Measuring Particulate Continuously is Hot Topic Hour on December 1, 2011

Since the Utility MACT was first proposed by the EPA in May, many persons have expressed concern over the ability of the industry to accurately measure mass particulates at the limits proposed by EPA. In various presentations both during McIlvaine Company Hot Topic Hours and elsewhere, concerned parties have questioned the accuracy and efficacy of the EPA test procedures. Some have presented evidence of errors and biases in and between various test procedures. Measurement accuracy can have a serious impact on existing sources that may not meet the new limits once the MACT and the proposed test methods within it and the Cross State Air Pollution (transport) Rule (CSAPR) become the law of the land.

The following speakers will describe the current and proposed methods for continuous measurement of particulates, tell participants what they need to do to ensure accurate, repeatable data and to discuss the implications for the utility industry of errors in their measurement data.

Derek Stuart, Market Sector Manager for Combustion and Environmental at AMETEK Land, will discuss opacity measurement for determining the PM in stack gases. The use of transmissometry to measure smoke and dust emissions from stacks dates back to the work of Professor Ringelmann in the 19th century. For many years, continuous opacity monitors have been used to demonstrate compliance with emissions regulations in the USA. Calibrating an opacity monitor to measure PM according to 40 CFR 60 Appendix B Performance Standard 11 is relatively straightforward and provides a direct, reliable measurement of PM concentration.

David Moll, Senior Program Manager at AECOM Environment, will discuss the different types of continuous particulate emission monitors, their measurement techniques and limitations to perform measurements on certain emission sources. He will review EPA certification requirements for PM CEMs and the EPA test procedures used to correlate these instruments. He will also discuss upcoming challenges for industry if included in the final Utility MACT regulations.

Craig Clapsaddle, BetaGuard PM Sales Manager at Mechanical Systems, Inc, will briefly describe the MSI BetaGuard PM CEM and discuss what companies can do to insure accurate, repeatable data from their PM CEMs.

Anand Mamidipudi, Product Line Manager, Systems at Thermo Fisher Scientific/Thermo Environmental Instruments.

Kevin Crosby, Technical Director at The Avogadro Group, LLC, Stationary Source Testing

The EPA Performance Specification for PM CEMS requires a significant amount of testing for determination of the system's accuracy and precision. The presentation will describe the daily and periodic procedures required to assure the quality of the data from the monitoring system. These include initial calibration and correlation testing, daily calibration checks and quarterly audits - Absolute Correlation Audits, Response Correlation Audits and Relative Response Audits. These procedures include a significant number of particulate emission test runs using EPA reference methods, so costs can become significant. Some potential certification and auditing problems will be described so that plant personnel may plan for success and for cost control.


To register for this "Hot Topic Hour" on Thursday, December 1, 2011 at 10 a.m. CST, click on:


Here are the Headlines for the November 11, 2011 – Utility E Alert





#1050 – November 11, 2011


Table of Contents



























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Power Plants should be Producers of Chemicals and Pure Water

Fossil-fired power plants convert less than half the energy in the fuel into power. However, by operating the plant as a producer of power and of other synergistic products the net greenhouse gases are reduced. There are many combinations which result in a lower combined cost for the power and the product. These are the conclusions reached in Fossil & Nuclear Power Generation published by the McIlvaine Company.

Some of these combinations are well established: power plus desalination, power plus district heating, power plus disposal of sewage sludge, power plus disposal of municipal solid waste. But there are many other combinations which need to be pursued.

There is a big potential to manufacture hydrochloric acid. Coal-fired power plants generate hydrogen chloride during coal combustion. New regulations require that it be removed from the exhaust gas. The cost to make salable acid is no more than the cost of scrubbing and disposing conventionally. By eliminating the chloralkali plants, which would otherwise produce the acid, there is a big environmental benefit.

Regulators in Pennsylvania and other states and countries who are starting to take advantage of gas shale extraction are searching for ways to cost effectively handle the fracturing flow back water. This water contains 10 times the amount of salt found in seawater. Thousands of trucks are utilized in transporting this slurry to a final destination. The first choice was municipal wastewater treatment plants. However, the highly acidic water killed the microbes which make biological treatment successful, so this option was eliminated.

The preferred option now is evaporation and generation of distilled water and solids. Rather than achieve this in a dedicated plant it will be better to utilize the waste heat from coal-fired power plants in the area. Power plants run at peak load during the daytime but run at lower capacity during the night. So with batch holding tanks for the wastewater, the evaporation process can be conducted in the off peak hours.

Cellulosic ethanol plants provide a unique synergy with coal-fired generators. Acids produced by the power plant can be used for the first stage sugar separation. Steam produced by the power plant can be used for processing. Biosolid waste produced by the ethanol plant can be burned as supplemental fuel in the power plant.

The Spiritwood Station under construction in Jamestown, North Dakota incorporates a number of integrated processes. The plant owned by Great River Energy will be in operation next year. Here are some of the innovative processes incorporated:

Electricity generators, regulators, and in particular, environmentalists have to start thinking more innovatively about the very big opportunity to coordinate power production with other products to improve the environment and reduce production costs.

For more information on Fossil & Nuclear Power Generation: World Analysis & Forecast

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Wind Installations Bring Jobs

The Unites States had over 40 GW of installed wind capacity at the end of 2011. Construction continues at a steady pace and with that comes construction jobs. McIlvaine Renewable Energy Update and Projects tracks them all.


Puget Sound Energy erected the last of 149 wind turbines that will power the utility's 343-megawatt Lower Snake River Wind Project-Phase I in southeast Washington.


The milestone came six months after PSE crews began the project's turbine-assembly work. Crews now are focused on finishing the construction of two large substations and eight miles of high-voltage transmission lines that will send the wind facility's electricity to a nearby Bonneville Power Administration substation. From there, the renewable energy will move onto the region's electric grid.


The PSE wind project in western Garfield County is scheduled to be operational by next spring. The facility will be the largest of PSE's three wind-power operations and one of the largest in the Pacific Northwest — generating enough electricity, on average, to serve 100,000 homes.


Construction of the Lower Snake River Wind Project began in May 2010 when PSE and its lead contractor, RES Americas — together with turbine manufacturer Siemens Energy and various subcontractors — started building turbine-access roads and laying underground electric and fiber-optic cable between the 149 individual wind-turbine locations.


About 150 construction workers, on average, are on the project site, though the number may exceed 250 on any given day. About half the construction workers are from Eastern Washington, with about a quarter hailing from Washington's southeast corner.


The wind project's new operations and maintenance building on the outskirts of Pomeroy also is nearing completion. Approximately 25 permanent employees from PSE and Siemens Energy are expected to occupy the 15,000-square-foot building by October.



GE will supply 300 megawatts of its latest wind turbine technology including operation and maintenance services for the Settlers Trail Wind Farm in Iroquois County, IL, and the Pioneer Trail Wind Farm in Iroquois and Ford Counties in Illinois. E.ON Climate & Renewables, NA (ECRNA) is developing the projects.


A total of 188 GE 1.6 wind turbines, the latest evolution of the company’s wind turbine technology, will power the Settlers Trail and Pioneer Trail wind farms. The GE wind turbines — 94 at each wind farm — will be spread across several thousand acres of rural farmland in northeast Illinois.

According to a recent study by Illinois State University’s Center for Renewable Energy, Illinois wind farms have created more than 9,900 full-time construction jobs and nearly 500 permanent positions in rural areas of the state. Operating wind farms also have provided $18 million in local property taxes and $8.3 million in rental income to farmers and landowners.



Invenergy Wind LLC and DTE Energy welcomed more than 150 invited guests, including local, state and federal officials, and business and community leaders, at the official groundbreaking ceremony for the Gratiot County Wind Project.


Once operational, Gratiot will be a 133-turbine, 212.8-megawatt (MW) project that will generate enough clean, renewable energy to power more than 50,000 Michigan homes. DTE Energy will own and operate nearly half of the wind farm and purchase the remaining power from Invenergy under a 20-year power purchase agreement.  The wind project will help DTE Energy meet Michigan's renewable energy goals.


Located on approximately 30,000 acres of private land near the town of Breckenridge in the townships of Wheeler, Bethany, Emerson, and Lafayette, the wind project is employing approximately 200 skilled construction workers and will employ 14 full-time workers to operate and maintain the facility. The wind farm will contribute to the area's economic development through property tax payments, which can be used for schools, fire and police protection, road repair, and other improvements.

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