Concentration, or Both?

Ivan Cooper, Speaker

Advanced Technology for Reuse Water Treatment

Jeff Melzer, Co-author

Ken Riddle, Co-author

Linda Miller, Co-author

Paul DiFranco, Co-author

Thomas MaCafferty, Co-author

Caroline Sui, Speaker

4C – SO2 Emissions Control 1:30-3:30 p.m. Wednesday 12/12/12 (Room S320A)

Operational Experience at DTE’s Monroe Plant Flue Gas Desulfurization System

Chris Beeler, Co-author

Daniel Casey, Co-author

Francis Harkins, Co-author

Jason Beaubien, Co-author

John Lesley, Speaker

Operating a Circulating Dry Scrubber at Low and Variable Boiler Loads

Douglas Beck, Co-author

Eric Walters, Co-author

Roderick Beittel, Co-author

Terence Ake, Speaker

Contracting Strategy for Implementing DSI Technology for SO2 Control

Danielle Flagg, Co-author

David Bahr, Co-author

Franco Albi, Speaker

The Use of NPV Calculations to Evaluate the Selection of FGD Technologies

Ray D’Alessandro, Co-author

Todd Clark, Co-author

Anthony Licata, Speaker

5C – HAPS Compliance Control Technologies II 1:30-3:30 p.m. Wednesday 12/12/12 (Room 320E)

Early Lessons Learned from Implementation of Dry Sorbent Injection Systems

Preston Tempero, Co-author

Diane Fischer, Speaker

Circulating Fluidized Bed Scrubbing Technology Provides Multi-Pollutant Removal Capabilities

Rolf Graf, Co-author

Robert Giglio, Speaker

Test Results of Multi-Pollutant Emissions Reduction System

Sanjeev Jolly, Co-author

Wayne Littleford, Co-author

Peter Kawa, Speaker


6C – Adanced Coal-Fired Generation Projects 1:30-3:30 p.m. Wednesday 12/12/12 (Room S320H)

Standardization and Innovation of PJFF Design Reduces Costs for MATS Compliance

Gregory Golub, Co-author

Huiying Zhuang, Speaker






Andritz, Inc.




Aquatech International Corporation



Augusta Fiberglass



Babcock & Wilcox



Blome International



Burns and Roe






Clyde Bergemann



Coalogix (SCR-TECH)






Cormetech, Inc.



Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction






Ershigs, Inc./Belco Manufacturing/Fabricated Plastics






FLSmidth, Inc.



Fuel Tech, Inc.






Haldor Topsoe, Inc.



Hitachi Power Systems America, Ltd.



Honeywell International



ITT Corporation



Johnson Matthey






Lechler, Inc.









Pall Corporation



Parker Hannifin



Philadelphia Mixing Solutions, Ltd.



Pneumafil Corporation



Roberts & Schaefer, a KBR Company



Stanley Consultants, Inc.



Sulzer Pumps



Victaulic Company



WahlcoMetroflex, Senior Operations LLC



Zachry Industrial, Inc.




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